The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :


2TG. #41.

“Now about the war as it stands today. Tract No. 14, War News Forecast, which came out several years ago, tells the truth concerning World War No. 2 and its outcome. The Tract gets its light from Nahum's prophecy.

“Moreover, there has been no official declaration as yet that the war is over. No complete settlement with the powers which fought in the war has as yet been reached. Anyone can see that the world is fast getting ready to resume the war with a mightier and final blow if possible.

“And now while the cold war between the east and west is on, the churches, too, by the Amsterdam confederacy, are enlarging the size of each block. The churches, too, are taking sides with their respective block -- Eastern or Western.

“Does it not look to you as though the world is getting ready for a church and state government? I have repeatedly pointed out that the world is unwittingly making a mighty effort to saddle the scarlet-colored beast of Revelation 17 and to mount there on BABYLON THE GREAT. We are headed for the church and state government which BABYLON THE GREAT symbolizes while riding the scarlet-colored beast, and when the war gets "hot" again, Babylon may then replace the United Nations thereafter.

“Let me now remind you what Inspiration has to say of the association of nations and peoples according to current events. For light on the subject we turn to the eighth chapter of Isaiah's prophecy. Time will not permit me to re-study with you the whole chapter, and I do not think it is necessary, for we studied it not long ago. You remember that the chapter unveils a confederacy which ancient Israel, the ten-tribe kingdom (the church), made with ancient Syria, a sovereign power of the world, to war against Judah, a sister kingdom (church). Inspiration makes a type of that church and state confederacy, and by it definitely points out the (trend) which the (nominal churches) and the sovereign powers of the world are to take (now) in the antitype. It makes known, moreover, that they will not prosper in it.”

“I shall now read to you what God Himself thinks of it:” (church and state confederacy)

Isa. 8:8-10 -- “From these scriptures it is seen that the current events brought about by the two opposing blocks, the east and the west, are not going to work out according to human planning, that the plans made by the confederation of nations and people are to come to naught except they consult God and take Him into partnership.” (2TG. #41 pp 15 - 20.) See 14Tr. pp33, 34.

“The statement, "God is with us," implies that He is not with the nations that are affiliating themselves for mutual protection, and that therefore they shall be broken, whereas His followers shall then be delivered. Nevertheless, for God to be "with us" in this special sense, we must of course make a special effort to be with Him.” (14 Tr. p 44.)

It must be understood by the student of truth, that these statements were made, interpreted and applied during the time of World War 2. The confederation of nations and people during that time represents the beginning of the fulfillment ofIsaiah 8:9.

The only two confederacies that are mentioned in the above references are; church confederate with church, and state with state, (phase 1, Assyrian period) and church and state confederacy, (phase 2, BABYLON THE GREAT). Phase 1 is during the Assyrian period, and Phase 2, the Babylonian period.

According to the Rod, the confederacy spoken of in Isa.8 represents the trend (Tendency-. Webster,) that the nominal churches (No S.D.A. See 2 SC #8 p12, 1SC #5 p6) and the sovereign powers of the world are to take place now in theantitype. In other words, just as the type reveals a religious body (Israel) confederating with a civil (Syria) to war against their brethren (Judah) is exactly what the Protestants are going to do in the antitype. For this to occur before Ezek. 9 as the Code is suggesting, the nominal churches must first be completely united, woman sitting on the heads.

(2 SC # 7- 8 1936)


"Will the nominal churches be united, before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, and before the Loud Cry of the Third Angel's message takes place?


“The churches (may incompletely) confederate almost any time, but the union of church and state (the image of the beast) will take place only after the "investigative judgment" of the dead is completed, for the fact that the "anger of the nations" (the time of trouble, Dan. 12:1), "the wrath of God" (the seven last plagues, Rev. 15:1, and the "time to judge the dead" (Dan. 8:14), are events separate and distinct, one following the other."--"Early Writings," p. 36. (2 SC #7-8 p.12).

The Rod made it plain that the nominal churches may incompletely confederate almost any time. The complete confederation of the nominal churches will occur when the woman sits on the seven heads, after Ezek. 9. See 2 SR. pp157, 158, and The Harvest Period Chart.

The only confederacy the Rod teach or supports from Isaiah’s prophecy, is the unholy alliance between a Christian body uniting with a Civil Government, (Church and State) to war against their brother, as the following reference will further support.

“The pages of the Bible are replete with such Heaven-condemned perpetrations. Notable among them is the unholy alliance between the king of Israel and the king of Syria against the kingdom of Judah (the sister kingdom of Israel). The Scriptures concerning this alliance, not only prohibit a church confederation with any government that would involve brother killingbrother in the faith, but also assure such a violator of a downfall from which there is no possible rising. This is quickly seen from the fact that the confederacy did not succeed in breaking Judah; but rather that God employed the predatory power,Assyria, swiftly to break the confederacy, to destroy both kings, and to scatter Israel and Syria throughout the cities of the Medes, even though Judah herself was not wholly devoted to God.” (See Isa. 7:2, 7, 8; 8:4, 9-14). (M.S. p5)


“Coming back now to our present world crisis, since, as previously mentioned, the crowned kings of today (Rev. 13) have already dwindled to a handful, and since the churches, in their cry for peace and safety, are endeavoring to clasp hands with one another, we should do wisely now to inquire into


”Because the bone of contention among the angry nations of today is the world's markets, and because the churches are threatened by the totalitarian governments, and thus urged to press together in order to preserve Christianity,the fact is thereby evidenced that the time is nigh for the arrival of the predicted world-wide religious-political-commercial empire, the supposed remedy for the world's ills.

