Communal Cage

The communal cage is located in the middle of the garage on the east side. It holds some handy items our residents are willing to share with the community. Here you’ll find ladders, coolers, toilet plungers, lawn chairs, bike racks, wheelchairs, crutches, pet carriers, and more!

Items labeled belong to residents have name and unit labels on them.

By borrowing items from this cage you agree to…

  1. Return items you’ve borrowed on the same day you checked it out

  2. Contact the owner if you need to borrow the item for multiple days

  3. Not permanently borrow / steal what’s in here
    (this cage is monitored by our security camera system)

By contributing items to this cage, you agree to…

  1. Allow items to be used by other residents

  2. Label items with your name, unit, phone number

  3. Risk the item being stolen if this cage is broken into

  4. Not store items meant for personal/private storage

  5. Not add items that should be dumped (old, broken, useless)