26 Mar 2023
5th Sunday in Lent 

9am Onsite & Online (LIVE.PLMC.ORG)

11.15am Onsite only

Genesis 11:1-9, 27; 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9

Onsite @ Sanctuary 9am & 11.15am :
Rev Joey Chen

View past English services in Sermon Library

9am Onsite only

11.15am Onsite & Online (MS.LIVE.PLMC.ORG) 

Genesis 9:18-28; 创世记 9:18-28
      Onsite @Covenant Chapel 9am & 11.15am :
Rev Jacob Lim, 林建成牧师 

View MS announcements in MS TODAY

View past Mandarin services in Sermon Library

The Peranakan Services are held onsite on the first Sunday of each month in Jordan Hall at 7.30am and Holy Communion is celebrated. There is no live streaming for this service.

2pm Filipino Service Onsite & Online (facebook.com/plmcfs )

Acts 22:7 - 10; Phil 1:21; Galatians 2:20 

Onsite @ Covenant Chapel 2.00pm:
Ps Celeste Cruzat 

Saturday 25 Mar 2023, 4.30pm Onsite & Online (YOUTH.LIVE.PLMC.ORG)

Isaiah 6:1-8

Onsite @ Covenant Chapel 4.30pm:
Dr Scott Tey

Follow us on PLMC Youth Min Instagram

Silver Boxes is on every  Sunday except for the first Sunday of each month when the children will join the main services for service and Holy Communion. 

Onsite Location:  Haven, Gabriel Room, Michael Room & Jordan Hall

Who Can Attend: Any child 1 to 12 years old


Church-At-Home with Silver Boxes!



Whether you have made the decision to receive Jesus Christ or want to know more about God, we'd like to journey along with you. 

💌 Please leave your details for us here!

💒  Learn more about PLMC  

🤝 Join a Cell Group


Highlights 26 Mar



Life in PLMC told through the eyes of worshippers and staff. In this issue, we feature two heartening testimonies from the Youth Cebu Mission Trip.

read more here!

2023 is the year of empowerment and we have prepared a series of phone lockscreens and wallpapers to help u keep Gods word at your fingertips! 

Download them here NOW!


Pledges/Open Offerings/Second Offerings 




40 Days of Prayer (40DOP)

If you haven’t joined us for the weekly prayer meetings, this coming Wed 29 Mar is your last opportunity in these 40 Days of Prayer! Join us for an amazing, Spirit-filled time of corporate prayer and worship! 8pm in the Sanctuary. Come be empowered and host the presence of God!

The 40-day devotional to help us with our prayer and devotional life during Lent is posted in PLMC TODAY every Saturday from 25 Feb to 9 Apr. 

Click HERE to view the Devotions.

5 APR 2023

As the first Wed in Apr falls during Holy Week, there will not be a Corporate Prayer Meeting. Instead, we would like to encourage all of you to come for our Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service and eat the Lord’s Supper together as a church family.


Missions Prayer List (Mar 2023)

South East Asia

1. BL

1.1  Pray salvation for L’s mother who is attending Alpha. Pray for the Word to penetrate her heart.

1.2  Pray for BL to source for a new university to sponsor their TESOL certificates as the current sponsor, Bethel University, is closing its TESOL department and will cease issuing certificates this year.

1.3  Pray for the different small groups BL are mentoring to be cohesive as they prepare for the last days.


Parachurch Workers

1.  Fellowship of Evangelical Students, Singapore: Siah May Lan

1.1  Continue to pray for healing on May Lan’s mother who is suffering from  stomach cancer and that her appetite will improve and she will be strong enough to carry on with the chemo treatment.  Do also pray for her heart condition and hyperthyroidism.

1.2  Pray for May Lan God’s guidance and favourable outcome for her application for full time studies at Singapore Bible College from July 2023 – 2024.   

1.3  Pray for the transition for May Lan to handover NAFA CF to another colleague by May 2023.  Pray for the CF to be revived with new students joining in and for God’s wisdom in starting a mentoring programme and forming a Christian Fellowship in ITE West campus.



2.  Wycliffe Singapore: Grace Tan


2.1  Pray for the Lord’s leading in Grace’s life and mission for the next few years.


2.2  Pray for good health for Grace’s sister, Jacinta and brother, Russel.  



3.  Navigators Singapore: Roger Yeo


3.1  Pray that the Lord would raise up likeminded labourers who are willing to step up to form a team to shoulder the ministry together with Roger and Pearlyn.

