40 DOB - Stories & Testimonies

This video was put together by 14-year-old Nicole Kwek, proving you are never too young (or too old) to serve the Lord with your gifts and talents.

Share with us what God has done
in and through you in these days.

My Testimony On 40DOB

By Anna Goh

When I was tasked to co-lead 40DOB, I started off leading Study One’s Worship and Word sessions.

While preparing for the worship songs, Make Me a Blessing caught my attention as the lyrics struck a chord with me. I prepared a tapestry of photos while asking the cell members to just sit back and listen while looking at the photos of happenings in our times.

Around the same time, I asked Livingstones choir master if the choir would like to sing Make Me a Blessing in Mandarin. About 3 weeks later, I was asked to lead a quartet to present this song at the end of 40DOB’s service. This is my first fruit as a backroom servant, working behind the scenes, arranging, playing the piano accompaniment and coaching the singers.

I am so glad that we managed to present this work to the Lord. Thanks to the AV team!

Glory be to God alone!

My Experience of 40DOB

By Cristina Fortin

On behalf of the Filipino Service, I thank God and all the Pastors for this opportunity to share my experience during the 40 DOB.

Indeed, our God is really, really good. He uses each of us to bless others, especially during this time of the pandemic. We need to continue to encourage, love and pray for one another, whenever we can, in every season of our lives. We should always be a blessing to others because of what the Word of God says in Hebrews 10:24-25:

“And let us consider how to spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Before the first week of 40DOB, I had breakfast with two cell group members at the Jollibee restaurant in Nex. While waiting for the food, I noticed three Filipino ladies seated at another table and looking toward my direction and smiling at me.

The food was served to us and while eating, the Holy Spirit prompted me to bless them with our Outreach gift packs that we had prepared to bless the Filipino community. I obeyed and walked to them and gave each of them a gift pack containing a PLMC invitation card, a Scripture verse card, and some chocolates. I invited them to attend our online Filipino Service. After which I have been praying for them that they will visit our Filipino Service one day. Here, I have learned to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and to obey Him.

Sometimes, God may put us in a situation where we can be of help to the person, either to pray for them, listen to them and comfort them.

Let me share this story. I have a Filipino neighbour whom I seldom talk to except for some courteous exchanges – the usual “Hi!” and “Hello!”.

Last Sunday, while I was attending our 9am online worship service, the Filipino neighbour knocked on the door of my employer’s house to get something from me. But that meeting ended up in her sharing her problems and her burdens with me. If you recall in Week 2 of 40DOB, we are encouraged to Bless by Listening. It was a special “God moment” – she poured out her heavy burdens tearfully as God used me to listen to her and comfort her. It ended with me praying for her. After the prayer, she looked happy, and I was equally joyful and blessed.

I thank God for blessing me so richly that I am still able to continue working here in Singapore and continue to support my family in the Philippines.

I am Blessed to Bless. To God be the glory!

Our 40DOB

By Sunflower Cell Group

Our Sunflower cell group has just concluded our 6 weeks of 40DOB today.

We had a very fruitful and encouraging wrap-up this morning led by Janice and Anthony.

Our CG meets every Thursday at 9am via Zoom.

During this 40DOB journey, we have 3 new cell members.

On average, our weekly attendance is about 17-24 participants.

Our group’s age range is between 60-82 years old. Majority of us is in our 60s and 70s.

All of us learnt to use zoom for the first time during this covid restriction.

Our CG members took turns to lead every week, with the support from other cell members.

For Project Safe Place, (due to our senior vulnerability) we participated in giving in kind to the Girls’ Brigade’s appeal for “Gift a Wish”. This programme allows us to meet the needs of a needy child or an adult. Their request could be a board game, stationery, a pair of sports shoes or a household appliance.

We consolidated all the items, made a group purchase and delivered them safely to the GB HQ on 16 August 2021.

Below are some thoughts shared by our CG members after today’s wrap up:

Moreen: The 6 sessions have helped me to draw closer to the Lord. It also has helped me understand relationships better and see the needs of others before myself. It was a meaningful & fruitful 40 Days Of Blessing. Thanks to our devoted & faithful leaders, Violet & Larling.

Soo Ngoh : Thank you everyone for allowing me to join you in 40DOB CG sessions. I witnessed how fired-up you people are to do God's bidding. I am totally humbled and I learned a lot from your sharing. I am indeed blessed to be in your group.

I benefitted much from the members' sharing of experiences applying God's word in their daily living. All adds up and edifies us in our journey with Christ. I was better disciplined in my daily reading of God's Word. The questions after each week's reading helped me reflect on the impact of the Word on my life.

Janet : I have been blessed by the 40DOB. Obediently disciplined myself to do devotion and memory verses. I’ve benefitted from the cell's discussion and sharing our strengths n weaknesses and edifying and affirming one another.. 🙏🏻✝️

Doris: It was indeed a fruitful 40DOB experience. Every session offered new insights in my daily walk with God and how I could live a blessed life by being Christ-like in all that I do within and outside the Christian community. The study has also instilled in me how I could be a better person, pleasing in God's sight through lessons picked up from the honest and frank sharing of all my cell members. It was indeed a period of time well spent.

Thank you Janice and Anthony for facilitating this morning's session. Appreciate the effort that both of you have put in. 💐

Thank you Lar Ling and Violet for wrapping up the final session of 40DOB, dismissing us with blessings to shine for Christ in our daily lives. AMEN.