”Now is seen that the prophecy of Revelation 17 and 18, the last scene in the drama played by the nations, is about to be enacted.

The warring nations are already divided into two distinct ideological camps: On the one side are the democratic governments, while on the other side are the totalitarian.

”Such a combination of circumstances will result in a replication of the international church-and-state rule of the Middle Ages, and will relegate to the scrap heap the world's finest instrument of human liberty -- the divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America. Since this development will make the world's ills worse, it will signalize that the four angels have let loose the winds, and that the 144,000 Israelites are sealed (Rev. 7:3-8). (12 Tr. p 53-55)

The reason for the church confederacy during the Assyrian period is because the churches are threatened (feared) by the totalitarian governments, and thus urged to press together in order to preserve Christianity which will result in areplication (reproduction - Webster) of the international church-and-state rule of the Middle Ages - the enforcement of the Sunday blue law. It is at this time that the divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America will be repudiated. (See GC. p 588, 5T 451.)

The latter day confederacy (church with church, and state with state – 1st phase) is set up solely for the purpose of a fearbeen ruled by a totalitarian form of government. This has to do with war with another nation (not against Davidians) which eventually will lead into a church and state union / Mark of the Beast (2nd phase), a time of trouble (war) against Judah, the 144,000, then the Great Multitude.

“This church and state union will bring "a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation." Dan. 12:1. Nevertheless, "whosoever will save [protect] his life" by sacrificing the truth, "shall lose it," says Christ, "and whosoever will lose [risk] his life for My sake" by standing firm for the truth, "shall find it." Matt. 16:25. Tract 12 p55.

Dan.12:1 applies only to the time after the purification of the church, at the ending of the Assyrian period, and the beginning of the Babylonian. See 2TG #7 pp10, 11. Also see p 80 of this article for a detailed explanation on a war against Judah, when.



“God's people are not only commanded not to participate in the confederacy, but they are to oppose it "to all them to whom this people shall say, a confederacy."

“If God's people are approaching the time when they must either confederate or sacrifice their lives, they must be developing that faith which will cause them to believe that "in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them." Rev. 9:6. (13 SC #3, 4, pp7-9)

The unpublished Code instructed us not participate in the confederacy, and to oppose it. – “Oppose may apply to an act or attitude ranging from mild objection to bitter hostility or warfare.” Webster).

The Code places the confederacy in the time when men shall seek death and not find it. Rev. 9:6 takes place afterEzek.9 as was mentioned in 5Tr. Please go back to p15 of this article for a detailed explanation.

2 TG. #41.1949

“Let us now hear what the Lord would have us do, the stand He would have His people take:

Isa. 8:11, 12 -- "For the Lord spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid."

“The fear which the people fear is not to be our fear; neither are their plans to be our plans. Our duty is to--

Isa. 8:13 -- "Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your dread."

“To sanctify the Lord is to be all for Him, to have no one else in His stead, to put your entire trust in Him, not making flesh your arm, for He alone is able to see you through. And though you should be the only one in all the world to take such a stand, He will not fail you. If such be your case, you will then become Heaven's greatest hero. (2 TG. #41 pp18-20)

“Is it armament then that the nations of today need for peace and security? Is atomic war to be their fear? -- What they need to fear is "the sword of the Lord," for His "sword shall be bathed in heaven," "it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of [His] curse." They need not fear anything if they fear the Lord. Let them make Him their fear, their dread and protection (Isa. 8:13).” 1TG #35 p 22.

The only instruction or duty Davidians are required to execute during the confederacy is to sanctify and to fear the Lord. The voice of God gave no other command, than what is published by Him. See GCS. p8.

The prophecy of Isa.8:11, 12 is interpreted by some that “Assyria is to impose a death decree upon Davidians because they will be opposing the confederacy by telling our S.D.A brothers and sisters not to join this confederacy.”

Although Isa. 8:11, 12 has been grossly misinterpreted, Davidians do have a responsibility informing Seventh Day Adventist not to join the army, especially during this confederacy – war, when it gets hot again. (See1TG. #6 p31). The General Conference does not take a stand against their members joining the service. Military Stand would also be a good source of information for them to receive.

We should not wait for the continuation of World War 2 to escalate about the holy land to fulfill this duty. This should be treated like any other abomination. (See 1 T 361, Lev.p3, 2 Ans. Ques. #32, 3 Ans. Ques. # 67, and 5 Ans. Ques. #129). Now is the time more than any other for us to fulfill 1TG 27 p3, 4.

During the time of World War 2 when things were hot, Davidians were not opposing the War in an open demonstratetive fashion; as a matter of fact they were advised if they were drafted, to register under Section 1 - 0’s program. See MS p16, 5 Ans. pp70-73 and MTC pp14, 15. The same is to be repeated.