
The PFW Department of Mathematical Sciences produces an occasional alumni newsletter

The Department of Mathematical Sciences publishes an occasional newsletter, Within Epsilon.

Current issue from Purdue University Fort Wayne (PFW):

Archived issues from Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW):

The IPFW Alumni Association published a newsletter.

  • In 2015, the IPFW Alumni Association web site's Minute with a Mastodon page featured Adam Brososki, BSEE 2006 and mathematics minor.

  • The January 2009 issue of the Alumni newsletter featured math alumnus Ryan Heniser.

The IPFW College of Arts and Sciences published a news blog, Endeavors, which was a successor to the previous alumni newsletter, Collegium.

  • The May 2016 issue of Endeavors had a Graduation Spotlight article on math major Kenda Barnes

  • The April 2015 issue of Collegium had an article about the 2015 IPFW Student Research Symposium, math LTL Dawn Stager, and her work with students with disabilities

  • The Fall 2012 issue featured math alumnus Samantha McGlennen

  • The Fall 2010 issue featured math alumnus Alex James.