A Victorian Pittler tool cupboard 

                                                                                Shown below is a unique late Victorian factory cupboard fitted out with accessories for the Pittler B2 lathe. 

Pittler were very generous with their standard accessories for all but the most basic pattern B and included a travelling steady, faceplate, 3 jaw chuck, T or hand rest, poppet cover, a full set of 17 gear wheels and 3 steel worms, drawbars for head & tailstocks, a milling head & drawbar, a separate dividing spindle with indexing disk & locking device, and a set of spanners and cutting tools. On the back of the r/hand door is a list of the original contents, only a few items are missing, mostly cutting tools & spanners. 

<img src="Pittler B2 lathe.jpg" alt="Pittler tool cupboard">
<img src="Pittler B2 lathe.jpg" alt="Pittler Victorian tool cupboard">
Pittler lathe, tool contents

     List of original contents

<img src="Pittler drawer.jpg" alt="Pittler B2 lathe">

                              Pittler B2, original Oak drawer with engraved screw cutting chart

Pittler drawer contents

   The useful drawer contains collets, keyway cutters, spanners etc.

Also of interest is this original Oak drawer, this was supplied with all lathes fitted on a cast iron stand. This one also has a screw cutting chart giving details of worm and wheel combinations. The inside of the drawer is fitted out along the front with holders for collets and other 8mm fittings. Along the r/hand side is a set of 1/4" round shank keyway cutters, a small holder for these is also visible near the corner.

Pittler B2 cutters