The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :



(1 TG #23. 1947)

”Thus far is seen that the Assyria of this chapter represents a people who have been well instructed in the things of God, the law and the sanctuary. But instead of obeying the Lord and ruling justly and righteously, they have greatly transgressed, have gone down into sin as deep as any people can possibly go.

“From this we see that the Assyria under discussion exists in the time of the end, the time in which the great and dreadful day of the Lord takes place. This Assyria, therefore, is an antitype of ancient Assyria just as the Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 is an antitype of ancient Babylon.

“Assyria, charges Inspiration, is a rejoicing city that dwells carelessly, that says in her heart, "I am, and there is none beside me." Zeph. 2:15.

“At this point let us pause a moment and summarize the characteristics by which this modern Assyria is to be identified. (1) As man looks at things, she is so great that there is none like her. She is well instructed in the things of God. (2) She is oppressive, a hard ruling nation. (3) She has polluted the sanctuary and has declared the law of God void. (4) She has piled up wealth by going after it as an evening wolfe goes after its prey. (5) She harbors the church of God. (6) She exists in the time the Lord is to manifest His power and destroy all the wicked nations. (7) She is an Assyria-like nation, widespread, a nation of conquests.

“There is but one people under the sun that answers to all these descriptions, and that people is, of course, the English-speaking people, in whose midst is the church, and from whose midst the Gospel and the Bible flow out to all nations. As clear as language can make it, the burden of the prophet Zephaniah is for the English-speaking Christian world.

“God is now saying to Assyria's capital city, "Indeed, you are doing all these abominations, but you will not thus continue long. The time is at hand." Put a stop to your absurdities.” (Timely Greetings, Vol. 1, No. 23 pp. 4 - 6)

(1TG #24. 1947)

“So it is that while Nahum predicts liberation and peace for God's faithful people, he predicts disaster and humiliation for antitypical Assyria (the power which they serve) and for the wicked in the church”….."Assyria" here in prophecy, therefore, is not ancient Assyria, but another widespread power that exists "in the time of the end" (Dan. 12:9, 10) the time in which its yoke is removed from God's people.” (1TG #24 pp.12-14)

(1 TG # 33. 1947)

…..”then the Assyrian (the power that now rules them.”) (1 TG #33 p.4)

(TR #14. 1943)

“Finally, to create greater appetite for more "butter and honey" (lest we fail to recognize the latter rain as it falls in great drops all around us for the final harvest -- Testimonies to Ministers, p. 507), or, in other words, to implement a thorough study of this all-important revelation, the publishers of this booklet will present a gift set of Present-Truth publications to everyone who submits an idea, correct or incorrect, as to which one of the nations is the "Assyria" of today.” (Tr. #14 p.47)

There is nowhere in the Rod where Bro. Houteff identified who the present antitypical Assyria is. Clues are given for us to draw our own conclusion. Davidians today, believe it is the U.S.A. and her Allies. As to the term “Assyrian Death Decree,” it is a man made idea. (See “HARVEST AND THE CLOSE OF PROBATION” chart.)


(14 Tr. 1943)

Nah. 1:10,11 "For while they be folden together as thorns [united with others to protect themselves], and while they are drunken as drunkards [filled with theory], they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry [as when fire sweeps through it]. There is one come out of thee [out of a nation characterized by ancient Assyria], that imagineth evil against the Lord, a wicked counsellor."

“In the light of these passages, it becomes clear from the outset that though "Assyria" is armed and allied with other strong nations ("folden together as thorns"), yet neither her armament nor her alliance will save her. For having become drunken as a drunkard, and having received wicked counsel of one that has come out of her, she shall "be devoured as stubble fully dry." "Thus saith the Lord; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he [that dasheth in pieces] shall pass through." Nah. 1:12, first part. (14 Tr. pp7, 8)

(1TG #24. 1947)

Nah. 2:1 -- "He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily."

“It is plain to see that the one who dashes in pieces, and who comes before Assyria's face is the one who forces Assyria to prepare, to militarize herself mightily. Her forced military preparations, agitated by him that dashes in pieces, starts Assyria on her downfall.

Isa. 31:6-8 -- "Turn ye unto Him from Whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted. For in that day every man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your own hands have made unto you for a sin. Then shall the Assyrian fall with the sword, not of a mighty man; and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him: but he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall be discomfited."

“Assyria is to fall and to be devoured, but not by the sword of a mean man, not by him who dashes in pieces.

“Now the fact that God's people are admonished to turn unto Him against Whom ancient Israel revolted, shows again that Inspiration is speaking to antitypical Israel, to God's people in the Christian era.

Isa. 31:7 -- "For in that day every man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your own hands have made unto you for a sin."

“Obviously the prophet is looking down the stream of time, to a time of a thorough reformation, a time in which only those who forsake every sin and embody Truth and righteousness will be left in the church. None others will be found in the congregation of the Lord. Then Assyria shall fall and thus shall her yoke be removed from the neck of God's people.

“The Assyrian is to fall because of his wickedness, and because God's people return to Him, because of a thorough revival and reformation.”

Isa. 31:9 -- "And he shall pass over to his strong hold for fear, and his princes shall be afraid of the ensign, saith the Lord, Whose fire is in Zion, and His furnace in Jerusalem."

“All these calamities overtake Assyria as soon as God's people turn to Him, as soon as they cast away their idols.

“When God's people cast aside all their idols, fully turn to Him, then it is that Assyria falls. Then it is that the wicked are removed from the midst of the people of God, the Assyrian yoke is broken, and the servants of God, evidently the first fruits, the 144,000, stand with the Lamb on Mt. Zion.”

(1 TG #24 pp.14,-18)

“Moreover, since this antitypical Assyria's fall liberates God's people, and since from then on the wicked no longer pass through their midst, the time and the events are solidly clinched: All these predictions come to pass in the time of the purification of the church, in the Judgment day of the living, during the great and dreadful day of the Lord. (1 TG #24 p 14)

(1 TG #33. 1953)

“Because of idolatry, the Assyrian was permitted to take God's ancient people and their pleasant land. And certain it is that the Assyrian will control the land just so long as God's people continue in idolatry. But, just as soon as all idols are cast aside, -- yes, as soon as the great revival and reformation takes place in the hearts of the people, -- then the Assyrian (the power that now rules them) shall certainly fall, and God's people shall just as certainly return. The Assyrian shall thus fall, not at the sword of a mighty man, and not of a mean man, but "through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down, which smote with a rod." Isa. 30:31. (1 TG #. 33 pp.4, 5.)

The Rod is very clear what cause the fall of Assyria, and when it falls.

”When God's people cast aside all their idols, fully turn to Him, then it is that Assyria falls”

“The Assyrian is to fall because of his wickedness, and because God's people return to Him, because of a thorough revival and reformation.”

“Thus it is that "through the voice of the Lord shall the Assyrian be beaten down,”

“Obviously the prophet is looking down the stream of time, to a time of a thorough reformation, a time in which only those who forsake every sin and embody Truth and righteousness will be left in the church. None others will be found in the congregation of the Lord. Then Assyria shall fall and thus shall her yoke be removed from the neck of God's people.”

“All these predictions come to pass in the time of the purification of the church, in the Judgment day of the living, during the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”

The fall of Assyria simple means that God’s saints will no longer be under her yoke, our present way of life. No more taxes, mortgage, etc. (Yoke.-An oppressive agency, servitude, bondage. Webster.)