PI 1997-2009

The PI Math Club was a student organization affiliated with the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), until the campus reorganization in 2018.

The Pi Math Club is now a student organization at Purdue University Fort Wayne.

Pi Events Archive, 1997-2009. most recent at top
  • End of Year Picnic, May 8, 2009. Photos

  • Student research talks: G. Marshall, R. Grzych, R. Fritz, C. Baber, April 8, 2009. Photos

  • PI Math Club talk by Prof. Lowell Beineke, Through the Lurking Graphs, March 19, 2009. Photos

  • Chili Supper: March 2, followed by IPFW women's basketball. Photos

  • PI Math Club talk by Professor Peter Dragnev, School Districts on Mars, Fuel Depots on Jupiter, Inimical Dictators on Neptune?! Or How to Arrange Points on the Sphere, March 2, 2009. Photos

  • PI Math Club student talk by Drew Swartz, An Investigation of the Structure Underlying Irreducible Divisors, Feb. 16, 2009. Photos and abstract

  • "Packing Ellipsoids," Professor Adam Coffman, Nov. 17, 2008. Photos

  • Math Careers Dinner, Oct. 29, 2008. Photos

  • Things, Symmetry, and Groups, talk by Prof. David Erbach, IPFW Computer Science, October 6, 2008. Photos

  • Math club book sale, September 23 and 24, 2008.

  • Beginning of Year Picnic, Sept. 8, 2008. Photos

  • End of Year Picnic, May 9, 2008. Photos

  • "The Mathematics of Escher's Print Gallery," Professor Michael Bolt, Calvin College, April 30, 2008.

  • Photos

  • Wikipedia entry about this art work

  • One of Escher's more compelling works is "Print Gallery" in which a young man stands in an art gallery, viewing a print that contains the very gallery in which he is standing. At the center is a curious hole, blank except for the artist's signature. In 2000, Hendrik Lenstra discovered the mathematical structure behind "Print Gallery" and showed there is a unique solution for what belongs in the hole. In this talk, we'll see how a team of scientists filled in the hole and generated a number of images and animations that illustrate other versions of the picture. Along the way, we'll introduce all the complex analysis that is needed to generate images like Escher's. The mathematics should be understandable to anyone with a year of calculus.

  • Student research talks: L. Hicks, N. Pham, R. Lucas, D. Swartz, April 9, 2008. Photos

  • Chili supper March 7, prior to Men's Volleyball vs. Ball State

  • Prof. Don Hooley, Bluffton University, Searching for Solutions in a Trans-Elliptic Haystack, Feb 22, 2008. Photos and Abstract

  • Movie presentation: Flatland - Feb. 11, 2008.

  • Sloppy joe dinner and IPFW Women's Basketball game, Nov. 28, 2007.

  • "The Math Life" video presentation, hosted by Professor Dan Rockmore, Dartmouth College, Oct. 15, 2007. Photos

  • "A Survey of Projective Geometry," Professor Adam Coffman, Sept. 28, 2007. Photos

  • PI Book Sale: Sept. 18 and 19, 2007.

  • Freshman Fest Fall 2007 Photos

  • Beginning of Year Picnic, Sept. 10, 2007. Photos

  • End-of-Semester Party, May 4, 2007. Photos

  • Dr. Bill Frederick, IPFW, The Digit Game Challenge, April 20, 2007. Photos

  • Student Research presentations, April 4, 2007. Photos

  • Bruce Berndt, University of Illinois, Ramanujan's Lost Notebook. March 23, 2007.

  • Robin Wilson, The Open University, England, Yea, why try her raw wet hat?, a taped lecture.

  • Chili supper followed by Men's Volleyball vs. Ohio State, Feb. 9, 2007. Photos

  • Dr. David Pike, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Web Communities and Connectivity, Feb. 16.

  • PI Book Sale: September 19 and 20, 2006. Kettler Basement

  • Dr. Allen Schwenk, Western Michigan University. A Plethora of Perplexingly Persistent Simpson Paradoxes, Sept. 22.

  • PI Math Club and Chemistry Club: Soccer and a Cookout, Oct. 20.

  • James Hersberger, IPFW, Everybody knows..., Oct. 23.

  • MAPLE software demonstration, Oct. 25.

  • Terry A. McKee, Wright State University, The Fundamental Theorem of Superficial Trivia, Nov. 3.

  • GAME NIGHT: Nov. 17.

  • Women's Basketball, with Math Club snacks at half-time, Dec. 2.

