Plumbing / HVAC Committee

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Plumbing system overview

The plumbing system consists of a few major systems:

Water flow 

The fire suppression and landscaping loop take in city water but do not go through System 1 and 2. 

Resident Education on Water Hardness

What is water hardness

Calcium and magnesium. It's not harmful, but buildup is not good for your pipes. Hardness ratings are listed on the right.

What happens when the water is hard?

When the water is hard, you'll notice:

What is the mitigation?

Plant 51 uses a whole-complex salt-based water softener system located in the room by the EV charging stations, and has been replaced as of Q3 2021. Note that because the water does become salty as part of the water softening process, which may affect plant health (very dependent on the plant), so there is a spigot with untreated water is around the corner from the CW rubbish room toward the north.

If you're still experiencing issues, you can mitigate the issue the following ways:

Things that won't help

How do I test my water softness?