3.2  Pray for J1, J2, J3, QG, WD, E, A and S, to have their hearts open to the truth in the Word and that they would find abundant life in Christ more valuable compared to the temporal things on earth.


4. YWAM Singapore: David & Tessa Weiher

4.1  Please pray for David and Tessa to have a refreshing rest and guidance from God, as they enter into an extended break and preparation time for ministry in Indonesia.

5. YWAM Singapore: Nicole Lim

7.1  Pray for Nicole that she guards and not neglects the journey God has carried her since 2022, and she continues to serve in her God-given capacity.

7.2. Pray for Nicole as she prepares for a recce trip to reconnect with past ministry partners on refugee works in East Asia.  Pray for Nicole to find pockets of time to be equipped in skills and language as she prepares to return to the field in the coming years.

Missions Partners

1. East Asia : TK

1.1  Pray for the physical and spiritual health of TK and the campus team members so that they are empowered to persevere in their ministries in reaching out to the students in the campuses.  Pray for short term visas to be offered soon so that stinters could serve alongside TK.

1.2  Pray for TK’s family – health, provision, visa renewal, movements and their visit to Korea this Summer.  


2. South Asia :  GEMS

2.1  Pray for the GEMS staff and pastors to continue to stand firm in faith and to serve the Lord faithful amid persecution and the current pandemic situation.

2.2  Pray for India which is still badly affected by the pandemic - many people are without jobs and the poor are suffering without basic necessities.

2.3  Pray for the Bible School students that they will be agents of transformation wherever the Lord leads them.


3. East Asia:  Songs

3.1. Pray for the Songs and their children that they will continue to walk closely with God and to be Spirit-filled. Keep the Songs in prayer for protection in their travels and enduement of power in their ministry.  

3.2. Pray for workers of the TAN-NW over their concerns for their children’s education and care of their aging parents.


4. Central Asia: C&M

4.1  Pray for C to have the energy, strength and illumination of the Holy Spirit as he conducts one-on-one Bible studies.

4.2  Pray for C & M’s youngest son who has trouble adjusting without his brothers at home and he will be attending boarding school next year.  Pray for God’s provision for the boys who are in the boarding school.

4.2  Pray for the A-Land team leaders to continue walking faithfully with God.       


If you have any prayer requests, please email prayernet@plmc.org


Share with us what God has done in and through you at testimonies@plmc.org



Are you overwhelmed and stressed out, feeling anxious, fearful, distressed, helpless, or depressed and need someone to share with? 

Mental wellness matters and we are here for you. Email us at counselling@plmc.org, and our lay counsellors will get in touch with you. Your request will be kept confidential.

Alternatively, You can also call the following Helplines:

National Care Hotline 1800-202-6868

Mental Health Helpline 6389-2222

Samaritans of Singapore 1800-221-4444/ 1-767


The PLMC Inner Healing Ministry helps individuals get to the root of things that are hindering their personal connection with God. This ministry continues onsite every second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Email requests to plihm@plmc.org


If you are experiencing anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions,  as your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you.  


In memory of  the late:

💐  Mdm Teo Cheng Hiang


Our condolences to the families  of  the late:

💐 Mdm Teo Nguan Imm 

💐 Mr Chia Chew Boon 



Come serve with us!


Paya Lebar Methodist Church is called to be a family blessed to bless the community and the nations.


Since 1932, God has blessed and grown the church to minister in God’s power and love, and in being a safe refuge to our hurting world.

With increasing ministry opportunities and the clear call to extend God’s kingdom, we are looking to expand our staff team.


So, if you feel led by the Lord and want to be part of what God is doing in and through PLMC, we have opportunities for you to serve in. 

Executive, Worship & Music Ministry



- highly skilled in at least 1 major instrument, ie piano, guitar, or vocals

- trained in or experience in a wide range of music styles including Christian classics (hymns) but with a focus on contemporary music

- ability to lead worship and to train others as worship leaders, at both Congregational worship and Cell level


We invite interested applicants to email detailed resume together with current and expected salary to recruit@plmc.org . We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Thank you. 