  • End-of-Semester Party, Dec. 15, 2006. Photos

  • Beginning of Year Picnic, Sept. 11, 2006. Photos

  • End of Year Picnic, May 5, 2006. Photos

  • Adam Coffman, Parabolas in Space, Jan. 25, 2006. Picture page

  • Dinner and IPFW Men's Volleyball Game, Feb. 17, 2006. Photos

  • Dr. Stan Wagon, Macalester College, How to Four-Color a Map in the Plane, Feb. 22, 2006. Photos

  • Dr. Andrew Rich, Manchester College, Leftist Numbers, March 16.

  • Dr. Mario Goetz, Continental Temic Research Center and Katholische Universitaet Eichstaett, Germany, First to the Casino, then Ready to Crash: An Application of the Monte Carlo Method to the Simulation of Airbag Algorithms, March 23. Photo

  • PI Math Club presents Student Research presentations, April 10, 2006. Photos

  • Game Night, April 7.

  • Movie: The Right Spin, directed by George Paul Csicsery, April 19.

  • End-of-Semester Party, May 5

  • Game night and dinner, Nov. 4.

  • Lowell Beineke, and Jennifer Beineke, Western New England College, Through the Lurking Graphs, Nov. 22.

  • PI Art Sale: November 29 and 30, 2005.

  • Chili supper followed by Women's Basketball, Dec. 2.

  • End of Semester Party, Dec. 16, 2005.

  • Bill Frederick, "To be or not to be...": Decisions, Risk, and Status, Oct. 21.

  • K. Reiskytl, Lincoln Financial, and IPFW Alumnus Moriah Simmons, Summer internships and entry level actuarial positions at Lincoln Financial Group, and also Diana Burns, IPFW Director of Cooperative Education, Services offered by the IPFW Cooperative Education Office, Oct. 17, 2005.

  • IPFW Alumna Marjorie Keever, Reflections on a teaching career, Sept. 27.

  • "Welcome Back" Picnic, Sept. 9, 2005. Photos

  • PI Book Sale: September 6 and 7, 2005.

  • End-of-Semester Party: May 7, 2005. Photos

  • Student Talks: April 13. Sio F. Kong, Andy Hockensmith.

  • "How I Spent my Summer," presentations by student B. Schnitker and alumnus M. Simmons, March 23.

  • Dr. Allen Schwenk, Western Michigan University.The Price is Right Bonus Wheel: What is Your Best Strategy? Feb. 25

  • PI Book Sale: January 25 and 26, 2005.

  • Dr. Peter Kloosterman, Executive Associate Dean of the School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington. How Much Mathematics are Students Learning? Jan. 27th, 2005.

  • End-of-Semester Party: Dec. 17, 2004.

  • Chili dinner, followed by IPFW Women's Basketball game.

  • Math Movie: Fermat's Last Tango, Nov. 5.

  • "Packing Ellipsoids," Professor Adam Coffman, Oct. 27, 2004. Photos

  • Matt Walsh, Numbers, nimbers, and games, Sept. 29.

  • "Welcome Back" Picnic, Sept. 10, 2004. Photos

  • PI Book Sale: Sept. 15 and 16, 2004.

  • PI Book Sale: January 27, 28.

  • Sloppy Joe dinner, Feb. 4, followed by IPFW Women's Basketball.

  • Dinner at Casa's, Feb. 13, followed by Komet Hockey vs. Kalamazoo Wings, Coliseum.

  • "Geometry and Soap Bubbles," Professor Adam Coffman, Feb. 16, 2004. Photos

  • Talks by students Yun Tan and Madhur Mathur, March 3.

  • Chris Lomont, Cybernet Systems Corporation, Mathematics and video games, March 19.

  • Bill Frederick, IPFW, Did you ever have to make up your mind?, Apr. 2.

  • Matt Walsh, IPFW, Voting: Procedures, Properties, and Paradoxes, April 14, 2004. Photos

  • "Welcome Back" Picnic, Sept. 5, 2003. Photos

  • PI Book Sale: September 17, 18, 2003.

  • Raymond Pippert, IPFW, The smallest uninteresting number, the largest useful number, and more, Sept. 26.

  • "Teaching tips they don't teach," Teacher Panel, Oct. 21.

  • On October 24, PI Math Club members helped with the IPFW Mathematical Sciences Exposition

  • Chili dinner before IPFW Mastodons vs. Harlem Globetrotters Men's Basketball game, Nov. 13. Photos

  • Marc Lipman, IPFW, What Mathematicians Don't Know and How They Know That, Nov. 17.

  • Talks by undergraduate students Tom Beachy and Charity Hein, followed by lunch, Dec. 5, 2003.

