Collection Of Holy Communion

We will be celebrating Holy Communion on Sunday 6 Jun & 4 Jul 2021. If you do NOT have any Holy Communion elements, please collect the Holy Communion elements on Sun 30 May 21, 8am to 1pm at the Fellowship Hall. You do NOT need to register. However, the WSCS gift distribution scheduled for the same day has been postponed till further notice. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and we seek your prayers and kind understanding.

Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong

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D&N Webinar: Understanding the Kingdom of God (DN6) - Registration closes 5 Jun

  • Date: Saturday, 12 June 2021 | 10am-12pm

  • Cost: $5/pax

  • Venue: ONLINE (Link will be sent to registrants closer to date)

  • Speaker: Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong

  • Register at by 5 Jun

  • Mode of Payment:

1. Bank Transfer: Paya Lebar Methodist Church (DBS bank Ltd 023-000306-6)

2. PayNow (Company UEN: S87CC0520L) Please indicate DN6 in the reference Number entry and email a screen shot/copy of payment receipt to

The King has come and announced the coming of the Kingdom of God (Mark 1:15). What is this Kingdom all about? We often talk about it, but do we have a clear understanding what the Kingdom of God is all about? Strangely, Jesus never defines it. He merely tells stories to illustrate what the Kingdom is like. How has the coming of the Kingdom shaped the worldview, ethics, and mission of those who follow Jesus?

Come and join Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong in this journey of discovery about what it means to be citizens of this Kingdom.


Kar Yong is passionate about anything related to the New Testament – the Greek language, manuscripts, archaeology, geography, and history of the New Testament era. He teaches New Testament Studies at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia and regularly leads study tours to the Holy Land, Turkey, and Greece. He is also an Anglican priest in the Diocese of West Malaysia. Find out more information about him at his website:

Praying for 40DOB

Are you ready to bless?

The 40 Days of Blessings start on 18 Jul and that is barely 6 weeks away. Some are excited to embark on this journey, while others are still hesitating. Whatever you may be feeling, let’s take it to the Lord in prayer. Here is a list of items to pray about:

Community Life

  • Pray for an outpouring of godly wisdom, divine strength, and joy of the Lord upon the pastors and ministry leaders as they lead the church in bringing hope to an increasingly distressing world.

  • Pray for members to grow in their knowledge of and love for God by intentionally setting aside regular time to read His Word and do His will.

  • Pray to join a cell (if you are not in a cell) where mutual encouragement and sharing of each other’s burdens can be lived out, for God has wisely said, “a cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Eccl 4: 12). You can register at this link

Outreach Ministry

  • Pray for the Spirit’s leading and divine connections as the Outreach ministry develops suitable projects to bless the communities.

  • Pray for a display of God’s wonders during this time of pandemic. Pray that the people who are affected directly or indirectly by coronavirus will experience God’s presence, power, and provision.

Visually Impaired Ministry

  • Pray that the Braille transcription of the 40DOB materials will go smoothly.

  • Pray that the Lord will move the visually impaired members to participate in the 40DOB campaign.

Filipino Service

  • Pray for the preparation to train cell leaders and assistant leaders so that they are well equipped before 40DOB commences.

  • Pray for the preparation and recording of Bible Study sessions based on the memory verses for 40DOB.

  • Pray for good health, favour, and wisdom for the Core leaders as they lead the Filipino Ministry.

ROAD Bible Reading Plan (June to August)

Pastoral Care

With the nation in heightened alert in our fight against the virus, we understand that there will be anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger, helplessness and a whole slew of other emotions.

As your pastors, we want you to know that we are here for you. 

  • You can email us at or call us at 6100 7562

  • You can send your prayer requests to

Stay Updated by subscribing to PLMC WhatsApp Updates

PLMC Updates

Stay updated on everything to do with PLMC by subscribing to PLMC Updates, our church broadcast on Whatsapp. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Install Whatsapp on your mobile device

  2. Save 8752 9954 in your phone address book as "PLMC Updates"

  3. Send a Whatsapp message to "PLMC Updates" with your FULL Name and Mobile Number

Safe Management Measures Update

In the midst of the pandemic darkness, our Lord exhorts us to be the light of the world, so let us shine brighter for Him even as we know He is in control and over the pandemic.

1. Suspension of Onsite Worship Services

Due to the increased number of community infections and in support of the heightened Safe Management Measures advised by the authorities, Paya Lebar Methodist Church has suspended all onsite worship services with immediate effect until further notice. This means there will not be any English, Mandarin, Peranakan, Filipino or Youth Services from Sunday 16 May 2021. We will review the suspension in line with the advisories from the authorities and will inform you accordingly.

2. Join Us for Online Services

We thank and praise God that we are still able to worship Him as a corporate body online with live streaming of our services. Please join us every Sunday for the live streaming of the 9.00am English Service at, and the 11.15am Mandarin Service at

3. Silver Boxes Goes Online

For the safety of our little ones, the Children’s Ministry Silver Boxes is going online and there will not be any onsite programme in Church with immediate effect. Starting this Sunday 16 May 2021, Silver Boxes will be moving to Zoom every Sunday at 11am (Except every 1st Sunday of the month). Our weekly lessons are still available online at

The recurring Silver Boxes Connect Zoom links will be sent to you by the Children’s Ministry.

4. Suspension of Church Onsite Activities

All onsite church activities will be suspended from Sunday 16 May 2021.

5. Pastoral Care

If you require pastoral care, please contact us at 6100 7562. If you require prayer, please email

6. Blessed to Bless

We are a Family Blessed to Bless the Community and the Nations. Let us live out our church vision by (a) praying for one another, the community and the world, (b) blessing those on the frontlines, behind-the-scenes, and those badly affected (eg healthcare and other frontline workers, the poor and needy) with kind words of encouragement, gifts and services.