Mandarin Service

The PLMC Mandarin Service started in 2000 with the primary focus of reaching out to Mandarin-speaking friends and relatives of worshippers at the main services. In order to provide better pastoral care to the members, we have a special senior cluster cell that caters to the elderly, besides adult and family cell groups.

Over the years, we have seen God’s faithfulness, favour and power moving mightily in this ministry. We thank God for the growth and the many amazing life transformations, as well as supernatural healings in the congregation. Come and join us to experience the presence of God through vibrant worship, the preaching of His Word and the warm fellowship in this big family!


约翰福音13章13-15节耶稣给门徒洗脚的时候, 就是我们最好的榜样。
在“彼得前书4:10” 教导我们各人要照所得的恩赐彼此服事,

以下所列是活石的各个事工,您可以查阅并从中选择可以委身参与的事工,通过发送电邮至 ,注明您的姓名、

  • 敬拜赞美团

  • 乐手

  • 音响

  • 诗班 /伴唱

  • 投影

  • 直播制作团队

  • 招待员事工

  • 插花事工

  • 长青事工

Email us at, if you are interested to serve in Mandarin Service!
通过发送电邮至, 与我们联系。

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