Door, Hallway, and Stairwell Repainting
Key Background Information
A survey was sent out and the results compiled and reviewed by the Board, and the Board decided to go with the new colors based on the recommendations. The new color scheme will follow an alcove/door pattern that the Board has reviewed and tested in CE 2nd floor. Unit owners are not able to choose their own colors as their selections would conflict with each other. The pattern is based on the alcove colors, and is at the bottom of this page. Commodore (Blue), Artichoke (Green), Classic Gold (Yellow), Cavern Clay (Orange). The pattern repeats, and on the opposite wall, it's shifted over by 2 to provide the contrast.
The hallway and doors are in progress and are still targeted for a Friday, December 22, 2023 completion.
This project includes all resident, stairwell, utility, and elevator doors. In addition, the hallways on the first floor in Buildings A & B will receive minor updates.
Prior Schedule
Building B: 10/30/2023 to 11/10/2023
Building A: 11/13/2023 to 11/27/2027 (day overlap due to Thanksgiving Holiday)