Physics Extended Topics

Quantum Physics

Crash Course Physics - Quantum Mechanics #43

Crash Course Physics - Quantum Mechanics #44

Crash Course Physics - Nuclear Physics #45

Khan Academy - Quantum Physics

Hewitt Drew It! - The Quantum World #120

Hewitt Drew It! - Plank's Constant and Photons #121

Hewitt Drew It! - Photoelectric Effect #122

Hewitt Drew It! - Particle Diffraction #123

Hewitt Drew It! - Quantum Uncertainty #124

Hewitt Drew It! - The Uncertainty Principle #125

Hewitt Drew It! - Matter Waves #126

Hewitt Drew It! - Radioactivity #127

Hewitt Drew It! - Radioactive Half-Life #128

Hewitt Drew It! - The Strong Force #129

Hewitt Drew It! Transmutations #130

Hewitt Drew It! - Carbon Dating #131

Hewitt Drew It! - Nuclear Fission and Fusion

Hewitt Drew It! - Atomic Nucleus and Radioactivity

Hewitt Drew It! - Nuclear Fission #132

Hewitt Drew It! Fission Power #133

Hewitt Drew It! Plutonium and Breeding #134

Hewitt Drew It! - Controlled Fusion #137

Hewitt Drew It! Nuclear Fusion #136

Hewitt Drew It! Mass-Energy Equivalence #135

Hewitt Drew It! Atoms #51

Hewitt Drew It! Periodic Tables #52

Hewitt Drew It! Solids #53

Hewitt Drew It! Quartz-Gold Problem #54

A+ Physics Modern Physics - Modern-Wave Particle Duality

Honors Physics - Modern Physics

Topics of Study

  1. Wave-Particle Duality
  2. Models of the Atom
  3. Mass-Energy Equivalence
  4. The Standard Model
  5. Einstein's Relativity

Video Tutorials

  1. Wave-Particle Duality
  2. Photoelectric Effect
  3. de Broglie Wavelength
  4. Models of the Atom
  5. Energy Level Diagrams
  6. Atomic Spectra
  7. Mass-Energy Equivalence
  8. The Standard Model

Regents Physics - Modern Physics

Topics of Study
  1. Wave-Particle Duality
  2. Models of the Atom
  3. Mass-Energy Equivalence
  4. The Standard Model
  5. Modern Physics Quiz


Hewitt Drew It!

Scaling 1

Scaling 2

Scaling 3