Outreach Ministry

Laity Month is a special month in PLMC to celebrate the ministry of all Christians. It is one way we express the deep conviction that all are called to participate in God’s great commission and live this calling through the participation of ministry of the church. However, it does not begin and end in just one month, but is a 24/7 all-year-round reality where we live out our faith not just in words but in deeds.

As recipients of God’s overwhelming love, may we in turn be God’s channel of love for those who have yet tasted or seen His Love. BECAUSE there may be people around you who will never see Jesus in anyone or anywhere else but in you!!



Volunteers found John at the Ang Mo Kio Hub area. We met him a few times and chatted with him as he was a rough sleeper. Those were the nights that he wasn’t on duty as a security guard. Without night shifts at his work, he would have no place to go to lay his head for the night as he was in an estranged relationship with his family. He separated from his wife long ago and he was staying with his daughter until his daughter’s in-laws came to stay with them. John stayed with his daughter for three years till the he sensed that his daughter’s heart “changed” towards him and he felt he was a burden to them rather than a joy. So he left home and had been on the streets since.

We met him those few nights and he was very chatty and very happy to talk to us. He asked us if we were from the church because he somehow knew church people “do such good”.

We were shocked to know he had actually just had a heart surgery. And he was out in the streets, recuperating as a rough sleeper!! Our hearts really went out to him.

After the third or fourth time we met and prayed with him, he told us “I see the light in you all” I want to follow the light in you all. Can you please bring me along?” We then brought him to church. He was so hungry to know about God and His love and also His power. He did bible study with us on Sunday mornings with a couple of other homeless uncles.

We took time to slowly disciple him and help him understand who our Living God is and we also brought him through inner healing for deliverance. We prayed for the infilling of the Holy Spirit for him as he came to know the Lord. John has a simple faith and trust in God and a heart to care for people. We are so honoured to have him as a brother and friend.


Uncle Timothy was given the responsibility to look after the Residents’ Committee (RC) designated void deck corner. After the residents finished watching the television or left after their gathering, Uncle Timothy would be responsible to turn off the fans and television, clean and keep the utensils. He has to do that every evening.

Actually Uncle Timothy has been homeless for years, and out of sympathy, the RC members gave him this responsibility in exchange for a little (store) room at the corner of the block. As Uncle Timothy had a severe spinal problem, he could hardly stand or walk for prolonged periods, and he could not lie down flat at night. He slept sitting up in a chair in this little store behind closed doors, away from public attention. In the day he could be seen at the void deck and people who passed by would talk to him or help him buy lunch due to him having difficulty in walking.

In his younger days, his wife wanted a divorce as he was not responsible to the family. Feeling indebted, Uncle Timothy left them instead. He also left the HDB flat to his wife and their children as he felt that that was the least he could do. They did not go through a formal divorce.

For this reason, he could not purchase another HDB flat. Things went well as a rough sleeper but over time he developed health issues till he could no longer work nor sit properly. That’s when the RC intervened.

We visited Uncle Timothy weekly and shared with him God’s love. We even brought his favourite treats from time to time. He was delighted. We invited him to church which he refused initially but eventually he decided to join us.

One day he was in such pain he called an ambulance and was sent to the hospital. He went through surgery for his neck and spine and was in hospital for quite a while. We continued to visit him in hospital and, subsequently, he was sent to a nursing home.

Even though he is currently staying at a nursing home, Uncle Timothy comes to church regularly when our volunteers pick him up to come for Holy Communion service. During his stay at the hospital, we shared the gospel with him and led him to faith in Christ. We thank our Lord Jesus that Uncle Timothy was finally baptised at PLMC.

We praise God that both brothers found God’s love, peace and freedom through the persistent care of our volunteers and the pursuing love of God in their lives!


Zech was one of the few migrant workers we called when we learned of the Covid-19 outbreak in the dorms. We got to know him from our Tai Seng English Language Class.

The outbreak led to most of the brothers being quarantined for almost half the year!

In late April, Zech tested positive for Covid-19 and was admitted into Tan Tock Seng Hospital. After 3 days in the hospital, he was transferred to the Singapore Expo facility and was under isolation for 14 days. He was then sent to Lim Chu Kang Army Camp for 7 days, after which he was transferred to a ship before returning to the dorm. In late August, however, he was transferred to a "Chinese School" for "safe quarantine", following new infections in his dorm.

During our regular chats over these difficult months, Zech was holding up quite well, despite showing some unsettling moments of frustration and despondency. On 23 September when we called him, he happily reported that he had just returned to work! However, this happiness was short lived as he had to be quarantined again for 14 days when one of his dorm mates was suspected to be down with the virus.

