You will be reading this letter in the season of Lent, a season of preparation for Resurrection Sunday (Easter). In some Christian communities, this is a season of fasting or giving something up or abstinence. Through this act of piety and the services during Holy Week, you are preparing for the remembrance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

As you remember the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus this Easter, ask yourself, “What difference does this remembrance make in my life? In this season of Lent, what am I preparing for?” Let me suggest three things you can receive from God this Easter.

One, in remembering the resurrection of Jesus, what is dead in you can be raised to life. It may be a dead relationship, a dead career or something in your physical body that is dying or has died. Whatever is dead, Resurrection Sunday proclaims that it can be raised to life in Jesus the Risen Christ!

Two, in remembering the death of Jesus, you receive the call to die to yourself so that you may receive life in all its fullness. Jesus puts it this way in Luke 9:23 (NIV), “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Following Jesus means following Jesus to the cross, not to die for the sins of the world or even your own sins; to take up your cross is to yield your life to Jesus, to be willing to live your life as directed by God. 

Three, in remembering the life of Jesus, you truly live life as directed by God. You obey what God says. One command that Jesus gave to those who follow Him is to let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16 NIV). That is what our church family will be doing together on Palm Sunday (24 March 2024). We will go out as a church family to bring a gift of blessing to the community and also invite them to our Easter Services. I am so excited for those of you who have already committed yourself to this act of blessing. I know that you will be blessed as you bless others. If you haven’t committed yourself to this Palm Sunday’s act of blessing, you can still do so today. Just email us at or call us at 6285 1234. Give us your full name and contact information and we will look for a way for you be a blessing to others, to live life as Jesus lived.

A most memorable Easter will come from experiencing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. So, be sure to participate in the blessing of the community on Palm Sunday. Be present at our Good Friday Services to receive God’s grace to die to self and live in Christ. At our Easter Sunday Services, receive the resurrection power that is able to raise the dead. And don’t keep these blessings to yourself. Avail these blessings to others by inviting them to the Good Friday and Easter Services.

So, on behalf of the pastors, staff and leaders of PLMC and our families, we pray that you will receive the Easter gifts that come with the remembrance of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Amen.

Remembering the risen Christ together!

Pastor Shih Ming