Pittler C3 videos

A 90 second video showing how the cross-slide turns and is then run by the universal joint

Above:  A longer video testing how the circular feed works.

Although Pittler calls it an automatic ball turner it really only refers to the adjustable automatic stop as the mechanism needs constant attention to advance the cutting tool etc.

  In a factory setting one man could tend a whole row of machines, walking along resetting the mechanism trigger on each one and advancing the tool a bit each time,

 The settings of both the saddle and the cutting tool have to be set very accurately in order to cut a perfect sphere. The maximum sized ball that can be cut on the C3 is 2 inches according to Pittlers description.                  

Left:   The power cross feed using the universal joint

As mentioned above for the circular feed,  one man couldattend a numbe rof machines at the same time. An automatic stop is fitted on the square rod and can be adjusted to suit the limit of the cut required on the workpiece. A round metal stop sliding on the rod can be locked on and will knock off the drive from either direction according to it's placement.

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