Onsite Services

From next Sunday, our 2 onsite English Services at 9am & 11.15am continue in the Sanctuary, and the Mandarin Service will be at 11.15am in the Chapel.

  • The Filipino Service will resume onsite services weekly for the duration of the 40DOB at 2pm in the Chapel, including the first Sunday in August.

  • As we are unable to use the Agape Hall at this time due to COVID-19 concerns, and with safe management measures, space availability and manpower considerations, the Youth Service will be held on Saturdays 4.30pm in the Chapel, including the first weekend of August.

  • Worshippers at the 9am English Service will need to be vaccinated or undergo Pre-Event Testing after 11am on Saturday. Worshippers at all the other services do not require vaccination or PET.

  • As our lift is being replaced, those who want to be onsite but unable to walk up the stairs may reserve seats for the livestream service at 9am in the Jerusalem Room by calling 6100 7562.

  • The online services in English and Mandarin will continue at 9am & 11.15am on Sunday respectively.

  • The Filipino Service at 2pm will also be broadcast on Facebook.

  • The Youth Service will be online on Saturday at 4.30pm for the duration of 40DOB.

Registration for all the services will be at from, Mon 12 Jul 2021 at 10.00am.

Church Corporate Prayer Meeting

As the 40DOB movement is drawing near, pray that we will come together as one big family to seek first the kingdom of God. Pray that members will attend the monthly online corporate prayer meetings on 14 Jul, 11 Aug and 8 Sep for the purpose of pursuing God’s guidance and direction in one accord. The Prayer Meeting will be on Zoom from 8pm to 9pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 1018 7507

Passcode: 40DOB

Please register at by 13 Jul for the 14 Jul meeting.

40DOB - Why do it in a Cell? Part 3

Participating in 40DOB has to be done with others; we cannot do it alone as individuals. But what’s so good about being in a cell? Watch this video and let these cell members tell you themselves.

If you are not yet in a cell, and want to be in one, sign up here:

And for those of you who already have the Participant’s Guide, remember to start taking notes in the Sermon Notes page of Week 1 next Sunday!

Are YOU ready to Bless?