Praying for 40DOB

Are you ready to bless?

The 40 Days of Blessings start on 18 Jul and that is barely 6 weeks away. Some are excited to embark on this journey, while others are still hesitating. Whatever you may be feeling, let’s take it to the Lord in prayer. Here is a list of items to pray about:

Community Life

  • Pray for an outpouring of godly wisdom, divine strength, and joy of the Lord upon the pastors and ministry leaders as they lead the church in bringing hope to an increasingly distressing world.

  • Pray for members to grow in their knowledge of and love for God by intentionally setting aside regular time to read His Word and do His will.

  • Pray to join a cell (if you are not in a cell) where mutual encouragement and sharing of each other’s burdens can be lived out, for God has wisely said, “a cord of three strands is not quickly broken” (Eccl 4: 12). You can register at this link

Outreach Ministry

  • Pray for the Spirit’s leading and divine connections as the Outreach ministry develops suitable projects to bless the communities.

  • Pray for a display of God’s wonders during this time of pandemic. Pray that the people who are affected directly or indirectly by coronavirus will experience God’s presence, power, and provision.

Visually Impaired Ministry

  • Pray that the Braille transcription of the 40DOB materials will go smoothly.

  • Pray that the Lord will move the visually impaired members to participate in the 40DOB campaign.

Filipino Service

  • Pray for the preparation to train cell leaders and assistant leaders so that they are well equipped before 40DOB commences.

  • Pray for the preparation and recording of Bible Study sessions based on the memory verses for 40DOB.

  • Pray for good health, favour, and wisdom for the Core leaders as they lead the Filipino Ministry.

40DOB - What's it about?

In January this year, Ps Shih Ming talked about the Church-wide Engagement Programme 40 Days of Blessing (40DOB for short) that will take place from 18 Jul to 29 Aug. So what’s it about?

Let’s recap:

PLMC’s Vision – A Family Blessed to Bless the Community and the Nations

Directions 2021 – Growing Deeper in Word, Spirit and Community; Going Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

What is it?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

Why do it?

  • Bless the community

  • Every worshipper & every cell to bless the community as a safe place of refuge

  • Grow in understanding of what & how we are to be safe places of refuge for others

  • Grow in the disciplines of devotions, study, weekly worship service, memorising Scripture

  • Grow in community as a cell

  • Giving those not in cell a 6-week experience of being in a cell

  • Families growing spiritually together

  • New persons joining the PLMC family

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - How's it done?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

How do we do it?

  • Daily devotionals

  • Weekly sermons

  • Weekly cell study

  • Weekly memory verse

  • Project Safe Place

  • Done as a group

This will be a facilitated experience, so you don't need to worry about not knowing what to do!

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - What's Project Safe Place?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

What's Project Safe Place

A guided process for the cell to discern the people God is calling them to provide a safe place to. This includes:

  • Listening to the people whom the cell is to serve

  • Planning a project to be a safe place for the people (e.g. inviting migrant workers to your cell for dinner, bringing a blessing packet to the needy in the community)

  • Executing the project

  • Developing a sustainable plan to continue to be a safe place to the people

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - Participate In a Cell Group

Are you ready to bless? If you are, and you’re not currently in a cell, here’s the good news! You can register to be put in a cell for the duration of the 40 days so you can participate in 40DOB and get to experience what being in a cell is like. Please register at this link