Other Positions

For more information on the job opportunities available, please visit our website at plmc.org/about/join-us


1.  Cairnhill Methodist Church

Vacancies for the positions of:

Details: https://www.cairnhillchurch.com/opportunities 

2. HOPE Student Care Centre


The Assistant Superintendent supports the Superintendent in the planning, and organising for staffing, program development and implementation, and budgeting.   He/she will be responsible for the efficient day-to-day running of the Student Care Centre, which includes but is not limited to the following:



1. Personnel Management

2. Student Matters

3. Others

Assists in the implementation, planning and execution of the curriculum and  programs.

Assists in the promotion and dissemination of news and publicity about the Centre  

Assists in the planning and coordinating of programmes, with external vendors

and liaising with relevant government authorities to ensure compliance with all government regulations. 

Maintains and monitors proper records of Centre’s daily activities,  e.g. accidents, discipline actions taken by staff 

Performs all other related duties described herein or such other duties as shall be assigned by the Superintendent from time to time


Job Requirements:

Minimum Diploma or higher

Minimum 3 years of working experience in the related field

Student Care related course certificates or Early Childhood in Education training   will be advantageous 

Required Skill(s): Leadership, manpower management, programme planning, coordination, programme execution, operation planning, communication skills

Computer Skills – Microsoft Office, Google Suite, and experience with apps for social media is advantageous 


The Programme staff supports the Superintendent in the development of programs for students. She/He will be responsible for assisting in the day-to-day operations of the Student Care Centre, which includes but not limited to the following:


Job Requirements:

Please email Samantha Seah at samantha@plmc.org. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.



The church office will be open on the following days and times except for public holidays:


Read testimonies and stories of life in PLMC here: 

Free Bible Lockscreens & Wallpapers

Sermon Reflections & Discussion

Our Ministries

Rev Dr Kow Shih Ming
Email: smkow@plmc.org

Rev Vincent Goh
Email: vincentgoh@plmc.org

Rev Jacob Lim
Email: jacoblim@plmc.org

Rev Joey Chen
Email: joeychen@plmc.org

Ms Raquel  Cardano
Email: admin@plmc.org (Admin)
Email: finance@plmc.org (Finance)
Email: recruit@plmc.org (HR)

Cell Group
Mr Justin Hu
Email: cellministry@plmc.org

Children’s Ministry (Silver Boxes)
Ms Carolyn Lee
Email: children@plmc.org

Ms Amy Cheong
Email: communications@plmc.org

Mrs Florence Lim
Email: counselling@plmc.org

Discipleship & Nurture
Mr Low Kwang Meng
Email: nurture@plmc.org

Family Life Ministry
Rev Joey Chen
Email: familylife@plmc.org or
joeychen@plmc.org (pastoral matters)

Filipino Service
Ms Daphne Thong
Email: filipino@plmc.org

Mandarin Service
Mrs Judith Chua
Email: livingstones@plmc.org

Dr  Scott Tey
Email: missions@plmc.org 

Mr Lee Choon Wee
Email: leechoonwee@plmc.org

Rev Jacob Lim
Email: outreach@plmc.org 

Pastoral Care & Spiritual Formation
Ms Teo Soo Hoong
Email: pastoralcare@plmc.org 

Rev Vincent Goh
Email: prayernet@plmc.org

Email: testimonies@plmc.org 

Worship & Music/Creative Expressions
Mr Paul Seow
Email: ce@plmc.org (Creative Expressions)
Email: wm@plmc.org (Worship & Music)

Youth Ministry
Rev Joey Chen
Email: youth@plmc.org 

Young Adults Ministry
Rev Joey Chen
Email: youngadults@plmc.org 

Our Worship Services

Youth Service

Day/Time: Saturday, 4.30pm

Onsite Location: Covenant Chapel

Online: Live-streamed on youth.live.plmc.org

English Services

Day/Time: Sunday, 9am & 11.15am 

Onsite Location: Sanctuary

Online: Live-streamed on live.plmc.org at 9am only

Mandarin Service 

Day/Time: Sunday,  9am & 11.15am

Onsite Location: Covenant Chapel

Online: Live-streamed on ms.live.plmc.org 

*Filipino Service 

Day/Time: Sunday, 2.00pm

Online: Live-streamed on facebook.com/plmcfs 


*Children's Ministry - Silver Boxes 

Day/Time: Sunday, 9am&11.15am  

Onsite Location:  Haven, Gabriel Room, Michael Room & Jordan Hall

Who Can Attend: Any child 1 to 12 years old

Reservation: reservation.plmc.org

*The children & Filipino services join the main services for service and  Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month.