The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :



(2 SC #9 1936)


"Is the church to be purified before the enforcement of the Sunday law? Or will the Sunday law be the means of showing who are loyal and who are not loyal to the truth?"


“If the time of trouble or the anger of the nations, which is caused by the union of church and state (the image of the beast), takes place in the time of the judgment of the living, as explained in former publications, the enforcement of the "Blue Sunday law" must take place after the purification of the church. The Bible says, "The dragon...went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus." (Rev. 12:17.) (2 SC #9 p.5) (See also 1 SC. #5 p5)

The point of interest from these references is there is clearly no intervening time between the sealing and the purification of the church. Inspiration made it very clear that the angels will immediately slay as soon as the sealing is over.

Also that immediately thereafter the destruction of the tares from among the first fruits of the living, the angels let loose the four winds. This would also eliminate the possibility of the blowing of the winds occurring between the sealing and the slaughter.

Further more; let’s remember that the sealing is the same as the slaughter which is the purification of the church. See 8Tr. p24, Tr.1 pp19, 20.


“And as during the sealing period, the nations are restrained from obstructing the sealing of the righteous, and the "four angels" (Rev. 7:2) are commanded not to hurt the wicked, we see that the 144,000 are sealed in a time of peace -- not, though, in a time of peace among the nations themselves, but rather in a time during which neither the nations are permitted to persecute the church (those who are being sealed) nor the angels permitted to hurt the wicked. This condition, however, being contrary to that which existed in the days of the apostles, when both the Romans and the Jews persecuted the Christians, and when God took the life of Ananias and Sapphira, and brought destruction upon Jerusalem,”(9Tr. p53)

(WR 1951)

“But as the church today is virtually everywhere in subordination to the state, and therefore utterly powerless to impose the penalty of imprisonment, torture, and death, as her predecessors frequently did, in punishment for supposed heresy, the threat of excommunication is consequently the highest price that the Denomination is able to impose upon any who would dare to awaken her sleepers.” (WR. p72.)

During the sealing period, the nations and the church are not permitted to persecute those who are being sealed. The only persecution Davidians will encounter before the purification is by our brethren in the church as mentioned in the Rod. (See 1 SR. pp245 - 252.)

“Written words can be misconstrued, but symbols can not”

In TR. #9 p58 and 2TG #10 p29, Bro. Houteff said that immediately after the sealing the winds would blow. In order for us to rightly divide the word of truth, we must understand every word in its proper context. The word immediately has different applications.

The word was used in context when Rev. 7 was commented upon. God did not reveal to John any other event after the sealing other than the blowing of the winds. (Global disturbance.) However, in Rev. 17 He revealed the woman sitting on the heads (Church confederacy) and the false prophet and the beast (National disturbance) after the purification of the church, giving to us additional events that is not recorded in Rev. 7. 1, thus revealing, that these are the only events that will occur between the sealing and the blowing of the winds. (See the harvest period and the close of probation chart.) Each prophecy reveals additional information.