
  Here is a chronology from the start of von Pittlers first factory to his untimely death in 1910 and some interesting adverts of the UK Pittler agent George Adams who went on to run the Pittler company in his own name


Below:  The address given on a woodwork catalogue

Above: The dates  on a 1901 catalogue and a much later G.Adams one which has photographs instead of engravings. both show the address as 144 High Holborn

Another address is also known where it appeared G.Adams had a small premises at Shorts Gardens, Seven Dials, Holborn .

An early advert for the Pittler company that shows a lathe that is most definitely not a Pittler! A very plain non screw cutting lathe. This is before George Adams name appeared but the adjoining advert makes it clear the advert was from what became his own shop for several decades.

Pittlers UK agent George Adams seemingly had more than one shop at High Holburn or he moved premises  a lot as there are at least five addresses in High Holborn! 

Over on the far left is 144 High Holborn from two different eras of George Adams ,one dated 1901 and the other 1905

 Above we have adverts with number 78 and then 292 & 293 which is listed on a tool catalogue of 1914 and finally the address shown on his closing down catalogue which is 290-292  Another G.Adams  woodwork tools catalogue dated 1923 gives the address as  255/256  High Holborn.

                                               A short history beginning with his first major production facility in 1889:-

1889, von Pittler buys the vacant Ehrlicher Musicwerke factory at 6 Mockernschen Strasse in Gohlis. A 4 storey building complete with steam engine and line shafting.

11th July. 1889,  Machinenfabrik "Invention" W. von Pittler  formed in Gohlis and work begins in the above building.

1891, Messrs  Lotz Abbot & Co , 66 Queen Street, Cannon Street, London EC,  appointed sole UK selling agents, 

1893, von Pittler forms "The Pittler Company" at 55 Farringdon Road on 1 January 1893, keeping Lotz Abbot & Co as agents.  Mr George Adams is appointed assistant manager. 

 1894, George Adams is appointed manager of The Pittler Company and moves to new premises at 144 High Holborn, London. Large lathes of the D and E type were being produced at the former Sondermann & Stier factory in Chemnitz but not exported outside of Germany (information taken from a German Pittler catalogue dated 1894)

1895, the Pittler company goes public where von Pittler emerges with a share capital of 1.2 million gold Marks, the name changes to "Leipziger Wekzeug-maschinenfabrik  Atkiengesellschaft vorm W.von Pittler". 

1897, Marta, von Pittlers first wife dies after a long illness.

1897/8 the Invention factory is expanded twice but despite roofing over the courtyard for extra space it was not enough. 

1898, von Pittler soon remarries, his second wife is Kathe who was the same age as his eldest Daughter Meta who along with her sister Dora left home in disgust.

1899, the company moves to a huge purpose built factory at Wahren, then a village 5 kilometres from Leipzig, taking 500 works employees, 50 staff and 10 apprentices.  In the  Plagwitz district a separate foundry is also built to produce their own castings for the machines.

Large parts of the Pittler building still stand today whereas the Invention factory was demolished in the 1930's to make way for road works.

1902, After falling out with his fellow directors due to his continuing interest in other ventures,  von Pittler is forced to resign from the company he had put his heart and soul into. 

1902/3?, date uncertain: George Adams appears on catalogues named as the proprietor and therefore the owner of the Pittler company and badges the lathes as "GEORGE ADAMS,  THE PITTLER COMPANY" and  shop managed by a Mr Butler. 

Lathes are known badged as THE PITTLER COMPANY, 144 High Holborn, London and  also having an address at.4/5 LOVEDAY St BIRMINGHAM,  The Birmingham address is shown on the catalogue of 1899 but is gone on the 1901 but reappears as ADAMS & BUTLER during a presumed short partnership between Adams and  his manager Mr Butler 1902?. At least five addresses are known for George Adams businesses during the early years. Kelly's directory for 1900 lists Adams, Butler & Co, engineers,  Birmingham, but by 1903 had disappeared altogether.

1908, Arthur Drummond of the Drummond Brothers  produces a low cost round bed lathe which soon contributes to the loss of sales for the rather expensive Pittler lathes. The Drummond had a number of features copied directly from the Pittler, but the patents for the Universal Metal Working Machine had by this time expired so Drummond clearly took advantage of this fact.

1909, von Pittler settles in London but seemingly keeps in contact with his old friend George Adams. 

1910, September 22nd,  von Pittler collapses in the presence of his son Bruno whilst climbing the stairs to his apartment in London.  He dies in agony later the same day from severe internal pain at the age of just 56. His body is shortly returned to Gohlis for burial. 

1911-12, production of the B2 had apparently ceased altogether but evidence suggests the C3 and probably the large engineering "D" lathes continued to be produced until around 1920 and beyond


Herr von Pittler died without leaving a fortune. His last will & testament was disputed by several parties including his 2 daughters.

 English engineers, who valued Pittler as an inventor and called him the German Edison, had his body transported to Germany. He is buried in the cemetery in Leipzig-Gohlis next to his first wife Martha.    


George Adams closing down sale

The  1930's closing down sale of George Adams deceased. A personal friend of von Pittler from the early days of  The Pittler Company in the UK.

 The catalogue contains a huge number of tools of all kinds inc lathes plated as  Geo Adams. but no evidence he actually made them. There are also Drummond and other makes as well but of course no Pittlers,.  

Below:  Pre George Adams  ownership catalogue dated 1900  and showing lathes and various tools and  small engineering equipment