Glowing Years Ministry (GYM)

Here are some pre-pandemic photos representing GYM in :

  • ukelele,

  • line dance,

  • stretch and tone,

  • discovery walks and

  • seniors connect

The Glowing Years Ministry (GYM) aims to touch the lives of our seniors through activities that invigorate them with a spirit of self-enrichment, healthy social interaction and physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. Before the Covid-19, we were able to find a niche to meet the needs and expectations of GYM Members by organising a broad spectrum of initiatives, projects & activities.

GYM continues to promote healthy living by embracing a holistic and active lifestyle and graceful ageing.

However, during the COVID-19 Pandemic we are unable to organise and conduct any in-person activity. Instead, we connect with our members through WhatsApp and Zoom sessions to disseminate the key message that Covid-19 should be marked by the Christian virtue of measured mutual concern, and by not panicking but heeding our Saviour’s encouraging warning, “Do not be anxious about your life ... Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Matthew 6:25, 10:28).

Glory to God for keeping our members and their families safe and healthy during the pandemic crisis.

If you wish to join or find out more about GYM,
please send a Whatsapp message to Patrick Teo at 9696 0355.

He'd love to hear from you!

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