(Registration closes 21 Aug 23)

Youth/Adult Baptism and Membership Class 2023.2

We invite all those who are deciding to make a public profession of their faith through water baptism and/or to express your desire to a deeper discipleship by committing yourself to the local community in Paya Lebar Methodist Church. You should have been worshipping with us for at least the last 6 months if you are considering membership in PLMC.

During this class, we explore the significance of baptism and its connection to the Christian faith. We will delve into the biblical teachings on baptism and discuss its meaning for you. Additionally, we will cover the importance of church membership and what it means to be part of our faith community.

You will also have an opportunity to experience the life of a cell group during the small group discussions led by our leaders. The leaders will guide the discussions, answer questions, and provide support throughout the class. It will be a time of learning, reflection, and fellowship as we journey together in our commitment to Christ.

It is important that you attend every component of the class which will prepare you for the commitment you are taking in baptism and becoming a member in PLMC.

If you or someone you know is interested in being baptized or becoming a member of our church, we encourage you to attend this class. It is open to both youth (with parental consent) and adults.

To register for the Youth/Adult Baptism and Membership Class, click on the below to download the form:

Adult Baptism/Membership Form

Youth Baptism/Membership Form

Date/Time: 2, 9, 30 Sep; 14, 21, 28 Oct 2023/ 10am – 12noon

Ministry Weekend: 16 Sep and 7 Oct 2023/ 9.30am – 3pm

Venue: Conference Room (Covenant Block, Level 3)

Combined Baptism Service: 5 Nov 2023, 3pm

Confirmation Service: 19 Nov 2023, 9am and 11.15am


Infant/Child Baptism 2023.2

Infant/Child baptism is a cherished tradition in our church, representing a significant milestone in a child's spiritual journey. Through this sacrament, we affirm our commitment to raising children in the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, surrounded by a nurturing faith community.

We understand that this is an important decision for families, and we encourage parents to prayerfully consider the significance of baptism in their child's life. Prior to the baptism, we will be conducting a mandatory Parent’s Briefing, where we will explain the significance of baptism for your child and provide guidance on raising children in the Christian faith.

If you would like your child to be baptized, please download the form by clicking on the link below:

Infant/Child Baptism Form

Compulsory Parent’s Briefing:

Date/Time: 18 Sep 2023/8pm


Combined Baptism Service: 5 Nov 2023, 3pm

Send your completed registration form to before 21 August 2023.

Registration is considered complete when we receive the complete registration form. Incomplete form may cause delay to the processing of your application. 


Notice of Paya Lebar Methodist Church

Women’s Society of Christian Service (PLMC WSCS)



30th July 2023

Dear Members of PLMC WSCS,

Notice is hereby given that the 87th Annual General Meeting of Paya Lebar Methodist Church - Women’s Society of Christian Service has been called by the Executive Committee to be held on Saturday, 2nd September 2023 from 8.30am to 11.30am at the Gabriel and Haven Rooms, Paya Lebar Methodist Church.

The 87th WSCS AGM, will be held to transact the following business:

(1) Receive the reports of the Executive Committee Officers

(2) To adopt the Audited Treasurer’s Report

(3) To elect the delegates and reserves to attend TRAC WSCS 48th & 49th AGM

(4) Any Other Business


Mrs Suzie Quek, President (2020-2024)

Ms Lee Su Ling, Secretary (2020-2024)

Ms Ong Bee Bee, Co-Secretary (2022-2024)


Starting 20 Aug, the Peranakan congregation meets on the third Sunday of each month, at the Jerusalem Room at 9am for the Peranakan-Indonesian Fellowship. If you know anyone who speaks Peranakan or Bahasa Indonesia, please invite them. All are welcome!


PLMC is called to be a blessing to the community and the nations. Join us for our Missions Awareness event and be empowered to be missional wherever we are - in our homes, workplaces, schools and everywhere God has placed us. 


Aug 18, 2023 (Fri) 8:00pm - 9.30pm

Aug 19, 2023 (Sat) 9:00am - 12:30pm

Programme Line up:

About the Speaker:

Rev Calvin Lee is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God Singapore. In the past 41 years, he has served in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. In Singapore, he was with Grace Assembly for 30 years and the last 8 years as the Senior Pastor. Presently he is an Honorary Pastor of the church. Currently, he is preaching, teaching, mentoring, consulting with different pastors and churches. He is married to Charis Leo for 38 years.

Registration is FREE.

Register here by 14 Aug for catering purposes:


Since September last year, a group of our youth from Cluster 09 were brought through the Reach’In Out Programme. This programme aimed at educating the youths on God’s heart for the community and to mould their hearts for the restoration of God’s image in the community. Apart from being taught the Biblical rationale for outreach, the youths also participated in the block blessings at Blk 223A, visited the homeless and rough sleepers, and organised an outing for the children of Hope Student Care Centre. 



If you have yet to RSVP to this event, please do so as we need the numbers for catering. Please check with your ministry leader if you have not received the invitation.

CHURCH CAMP 2024 (9-12 June 2024)

It’s BACK! And you need to Save The Dates! Watch this video from the Camp Committee.. save the dates, and watch out for more details in the months to come.


Actually, if you are unwell, you should stay home to rest and recover. But if you are NOT feeling unwell and this is just an attack of the “ahems” or “morning nose”, then please wear a mask to allay any fears your fellow worshippers might have. You can get a mask from the ushers if you don’t have one with you.


The annual registration starts from 28 Feb 2023 for children born in the year: 

2018 (Kindergarten 2) 

2019 (Kindergarten 1)

2020 (Nursery) 

2021 (PreN)

2022 (Playgroup) 

All registration will be conducted at the Kindergarten Admin Office, Covenant Centre level 2.

For enquiries, please call: 6285-3730 between 9am to 3pm. 


Methodist Church members enjoy a year-round promotion (till 31 December 2023) for first-time enrolment at Methodist Preschools. Details @


The National Council of Churches Singapore will join Singaporeans to celebrate our nation’s 58th National Day by holding the National Day Thanksgiving Service (NDTS).

We invite you to join other Christians in this nation at this meaningful occasion of worship, prayer and thanksgiving where we seek the Lord together for Singapore. You need not register to attend the NDTS.

Date: Thursday, 17 Aug 2023

Time: 7:45pm to 8:45pm (followed by a time of fellowship over refreshments)

Venue: St Andrew’s Cathedral New Sanctuary

Speaker: Rt Rev Lu Guan Hoe President of National Council of Churches of Singapore and Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore

Message: “May All the Peoples Praise You, God” based on Psalm 67:1–7

(in Chinese with English interpretation)


Is the Lord calling you to serve as a pastor in the Methodist Church? If He is, or if you think He may be, the TRAC Board of Ministry invites you to join us for a day of discernment, to clarify if this is the path of discipleship He summons you to. Come and hear about life in ministry from Methodist pastors, and let us guide you in a time of solitude and stillness as you listen to what God is saying to you about pastoral ministry.


This retreat is open to Methodists between 18-50 years of age. We welcome all interested registrants, including those who have attended previous retreats, or are about to apply to be a pastor.


Interested participants can register at, and the deadline is 10 Sep.


Sun 28 May 2023 is Pentecost Sunday and begins the season of Pentecost. 

Pentecost celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete / Advocate and the birth of the Church. Coming 50 days after Easter, the season’s liturgical colour is red, symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s fire and the blood of the martyrs. Pentecost focuses on the gift and the work of the Holy Spirit, and the themes include God’s community (the Church), the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, and spreading the Gospel.