MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE 2023 (Closing Date: 12 Feb 23) 

PLMC Marriage Preparation Course will help you and your partner understand your relationship with each other, even as you are exploring marriage. 

Topics covered include Biblical view of marriage, expressing feelings and learning to listen, importance of commitment, resolving conflict, talking about goals and values, keeping love alive, and dealing with finances.

Those who are planning to get married are encouraged to attend this course at least one year before the wedding date.  Please note that this course is only held once a year.


Thursdays 16, 23, 30 Mar, 13, 20, 27 Apr, 4 May 2023 (7:30-9:45pm at Chapel)

Details of Weekly Sessions

This course is based on and uses the materials of The Marriage Preparation Course (published by Alpha International), which was developed by Nicky and Sila Lee who are on staff at Holy Trinity Brompton, London, UK.  Besides viewing the video teaching by Nicky & Sila each week, there are also live speaker sessions, couple discussion time and sharing with other participants in small groups.

In addition, there is a couple assessment called the Prepare/Enrich Assessment that seeks to identify the couple’s strengths and areas for growth.  Each participating couple will have to complete the assessment online.  A designated counsellor will subsequently arrange to meet with each couple to review the results of their assessment.


Email Andy Toh to sign up by 12 Feb 2023 at

Cost is $100 per couple. Payment needs to be made when your sign-up is confirmed.

Please take note of the policy on the use of the PLMC Sanctuary for weddings at the Church website at

Feel free to contact Andy Toh at for any clarification.


(Closing Date: 5 Feb 23)

DISCIPLE Course Programme

DISCIPLE is a four-part study programme that brings you on a journey through the Bible from survey of the entire Bible (DISCIPLE 1) to deeper understanding by focusing on individual books (DISCIPLE 2, 3 & 4). The aim of this series is not merely information, but the transformation of heart and mind as you allow God’s Word to get into you and change you. In 2023, we are offering two classes of DISCIPLE 1; one in the morning and one in the evening. We are also offering one evening class for DISCIPLE 4. Details of the classes are given below.


BECOMING DISCIPLES THROUGH BIBLE STUDY is the Foundational Overview. This first DISCIPLE bible study serves as the basis for all other studies in the DISCIPLE family that follow. Over the course of 34 weeks, DISCIPLE covers the entire Bible (Old and New Testaments), following the biblical story from Creation to New Jerusalem.

All participants must attend an online introductory session on 7 Feb 2023 @ 730pm. The fee is $25 for the study manual. Graduation Service on 6 Nov 2023.

Morning Session

Dates: Tuesdays, 14 Feb 2023 - 17 Oct 2023

Time: 9.30am - 12pm

Venue: Onsite

Facilitators: Candice Chia and Low Kwang Meng

Afternoon Session

Dates: Tuesdays, 14 Feb 2023 -17 Oct 2023

Time: 7.30pm - 10pm

Venue: Hybrid (Onsite/Online)

Facilitators: Judy Chiam and Andy Toh


UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE conveys the promise of finding shelter, security, and rest in God’s love. In this 32-week study of the Old Testament Writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, Jude and, finally, Revelation, participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward.

Pre-requisite: Must have graduated from DISCIPLE 1.

Dates: Mondays, 13 Feb 2023 - 9 Oct 2023; Graduation Service on 6 Nov 2023

Time: 7.30pm - 10pm

Fee: $25 for study manual

Venue: Hybrid (Onsite/Online)

Facilitator: Low Kwang Meng

Register at

ALPHA COURSE (Closing Date: 5 Feb 23)

Are you curious about what Christianity is? You want to share the gospel with a friend or family member, but do not know how? Join us or invite them to the Alpha Course. The Alpha Course is an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed environment. It is a practical introduction to the basics of Christianity centred around a talk and small group discussion.

Who is Alpha for?

Anyone can come to the Alpha Course! You don’t need to be a Christian or churchgoer to qualify. We welcome anyone who is interested to know more about the Christian faith, and what God says about life.

What is it?

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the meaning of life. A topic is explored followed by a discussion where you can freely ask questions and share your opinions. It’s fun, relaxed, and totally no pressure.


The course will happen on Saturdays, 18 Feb 2023 to 1 Apr 2023, from 10am and 12.30pm.


Dates: Saturdays, 18 Feb 2023 to 1 Apr 2023.

Time: 10am – 12.30pm

Facilitators: Team ALPHA

Venue: Onsite

Cost: FOC


 Register at