Peter Jones Loco Works [PJLW]

The home of PJLW 'Mamodification' and re-manufacture of MSR models

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This website showcases engines as well as some other interesting builds and models  by Peter Jones Loco Works [PJLW]. This site also provides information about Miniature Steam Railways (MSR) and some of the MSR models re-created by PJLW.

The original Mamod live steam locomotive as designed by Barry Hares and introduced by Mamod in 1980 provides an excellent starting point for garden railway modelling. Having bought a second hand Mamod SL in 2009, I looked online for information on improving the loco's performance and to make it look less like a toy. I set about 'Mamodification' and came up with PJLW#01 "MARGARET". After the success of that build, I was hooked and built a series of 10 numbered engines over a period of 5 years. For each loco build, I attempted to do something a bit different, whilst trying to improve the looks and running characteristics of these lovely little live steam engines.