News 2020-21

News, events, and outreach archive page for the PFW Department of Mathematical Sciences

Starting Fall 2021, the current PFW College of Arts and Sciences (COAS) will split into two colleges. The Department of Mathematical Sciences will be part of the new College of Science. This may affect degree requirements for future/incoming math majors.

  • Historical slideshow "Remembering COAS" (PowerPoint file PDF file) - featuring current and former math faculty members: Beineke, Clark, Frederick, Hersberger, LaMaster, D. Legg, Lipman, Mansfield, Pippert, D. Townsend

The Workshop in Mathematical and Computational Biology (WMCB2021) was online, on June 10th and 11th, 2021

In June 2021, Professors P. Dragnev and A. Legg gave online presentations about their joint work on point distributions and approximation theory:

Congratulations to Chand Chauhan and Dianna Zook, on retirement this year!

In April 2021, the Purdue University system announced that it had received a grant from the Lilly Endowment to launch the "Indiana Digital Crossroads" data science initiative. Fort Wayne will be a regional hub, led by the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

The 63rd Midwestern Graph Theory conference (MIGHTY LXIII)

  • A virtual event on Zoom, April 17, 2021

  • Poster PDF

  • Conference web page

  • Prof. Olejniczak is one of the organizers, Prof. Vandell gave a talk, and Professor Emeritus L. Beineke gave one of the plenary talks

  • Screenshot album

Professor Selvitella, in collaboration with Kathleen Foster, Ball State, and other researchers, is giving several presentations about data science, public health, and other topics at online conferences, workshops, and seminars in 2021.

  • Selvitella's News page

  • One of the papers being presented is joint work with two PFW students, Mr. Menchhofer and Mr. Mills

  • Another paper is joint work with PFW students L. Carol, C. Hernandez, and J. Smethers

The Spring 2021 meeting of the Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America was an online event, March 27.

Two PFW student teams, just after remotely participating in the ICMC

Welcome to Garret Marshall, visiting instructor starting Spring 2021

The 2020 PFW Data Science Week was online from November 30th to December 4th.

  • Web site:

  • Posters and short talks - contributions from students are encouraged! Contact Prof. Selvitella

  • Keynote Speakers live on WebEx:

    • Prof. Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, McMaster University

    • Prof. Bin Yu, University of California Berkeley

    • Prof. Grace Y. Yi, Western University

    • Prof. Victor Patrangenaru, Florida State University (and former Visiting Assistant Professor, IPFW)

November 20, 2020, the Midwest Graph Theory (MIGHTY) conference series had a special event, on the occasion of the publication of a special issue of AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics in honor of Prof. Lowell Beineke's 80th birthday


  • R. Friedman, PFW Chemistry, Quantum Mechanical Studies of Models of Chemical Reactivity: A resonance of chemistry, mathematics and physics

  • October 30, 2020. Flyer PDF

  • Photo page

New initiative 2020-2021: Data Science Methods in Epidemiology - COVID-19

  • Web site

  • Project-based course: STAT 490 with Prof. A. Selvitella

  • Seminars page (contact Prof. Selvitella to get on the e-mail list for the latest information, and instructions on participating remotely)

    • The Sept. 22 seminar was given by Mayor Tom Henry, City of Fort Wayne, live from PFW campus about "Leading during a Pandemic". Poster PDF

  • Prof. Selvitella gave a short talk, Machine learning and mathematical methods for the Brain Age Problem, at the online Neuromatch conference, November 2020.

  • The Data Science Show, episode 1, 8:26 minute YouTube video produced by CollegeTV Fort Wayne

The Fall 2020 meeting of the Indiana Section of the Mathematical Association of America was held online, Oct. 3.

  • Professors Beineke, Coffman, and Selvitella attended

  • Prof. Selvitella gave a short talk, On stationary solutions to the Nonlinear Schr𝑜̈dinger Equation on ℍ^d

  • Photo album of Zoom screenshots

Welcome to Professor Peter Boyvalenkov, visiting professor for Fall 2020.

Virtual event, July 31, 2020: Professor Yifei Pan organized an online seminar as a memorial to his collaborator Tom Wolff (1954–2000).