The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :


“The question has been asked, ‘What do you mean by a confederacy? Who has formed confederacies? You know what a confederacy is;--A UNION OF MEN in a work that does not bear the stamp of pure, straightforward, unswerving integrity (MS 29, 1911).” E.G. White -- 4 Bible Commentary 1142.

“There is to be no change in the general features of our work. It is to stand as clear and distinct as prophecy has made it.We are to enter into no confederacy with the world, supposing that by so doing we could accomplish more. If any stand in the way, to hinder the advancement of the work in the lines that God has appointed, they will displease God.” (6T p17)


CONFEDERATE: United in a league or an alliance.

LEAGUE: An association or an alliance.

ALLIANCE: Bond or connection between two parties.

INCORPORATE: To unite or become a corporation.

Please observe that the different definitions used all has the same meaning.

The SDA church is incorporated with the state, and has confederated with the Protestant churches but not in the context of Isa. 7, 8. (See 8 Tr.p48, 2 SM pp 121, 122, 371, 372,


A visual picture of the confederacy spoken of in Isaiah Chapters 7, 8 must always be retained in our mind for us to have a consistent understanding throughout our study. The confederacy spoken of there, represents a church and state confederacy that met it’s antitype in the Middle Ages, and will be repeated again in the last days, the time of the mark of the beast.

There are quite a few contradictions between the Rod and the unpublished Codes. This comparative study clearly brought them to surface. One thing must be made clear, and that is the unpublished Codes are not a part of the Rod series, they are not in the Golden Bowl, therefore they do not take precedent, neither are they equal with the Rod even if the Prophet wrote them, they were not published by Him.

Over the years I have heard many versions on the confederacy given from different individuals. No one seems to make much sense and very confusing. For an example; “Assyria is to impose a death decree upon Davidians because they will be opposing the confederacy by telling our S.D.A brothers and sisters not to join this confederacy.”

To recapitulate, it is impossible for any death decree to be enforced upon God’s people before the purification of the church according to Rev. 7 and Tr. 15.

Do you not see the confusion these Codes have created?

“Find your explanations "in the Bowl," and you will have no trouble in knowing the truth, or of avoiding the ever ready trap of deception. Thus the difficulty in knowing the difference between truth and error is eliminated.” 2SR p289.

Brothers and Sisters, there is no doubt that we are heading for some serious times. It is evident that the greatest of all wars will create a time of great complexity. Many will be confused as to what decision they should take. As present truth believers, we should have no fear; we have a chart and compass directing us in the right path.

During this war, the nominal churches will reunite – confederate, stronger and take sides with there respective block, democracy, because of the fear of losing their way of life. There is no doubt that the SDA church will also be caught up in that deception. See 2SR pp88-96, 157.

As present truth believers during this confederacy, we do have a commission to mother and the world, the church and the state as the next subject will support.