Help Develop Our Digital Strategy

As the world turns increasingly digital, the church needs you to help us develop a digital strategy of ministry in PLMC.

If you hear the Holy Spirit prompting you, we’d like to invite you to a conversation on Saturday 22 October, 2pm to 3.30pm at the Conference Room.

LAITY MONTH - Worship & Music, AVID, Comms

This Laity Sunday, we showcase W&M, His Media, Audio Ministry, and Communications at the Fellowship Hall and here on PLMC TODAY. Please visit the booths and take a quick tour of our Live, Post and Stream production setup at Sanctuary Level 3, and the Audio console in the Sanctuary Level 2.

THE PURPLE PARADE - Booth at PLMC on Sun 9 Oct!

The Purple Parade is the largest ground-up initiative to support the disability community and is celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year!

An exciting physical carnival awaits on Saturday 29 Oct, 3pm – 7pm at Suntec City!

On Sunday 9 Oct, The Purple Parade will have a booth in the Fellowship Hall where you can buy carnival coupons and exclusive merchandise to bless participating Disability Organisations and Groups.

To find out more about the Purple Parade, click HERE

PLMC Youth Camp 2022

The PLMC Youth Ministry will be organising their first residential Youth Camp since the onset of Covid-19 from 7-10 December. With the theme of “enotita”, a Greek word that means “unity”, the youth will be staying overnight right here in PL. Please encourage the Youth in our PL family to join us for this camp where they will grow in love with God and deepen bonds within the community. Registration at the link above closes on 15 October. Follow the youth on Instagram @plmc_campfire!



Venue: Fellowship Hall

Time: 8.15am to 9am.

Freewill offerings will be collected and donated to a designated charity.


Kingdomtide, known as Ordinary Time in some churches, starts on the last Sunday in August, and is the last season in the Christian calendar. The season’s emphasis is on Christ the King Eternal, and the themes are the Kingdom of God, the Christian life and maturity, and spiritual growth, both personal and corporate. The liturgical colour is green, symbolizing growth and God’s eternal kingdom.

  • Sign up for classes, talks & courses HERE!