Worship & Music


The Worship & Music (W&M) Ministry oversees and serves the English Services - 9am & (previously 11.15am) Celebration Service. We have a family of volunteers serving as worship leaders & band, musicians, backup singers, choir, music ensemble, ushers, floral stewards, worship flags, and Holy Communion stewards/helpers.

We welcome and encourage you to join us, not keeping ourselves from singing and worshipping our great God! We will make music and fellowship online over Zoom and other platforms, through small group worship and prayers and more.

Come, step forward to bless and be blessed as you share your passion and gifting in the W&M Ministry!


  • Female and Male Singers - for the choir and worship back-up singer teams.

  • Pianist/Organist/Keyboardist

  • Bassists/Guitarist

  • Ushers

  • Floral stewards

  • Gsus ensemble

  • Gmajor singing group

  • As our worship services grow to include online and on-site services, we need more volunteers and musicians to support the worship ministry for the Sanctuary, Contemporary and Filipino Services.

  • We invite those with music training and experience to join us in our growing family of Levitical musicians. Come and be a part of this powerful and fulfilling ministry of leading people into God’s Presence to worship. 

  • Sign up HERE