Our English and Computer Classes gave us a platform to meaningfully connect with them and seek opportunities to be a blessing to our Migrant friends. We feel blessed, being a small part of their journey here and seeing their earnest desire to provide and sacrifice for their families back home. We thank God for the privilege to journey with our migrant brother; it has placed a significant milestone in our own spiritual journey as well.

As Christian Educator Rev Jack Seymour reminds us,
Our calling, our very purpose - our vocation - is a whole life matter of reflecting God’s love for all.”

This is amplified through our “OUTREACHING LOVE” for all people.


<click to read more>

Providing basic Computer lessons, English lessons, Art lessons and host and facilitate online games with migrant workers living in Singapore.

MIGRANT WORKERS (Bangladeshi and Indian Migrants)
Computer Classes:
Twice a year for 8-10 weeks each, depending on the proficiency of student.
Time: 7.45pm – 9.30pm

English Classes:
2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month
Time: 8pm – 9pm

Online Engagement: Games Night
Once a month, 4th Saturday of each month
Time: 9pm – 10.30pm

1. Teach Computer lessons
2. Teach Basic English
3. Host and facilitate games over zoom

Registration link to sign up: bit.ly/OutreachRecruitment


Befriending the Friends of Jesus (homeless) through a meal and showing the love of God to the lonely and homeless in the neighbourhoods of Hougang, Toa Payoh, Serangoon, Aljunied and Ang Mo Kio.

    Every Tuesday night of the month except the first Tuesday.
    Time: 10pm – 12midnight (gather at 8pm on Zoom)

    Distribution of food to rental flat.
    Once a month on every 3rd Saturday
    Time: 9am – 11am

Registration link to sign up: bit.ly/OutreachRecruitment

CHRISTMAS AT YOUR DOORSTEP <click to read more>

We are bringing the Christmas message of joy and hope directly to the homes of our immediate neighbours and also to beneficiaries of our partners and agencies this year.
Join us in sharing God’s love during this Christmas season. As a church, may PLMC shine as a beacon of light to glorify our Lord Jesus in the community.

We are very thankful to God for the overwhelming volunteer response to the ANGEL TREE PROJECT (partnering PRISON FELLOWSHIP SINGAPORE) and BLESSING BENEFICIARIES FROM OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS (in partnership with Braddell Heights CCC, Aljunied GRC [Blk 223A HDB Rental Flat] and Hope Student Care Centre).

However, there are still opportunities for you to join the Outreach Ministry to share God’s love during this Christmas season by BLESSING OUR IMMEDIATE NEIGHBOURS

In partnership with Braddell Heights Zone D RC, we will be blessing the residents from the 10 Blocks of HDB flats at Serangoon Central (Blk 201 -210) and the Private Estate around Church (Recreation Lane, Recreation Road and Joon Hiang Road) to bring the joy and hope of Christmas to the families this year.


  • Volunteers to help decorate gift items, blow balloons, etc. for 1,520 families.

  • Preparation Dates – Between 7 to 15 December (Timings to be confirmed)


  • Estimated total of 1,520 families

  • Distribution Date: 16 -19 December 2020 over staggered time starting from 7pm.

  • We need volunteers to help transport and/or deliver gifts to families. Volunteers will be grouped/paired for the distribution.

  • Volunteer Registration closes on 3rd November 2020.

Briefing Dates (conducted over zoom):

  • Volunteers who sign up for PREPARATION WORK - Saturday, 7 November at 2pm

  • Volunteers who sign up for DISTRIBUTION – Sunday 13 December at 2pm

Registration link to sign up: bit.ly/BlessingNeighbours

For your information:


The Angel Tree Project was launched by Prison Fellowship Singapore (PFS) in 2005 with a vision to bring a message of hope from inmates to their loved ones, in the spirit of Christmas. With this initiative, inmates are given an opportunity to seek forgiveness and share with their families how God has touched their lives. Letters with messages of hope and reconciliation are written by inmates. The letters are then delivered with gift vouchers by volunteers to respective families. This knitting of hearts not only brings hope and joy to children and youths with parents in prison, but also opens doors for the restoration of broken relationships between inmates and their loved ones.


In partnership with Braddell Heights CCC, Aljunied GRC [Blk 223A HDB Rental Flat] and Hope Student Care Centre, we will be distributing gift packs to bless families in our community.

Aerial View of Outreach to the 10 HDB Blocks at Blk 201 -210 Serangoon Central and Private Estate

Join the Outreach Ministry to see hearts transformed and broken lives healed and
restored as our friends encounter Jesus through each of you!

Should you require more information,
please call Florence Sin at 9785 1503 or email