  • End-of-Semester Party - Dec. 19, 2003.

  • End-of-the-Semester party and officer elections, May 10, 2003. Photos

  • Lunchtime Lecture Series: Carl Cowen, Purdue University West Lafayette, Math and biology, April 23.

  • Bake Sale, Thursday, April 17, 9:00 to 6:00.

  • Movie of the month: The American President, April 11.

  • Lunchtime Lecture Series: Yvonne Zubovic, A Taste of Nonparametrics, March 28.

  • PI Book Sale: March 4.

  • Lunchtime Lecture Series: Geralyn Miller, IPFW School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Feb. 28.

  • Party, followed by IPFW Women's Basketball, Thursday, Feb. 13.

  • Movie of the month: A Beautiful Mind, Feb. 21.

  • "Beginning of the Semester" party, Jan. 22.

  • End-of-Semester Presentation/Dinner, Dec. 6. Followed by Movie of the month, Stand and Deliver.

  • Bake Sale, Nov. 26.

  • Chili/potluck dinner, Nov. 22.

  • Marc Lipman, IPFW, Paradox: A Few Tales to Wile Away a Mathematical Hour, Nov. 22. Photo

  • Movie of the month: Sneakers, Nov. 15.

  • Movies of the month: Pi and The Young Poisoner's Handbook, Oct. 25.

  • Allen Schwenk, Western Michigan University, The Anxious Gambler and the Remarkable Strategy of the Bold Play, Oct. 25. Photo

  • Professor Greg Frederickson, Purdue University Department of Computer Science, Geometric Dissections Now Swing and Twist, Oct. 7.

  • PI Book Sale: Oct. 1, 2.

  • General membership meeting: Sept. 30.

  • Movie of the month: Good Will Hunting, Sept. 27.

  • "Classifying Conics: Square, Eccentric, or Degenerate," Professor Adam Coffman, Sept. 16, 2002. Photo

  • Welcome Back Picnic, Sept. 9, 2002. Photos

  • End-of-Semester Party - May 10, 2002.

  • Sue Mau, IPFW, New Licensing Procedures for K-12 Teachers, April 26.

  • Yifei Pan, IPFW, Mathematical Computing and Java Technology...a close look at Newton's Method, March 8.

  • Chili Party, IPFW Volleyball, February 15th.

  • End-of-Semester Party - December 15, 2001.

  • Talk: Lowell Beineke, IPFW, and Jennifer Beineke, Western New England College, Splendor in the Graphs, Nov. 21, 2001.

  • IPFW Basketball Game: Nov. 16.

  • Talk: Robin Wilson, The Open University, England, Stamping Through Mathematics, September 28, 2001.

  • "Welcome Back" Picnic, Friday, Sept. 7th, 2001.

  • Trip to the Fort Wayne Wizards home game, against Burlington, June 11, 2001.

  • End-of-the-Semester party, Saturday, May 5, 2001.

  • Dan Coroian, IPFW, Click this! - A Survey of Mathematical Software, April 20, 2001.

  • Adam Coffman, IPFW, Projective Geometry and Computer Graphics, March 30, 2001.

  • Peter Hamburger, IPFW, Coded Secrets Behind Doodles and Doilies, January 26, 2001.

  • Pi Math Club and Math Testing Center End of Semester Party, December 15th, 2000.

  • Pi Math Club Pizza Party, November 18th, 2000.

  • Pi Math Club Book Sale, October 18th and 19th, 2000.

  • Dan Maki, Indiana University Bloomington, Using Mathematics to Help Computers Pretend They Can See, Hear, and Talk, April 21, 2000.

  • Peter Dragnev, IPFW, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics behind the Soccer Ball Design -- or How to Distribute Dictators on a Planet, April 7, 2000.

  • Chili-and-Volleyball Event, Friday, March 24.

  • Doug Neitzel and Kari Marcotte, Career Services, Feb. 11, 2000.

  • Jennifer Beineke, Trinity College, Prime targets: an elementary look at recent developments in cryptography, Nov. 24, 1999.

  • Tisha Gratton, IPFW student, Euler: the man behind our mathematics, Oct. 27, 1999.

  • Allen Schwenk, Western Michigan University,Turn out those lights now! Sept. 17, 1999.

  • Chili Party, Feb. 19, 1999, followed by IPFW Volleyball.

  • Robin Wilson, The mathematics of Lewis Carroll, Jan. 22, 1999.

  • Allen Schwenk, What is the correct way to seed a knock-out tournament? Sept. 24, 1999.

20th Century Photo Album (1997-2000)