The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :



“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

“For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

“Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

“And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” (Rev. 16:13-16)

Battle of Armageddon Soon to Be Fought.—“There are only two parties in our world, those who are loyal to God, and those who stand under the banner of the prince of darkness. Satan and his angels will come down with power and signs and lying wonders to deceive those who dwell on the earth, and if possible the very elect. The crisis is right upon us. Is this to paralyze the energies of those who have a knowledge of the truth? Is the influence of the powers of deception so far reaching that the influence of the truth will be overpowered?” {7BC 982.4}”

“The battle of Armageddon is soon to be fought. He on whose vesture is written the name, King of kings and Lord of lords, leads forth the armies of heaven on white horses, clothed in fine linen, clean and white (MS 172, 1899).” {7BC 982.5}

“Every form of evil is to spring into intense activity. Evil angels unite their powers with evil men, and as they have been in constant conflict and attained an experience in the best modes of deception and battle, and have been strengthening for centuries, they will not yield the last great final contest without a desperate struggle. All the world will be on one side or the other of the question. The battle of Armageddon will be fought, and that day must find none of us sleeping. Wide awake we must be, as wise virgins having oil in our vessels with our lamps.” {7BC 982.6}

“The power of the Holy Ghost must be upon us, and the Captain of the Lord's host will stand at the head of the angels of heaven to direct the battle. Solemn events before us are yet to transpire. Trumpet after trumpet is to be sounded, vial after vial poured out one after another upon the inhabitants of the earth. Scenes of stupendous interest are right upon us (Letter 112, 1890)”. {7BC 982.7}

Two Opposing Powers.—"Two great opposing powers are revealed in the last great battle. On one side stands the Creator of heaven and earth. All on His side bear His signet. They are obedient to His commands. On the other side stands the prince of darkness, with those who have chosen apostasy and rebellion (RH May 7, 1901)”. {7BC 982.8}

Satan Mustering His Forces for Last Battle.—“The present is a solemn, fearful time for the church. The angels are already girded, awaiting the mandate of God to pour their vials of wrath upon the world. Destroying angels are taking up the work of vengeance; for the Spirit of God is gradually withdrawing from the world. Satan is also mustering his forces of evil, going forth "unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world," to gather them under his banner, to be trained for "the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Satan is to make most powerful efforts for the mastery in the last great conflict. Fundamental principles will be brought out, and decisions made in regard to them. Skepticism is prevailing everywhere. Ungodliness abounds. The faith of individual members of the church will be tested as though there were not another person in the world (MS 1a, 1890).” {7BC 983.1}

“That under the seventh plague, the hosts arrayed for the battle of Armageddon will fight with, and will be decimated by, the armies of Heaven (Testimonies, Vol. 6, pg. 406), and that Christ shall appear in all His glory, destroy the remaining wicked, resurrect the righteous dead (1 Thess. 4:15-16), and usher in the millennium (Rev. 20:5).” (2TG #10 P31)

“The Armageddon cannot be the anger of the nations above mentioned, for it is fought in the time of the sixth plague (Rev. 16: 12-16); that is, in the period of the wrath of God, during which, according to the vision above mentioned, "the anger of the nations" could not occur, for their "anger" and the "wrath of God" "are two separate and distinct events, one following the other." Consequently, the Armageddon is one thing and the anger of the nations another.” (2SC #2 p4)

“Then the four angels of Revelation seven, who were "holding the four winds of the earth [the nations in check], that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree," shall let the wind "blow;" and as there would remain nothing to hold the nations and peoples together and to restrain hostilities, the conflict within and without, will result in the final battle of "Armageddon." (Rev. 16:14, 16.)” (2SR p161)

“These are some of the future events that are soon to follow in quick succession in the ushering in of the kingdom. Then follows the closing of probation, and the pouring out of the seven last plagues, which shall fall upon those who figuratively stand on His left hand -- those who are outside Palestine. Then while the plagues are falling, the mightiest of all battles will be fought, "the battle of that great day of God Almighty", -- the long expected end of the world, -- the Armageddon (Rev. 16:12-16)”.(Tract 12 p52)