PS Unit 01 

Chemical Safety in the Lab and Community

Unit 01  Safety in the Community and Laboratory

I understand that knowing how to interpret safety communication will help me be safe in both the laboratory and my community.

Target 01-01 Identify and use lab equipment and chemicals safely.

“I can” statements:

     01-01 a: Identify common laboratory equipment.

     01-01 b: Demonstrate appropriate safety for lab situations. Identify unsafe lab situations and provide corrective action.

     01-01 c: Evaluate a lab activity and assign appropriate symbols

     01-01 d: Describe what to do in case of breakage of equipment, fire, or injury in the lab.

Target 01-02 Read and interpret safety communication.

“I can” statements:

     01-02 a: Locate safety symbols within the community and interpret them.

     01-02 b: Explain appropriate behaviors related to lab safety symbols

     01-02 c: Explain the difference between DOT Hazard Placarding,  NFPA safety diamonds and the Global Hazard Pictograms.

     01-02 d: Interpret the meanings of DOT Hazard Placarding, NFPA safety diamonds and Global Hazard Pictograms.

     01-02 e: Read and interpret an SDS (Safety Data Sheet)

     01-02 f: Read and interpret a chemical label.

Iowa NGSS:

SEP.3 Planning and carrying out investigations