Adult/Youth Baptism & Membership Class (BMC) Closing Date: 31 July 2024

Baptism & Membership Class (16 years old and above)

We are thrilled to invite all individuals 16 years and above to join our upcoming Baptism and Membership Class! This is a wonderful opportunity for those who are seeking a deeper connection with their faith and the local church community. It is a chance to publicly declare your commitment to Christ through baptism and becoming a member of the local assembly. 


If you desire to be baptised and become a member of our church family, go to the link now and register for the upcoming class.



Baptism: Individual must have professed faith in Jesus Christ

Membership: Individual must have attended PLMC Sunday service regularly for 6 months


What to Expect:

Baptismal Preparation: Discover the significance of baptism and the joy of professing your faith through this sacred ceremony.

Membership Insights: Gain insights into the rich history, values, and mission of our church. Understand what it means to be a vital part of our church family.

Fellowship and Connection: Connect with fellow seekers and believers, building meaningful relationships within our church community.


Dates/Time: 17, 24, 31 August; 7, 14 Sep; 12 Oct 2024 (Saturdays)/ 10am to 12noon

Ministry Weekends: 21 Sep and 5 Oct 2024 / 9.30am to 4pm (Candidates will be assigned to one of the Ministry Weekends)

Venue: Covenant Chapel (Covenant Block, Level 4)

Combined Baptism Service: 27 Oct 2024 / 3pm – 5pm

Confirmation Sunday: 17 Nov 2024 at respective services

Download registration form:

Send the completed form with a IC Photo to before 31 July 2024. Do take note that your application will be delayed if your form is incomplete.

For enquiries, email Kwang Meng at

Infant & Child Baptism Class
Closing Date: 31 July 2024

Infant/Child Baptism (Below 16 years old)

We are overjoyed to extend a heartfelt invitation to families with children below the age of 16 to participate in our upcoming Infant/Child Baptism Service. This is a beautiful opportunity to dedicate your child to the Lord and mark a meaningful milestone in their faith journey in our loving church family. 


Parents who desire to have your child baptised have to attend a briefing session by the pastor to help you understand your responsibility in your child’s faith journey. Pre-requisite: At least one of the parents must be a PLMC member.


Send the completed form with the required documents to before 31 July 2024. Do take note that your application will be delayed if your form is incomplete. For enquiries, email Kwang Meng at


Compulsory Parent’s Briefing session:
21 Oct 2024 at 8pm

Venue: ZOOM

Combined Baptism Service:
27 Oct 2024 / 3pm – 5pm


Download registration form:

Worship & Music Ministry / Dance Ministry Recruitment

Rebuilding PLMC's Dance Ministry

We are calling members young and not so young, men and women who-have some dance background or experience in movement and dance to come and join us to rebuild the PLMC Dance and Flags Team. The recent pandemic has impacted this ministry but we are convince that dance is an area of ministry unto the Lord as an expression of worship and we want to see this ministry rise up from the ashes again. 


Worship & Music Ministry

The Worship & Music Ministry is a core ministry in the worship life of the church. With the many services that we have , we need musicians and singers to serve and meet the growing needs of the various worship services. If you play an instrument, can sing in pitch and have a passionate desire to worship God, you are exactly who we are looking for and need in this ministry. If you think you are a little rusty and out of practice – please do not let that stop you from volunteering as we have training workshop to help get you back into shape. 

Register your interest here.

For enquiries please write to: 

Church Camp 2024 - Messages Video on Demand & Photos 

During the church camp, we were greatly inspired by the messages from Dr Philip Lyn and we know that many of you who missed the camp, will be greatly blessed and enriched by these messages. So we’ve put up all the sessions on our website, and it will be in our Sermon library for one month, until 22 July. Be sure to watch them while they are available!

Note: Mandarin sessions will not be available due to some sensitive issues.


2024 Primary One Registration For Admission In 2025  Closing Date: 15 July 2024


PLMC members who are eligible, please go to and fill in your details by Monday 15 July, 5pm.

You can only register your child in one school at any phase or phase 2B. Please email for clarifications.


KEY DATES to note:

Registration via Online Form:  Phase 2B registration will open from Monday 22 July 2024 to Tuesday 23 July 2024 (9.00am to 4.30pm).

 Result: Monday 29 July 2024



The dates for the different phases of registration can be found here.

Tung Ling Bible School Courses

Have you been prompted to know Jesus at a deeper level, to grow as His disciple, and be ready to follow where He leads? Tung Ling Bible School offers half-day courses over three months to equip you for every good work that God has prepared i for you to do. 

Registration for the  next intake is ongoing, so do prayerfully seek the Lord and sign up soon.

Apply by 3 July 2024. More details: 

Calling for BB & GB Captains & Officers

Do you have a passion for helping children grow spiritually in character?

Or perhaps have an interest or experience in the Boys & Girls Brigade activities?

You may be the person we need!

Working closely with the church, PLMC, the BB/GB Captain and officers oversee the program and leaders, boys and girls, with the objective to foster spiritual growth. 



1. Cultivate growth across the four-fold areas: spiritual/character, physical, educational, and service.

2. Engage in activities and responsibilities aligned with their area of expertise, such as drills, devotions, badge work, and more.

3. The officers support the Captain to run the company


📍BB and GB at Punggol Pri Sch – Every Monday 3pm 

📍GB at PLMGSP – Every Wednesday 3pm

📍GB at PLMGSS – Every Tuesday and Friday 3.30pm


Training will be provided and prior brigade experience would be useful but not necessary.

These are PLMC’s ministries, and we need you to keep these ministries going. 

Interested persons can contact Ps Jacob at:

Special Promotion for John Wesley graphic novel (JWGN)

We have a special promotion for John Wesley Graphic Novel (JWGN) purchases for the month of May—buy two JWGNs ($20 per copy) and you will receive a one-year MM subscription (worth $30). Do help to share this offer!

Purchases can be done via this link.

2024 - The Year of Engagement 

We stand at the beginning of the year 2024 – our Year of Engagement! 

We thank all those of you and the cell groups who have signed up for activities in the Year of Engagement. 

And for those of you who have been praying over this and are ready to sign up to join the church in reaching out to the various people in our community, please write to and indicate if you would like to minister to the poor and needy, the elderly, the migrant workers, or the homeless and rough sleepers in our neighbourhood.

Methodist Preschool Promotion to all Methodist Church Members

The Methodist Preschool is extending a members’ promotion to all Methodist Church members who are looking to enrol their children or grandchildren in any one of its six centres. 

This is valid for first-time enrolments only. Check out their website for details, and also to find out more about the new full-day programme starting at Faith Methodist Preschool. 

Please mask up if you are coughing or sniffling

Actually, if you are unwell, you should stay home to rest and recover. But if you are NOT feeling unwell and this is just an attack of the “ahems” or “morning nose”, then please wear a mask to allay any fears your fellow worshippers might have. You can get a mask from the ushers if you don’t have one with you.


Sun 19 May 2024 is Pentecost Sunday and begins the season of Pentecost. 

Pentecost celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete / Advocate and the birth of the Church. Coming 50 days after Easter, the season’s liturgical colour is red, symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s fire and the blood of the martyrs. Pentecost focuses on the gift and the work of the Holy Spirit, and the themes include God’s community (the Church), the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, and spreading the Gospel.