Women's Society of Christian Service (WSCS)

WSCS Main Theme for WSCS from 2021-2024:
Divine Order in God’s Family (Ephesians 3: 14-21; 1 Corinthians 11:3)

Purpose of WSCS is to:

  • help women grow in the knowledge and experience of God as revealed in Jesus Christ;

  • challenge them to respond to God’s redemptive fellowship;

  • make Christ known throughout the world;

  • develop a personal responsibility for the whole task of the Church.

We aims to provide programmes that meet the needs and interests of women, by involving our women through 4 ministries of Discipleship and Nurture, Outreach and Social Concerns, Witness & Evangelism and Missions; in partnership with our church in the community.

You can explore the various ways to serve in WSCS HERE

Two ladies shared their stories of how they chose to step up to serve God in the following ways:

1. Dawn Teo, WSCS Visitation Team Coordinator

I joined the WSCS Visitation Team to the Homebound in 2013. Since Circuit Breaker in 2020, we have virtual visits twice a month.

I see God’s faithfulness in watching over them and blessing them with loving families to take good care of them. I also see their great faith in God, even in those suffering from terminal sickness or old age; they continue to love and praise God despite their circumstances.

It is a joy to sing the hymns and praise God with the homebound who may not able to sing, yet do so in their spirit.

2. Renee Kerk, Risen Mums ministry

Help the mothers,’ God told me so one night. I was unsure what God meant and I sensed a strong urgency of the burden for mothers. I obeyed and gave my heart to the Lord to serve Him by starting Risen Moms ministry.

Through the planning and facilitating the Risen Moms meetings, I witnessed God’s eagerness to pursue the mothers with young children. I am so encouraged by God’s love and faithfulness - it gave me the hope and strong desire to serve Him. I am humbled by God’s goodness in WSCS and the women He has led to Risen Moms.

To God be the glory!

If you wish to join or find out more about WSCS,

Email Suzie at queksuz@yahoo.com

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