

National Emotional Support and Suicide Prevention in Lebanon (Embrace)

Did you know?

Mental Health Disorders Run in Families!

Like most disorders, mental health disorders have both a genetic and an environmental component!

Video of the Month

How to Practice Emotional First-Aid?

We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain?

Why is mental health important?

Mental Health is Brain Health

It's no secret that our brain is the source of our mental life, allowing us to think, feel, and act. Like any other organ in our body, it can be susceptible to disease giving rise to mental health disorders. Such disorders are not the result of "lack of willpower" or "being weak" but are rooted in a biopsychosocial etiology. Despite the stigma around it, it essential to remember that mental health is an integral part of health and that the proper response to "I have depression" is "get well soon".

Introduction to Brain Hive

LeMSIC’s Standing Committee On Medical Education (SCOME) and Standing Committee On Public Health (SCOPH) have joined forces to provide you with a platform that delivers information on mental health and a forum that will help us all get through the hardships of our medical journey.

You will be able to post anonymously, if you wish, statements, comments, thoughts, or anything that comes to your mind. Note that mental health professionals will also be part of the forum for supervision and support.

We can't wait for you to join our online community!

Brain Hive is not just the platform!

The work of our Brain Hive Team is not just to continue updating the platform and forum but also to raise awareness and be vocal on the subject of mental health. From the mental health weekly stories every Monday on LeMSIC's Instagram page to the posts on mental health disorders, we are affirming each time that mental health is health. We aim to further expand our work soon by organizing training sessions, creating booklets, and much more!