Janice : The short and concise daily Bible reading in 40 DOB was a great help in getting us started in doing daily devotion. The full participation of our cell members in their lively and deeper level of sharing has also helped me grow deeper in the study of the Word. I look forward to continually living out my blessed life! Thank you all in our cell!❤️

Peggy : This is a very structured programme to instil discipline to read, learn God’s word and to share the 40DOB diligently. The commitment from our leaders and fellow cell members allowed us to have honest sharing, prayers for one another make us feel very blessed.

Finally it also opens up our mind to seek for opportunities to help the ‘poor’ in our Community with love and not a grudging heart. Thank you all for the wonderful weekly sessions.❤️

Frida : 40DOB project has reminded me that it is God's command that we bless the needy. God wants us to bless others and we are to treat the command seriously.

Blessing others may not just be in terms of material resources. It may mean giving of our time, effort and compassion to those suffering pain.

In the last 40 days, God impressed upon me to help two people. Strangely, both were experiencing emotional stress and fear mainly because of Covid-19. Both are in their senior years. I reached out to both by calling them or texting them encouraging messages. Both expressed gratefulness for my time and effort in cheering them. Both were blessed.

In return, I am also blessed just as God promised - that He will bless those who bless others. Whatever problems I thought I was having seemed to fade away when compared to what the two are facing. And that in itself is God's blessing to me. Thanks be to God.

Cell leader Violet : All Glory to God, for our CG members who preserved for the 40 Days Of Blessing to the end. Blessing will flow to all our families beyond description. Amen

Asst Cell Leader Lar Ling : Dear cell family,

I’m humbled and edified by all your sharing.

I’m probably the most undisciplined amongst all of you.

The past 6 weeks have not been easy for me, too.

Sometimes, I sat up late at night to re-listen to pastor’s sermons, do my homework, memorize memory verses (often hurriedly).

Some notes I read and I forget. Some notes I memorized yet I find it hard to express myself. Some notes I read and re-read and I still could not understand them. So through my struggles, you have helped me by imparting your wise insights, observations and perspectives for each week’s lesson. I’ve learned a lot from you.

I appreciate all your time and effort in walking through this 40DOB journey together. Let’s continue to grow in faith and in love in each other’s company.

Heb 10:24-25!!!

God bless 💖💖💖

** ** ** ** **

Thank you church for giving us this opportunity to journey through together in faith and in love.

Thank you to Dr Wong Moh Ying and brother Kwang Meng for writing these meaningful and enriching devotionals and guidebook for all of us in PLMC.

Thank you Justin and your team for training us and holding our hands through this all.

Sincerely, thank you from all of us here, Sunflower Cell Group


40DOB - Why do it in a Cell Group?

"If you want to walk fast, walk alone;

if you want to walk far, join a cell!"

Edward & Lucy Lo - Blessing the Stranger at Home

Edward & Lucy Lo share their experience of blessing strangers in their own home.

Join a PLMC cell group to embark on a 40-day journey of focused spiritual growth to Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit,

and Community & Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom.

40DOB - What's it about?

In January this year, Ps Shih Ming talked about the Church-wide Engagement Programme 40 Days of Blessing (40DOB for short) that will take place from 18 Jul to 29 Aug. So what’s it about?

Let’s recap:

PLMC’s Vision – A Family Blessed to Bless the Community and the Nations

Directions 2021 – Growing Deeper in Word, Spirit and Community; Going Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

What is it?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

Why do it?

  • Bless the community

  • Every worshipper & every cell to bless the community as a safe place of refuge

  • Grow in understanding of what & how we are to be safe places of refuge for others

  • Grow in the disciplines of devotions, study, weekly worship service, memorising Scripture

  • Grow in community as a cell

  • Giving those not in cell a 6-week experience of being in a cell

  • Families growing spiritually together

  • New persons joining the PLMC family

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - How's it done?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

How do we do it?

  • Daily devotionals

  • Weekly sermons

  • Weekly cell study

  • Weekly memory verse

  • Project Safe Place

  • Done as a group

This will be a facilitated experience, so you don't need to worry about not knowing what to do!

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - What's Project Safe Place?

40 days of focused spiritual growth to

  • Grow Deeper in Word, Spirit, and Community,

  • Go Further to Extend God’s Kingdom

What's Project Safe Place

A guided process for the cell to discern the people God is calling them to provide a safe place to. This includes:

  • Listening to the people whom the cell is to serve

  • Planning a project to be a safe place for the people (e.g. inviting migrant workers to your cell for dinner, bringing a blessing packet to the needy in the community)

  • Executing the project

  • Developing a sustainable plan to continue to be a safe place to the people

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - Ideas for Project Safe Place 1

We’ve talked about what the 40 Days of Blessings are about and how we will go about them. The focus on daily devotions, weekly sermons, cell studies and Project Safe Place will lead to spiritual growth. Watch the video to better understand how you can do Project Safe Space during the 40 days.

And if you are not in a cell group and want to be in one, sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/40DOBSIGNUP

Are YOU ready to Bless?

40DOB - Ideas for Project Safe Place 2

Last year at Christmas, the Outreach Ministry took the theme of “Christmas At Your Doorstep” literally, and many of you were involved in decorating, packing and distributing gifts and goodie bags to more than 1,700 households and individuals in the estates around PLMC and our Outreach arms.

This has given you a taste of what Project Safe Place can be like, but it does not only have to be at Christmas. Watch this video and be inspired.

Participating in 40DOB has to be done with others; we cannot do it alone as individuals. If you are not yet in a cell, and want to be in one, sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/40DOBSIGNUP

Are YOU ready to Bless?