The church office will be open on the following days and times except for public holidays:

  • Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri – 10.00am to 4.00pm

  • Sat – 9.00am to 1.00pm

  • Wed, Sun & Public Holidays - closed

With immediate effect, the church general line has also reverted to 6285 1234 during operation hours.


  1. DISCIPLE 1 Course: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study

    Have you ever wanted to have an understanding of the whole Bible and be transformed by its truth? During the course of thirty-four weeks, DISCIPLE 1 study group will move through the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. You get to discuss the different themes and topics each week as a group. You will be biblically nourished, connected to a community of like-minded disciples, discover about yourself and your gifts in order to serve God and his Church better.

  • Dates: Tuesday nights starting 15 Feb – 18 Oct 2022 (Online)

  • Time: 7.30pm to 10pm

  • Cost of book: $30

  • Class size limit: 20 persons

  • If you are keen to join the Disciple 1 Bible Study, please register at this link indicating your interest by 6 Feb 2022. For enquiries, email to

  1. DISCIPLE 2 Course: Into the Word Into the World

This study proclaims the transforming power of Scripture and taking participants deeper into the Scripture. The importance of keeping Bible study related to witness is reinforced while participants are encouraged to practice spiritual disciplines arising out of Scripture for the purpose of changing habits and transforming lives. The study also emphasizes the rhythm of coming to God and going for God, of being in the Word and in the world individually and corporately. This study understands the growing Christian as under discipline in community and in ministry to the world. Disciple: Into the Word Into the World approaches all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service. Pre-requisite: Participants must have completed DISCIPLE 1: Disciple: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study.

  • Dates: Thursday nights starting 17 Feb – 29 Sep 2022 (Online)

  • Time: 7.30pm to 10pm

  • Cost of book: $30

  • Class size limit: 20 persons

  • If you are keen to join the Disciple 2 Bible Study, please register at this link indicating your interest by 6 Feb 2022. For enquiries, email to



Owing to the dangers posed by the infectious disease known as COVID-19 and the safe distancing restrictions in force in Singapore to minimise further spread, and in accordance with the authority vested in the Local Church Executive Committee (“LCEC”) by ¶306A.4 of The Book of Discipline (as enacted by the Special Session of the General Conference held on 2 July 2020), Notice is hereby given that the Last Local Conference of Paya Lebar Methodist Church has been called by the LCEC to be held wholly by way of electronic means on 25 January 2022 at 7.30pm to transact the following business:

  1. Confirmation and Adoption of Minutes of the Last Local Conference 2021 held on 28 September 2021

  2. Matters Arising from the above Minutes

  3. Adoption of Plans and Programmes for 2022

  4. Adoption of Audited Financial Statements for FY2020-2021 and Revised Budget for FY 2021-2022

  5. Any Other Business

Do keep the First Local Conference and our church leadership in prayer.


Blood Donation Drive

We are hosting a blood donation with Singapore Red Cross on 6 February 2022. In celebration of our 90th Anniversary, we would like to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community through our selfless act of giving, and we are targeting a minimum of 90 donors, but we would like to strongly encourage all eligible donors to join us in this selfless act of giving. Donors of all blood types are welcome and needed. Please read the details here.

Registration at


Have you ever wondered why the pulpit cloth changes colours and has different symbols on it each time it is changed? Do the words “Advent”, “Epiphany” and “Kingdomtime” mean anything to you?

The Liturgical or Church Year is broken into seasons, starting from Advent and ending with Kingdomtide. It is a traditional way to remember and observe the various aspects of the life of Christ and His Church that has been used since the early days of Christianity. Each season has its own colour and symbols that serve as visual mnemonics.

The season of Epiphany in the Church Calendar follows after Christmastide. Epiphany, meaning “revelation” or “manifested”, refers to the revelation of the Christ to the Gentiles as symbolised by the Magi, and, therefore, to all the peoples of the Earth. Epiphany focuses on Jesus’ early life, His baptism, and the wedding feast at Cana. The themes are on renewal and missions. The season’s colour is green, the symbol of growth, spring and new life. Epiphany is from 6 January to Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent.


This is the day that the Lord has made! (Psalm 118:24)

We rejoice with and pray for our sister TRAC church who celebrates her anniversary this January

  • MCI (30th Anniversary) on 9 January 2022

  • Kampong Kapor Methodist Church (128th Anniversary) on 23 January 2022

  • Fairfield Methodist Church (74th Anniversary) on 30 January 2022


MOTHERHOOD IS HARD. To the mothers with young children, do you feel a sense of heaviness, and a need for your motherhood burdens to be lifted? A need for less to be on your plate, less on your mind, less on your heart? The WSCS presents Risen Moms ministry, a community of mothers to provide support based on biblical truth, no matter how you feel about motherhood. It is for the imperfect mother, still learning, still growing, and still recognising she does not have it all together, but we serve a God who does.

Join Season Three of Risen Moms, as we come together to encourage, equip and challenge moms to apply the biblical truths to their everyday lives.

  • Every Thursday 8:15pm to 9:15pm (17, 24 Feb, 3, 10, 24 & 31 Mar & 7 Apr 2022)

  • Venue: Zoom (link will be sent to participants prior to the commencement of the Season)

  • Cost: $25 for the Risen Motherhood book, if you do not already have a copy

  • Limited to 15 mothers

Register via by 23 Jan 2022.

Get in touch with Renee at if you have any questions regarding Risen Moms ministry.

  • Sign up for classes, talks & courses HERE!