The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :


Isa. 8:14 -- "And He shall be for a sanctuary; (to the followers of the truth. Tr.14 p 44) but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem."

“This truth, you note, will now, just as has any Divinely-revealed truth at any time in the past, become a rock of offense and a snare to many -- yes, as Christ Himself became such to the Jews -- because rather than taking their stand firmly for Divine truth, they are becoming as hostile against it as were the Jews in Christ's day.”

Isa. 8:15 -- "And many among them shall stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken."

“According to this scripture many of them will find "the rapture" not to their liking and not according to their teaching of it.” (2 TG. #41 pp20, 21). See1TG. #24 p 12.

Isa. Ch.8:14, 15 clearly stated that He-God will be a sanctuary to the followers of truth, but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

The houses of Israel and the inhabitants of Jerusalem in this context have reference to the rejecters of truth (SDA) and their results, (v15). What truth? In the context of Isa. 8 it is speaking of the confederacy. Therefore it is the rejection of truth, relating to the confederacy also, that will cause many among them to stumble, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken.

See also 1 TG #6 pp 25, 26. 1 TG. #27 pp 8, 9. Please read.


Another reference that is used to support the idea that trouble is coming to the church after the sealing and before Ezek. 9 is found in 11 S.C. lets carefully examine it. Sis. Houteff stated in her introduction, ( ) Her’s.

(“The sermon which has been selected for this issue of The Symbolic Code is on Isaiah 27. It was given on several occasions in 1936 and the last time Brother Houteff presented it was February 27, 1943. On September 21, 1936 Brother Houteff made the remarks concerning the possibility of trouble coming to the church after the sealing of the saints andbefore the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, and if so what the results would be and why. Since Revelation 11 has more recently been unfolded before us we should be able to see that it is not just a possibility, but rather both a fact and approaching reality that trouble is coming to the church before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. None therefore need be ignorant concerning what we must now be doing about it.”)

“The subject .for this afternoon is a continuation of our study of last Sabbath dealing with Early Writings, pp. 36 and 38.

Rev. 7:1-4-- “You notice here that the angels are not told to hold the winds until Ezekiel 9 has all been fulfilled, but until the servants of God are sealed. Therefore, if there is any intervening time between the close of the sealing and the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, there is a possibility that the winds could start blowing during that time. If the nations had everything ready, it would not necessarily take long to bring the trouble that is represented by the four winds. We do know from this scripture that God will restrain the winds until the sealing is finished, for according to verse 3 of this chapter a message was sent to the four angels instructing them to hold the winds until the sealing of the 144,000 is finished. It shows that the Devil is doing all he can to loose the winds as soon as possible, perhaps even in a day. (11 S.C # 7 pp3, 7, 8)

Please note; both Codes are contradicting each other.

13 S.C said that the confederacy will begin after the sealing and perhaps before the slaughter. It also stated that “It is notthe Image of the Beast, for this association precedes the Image of the Beast.”

11 S.C. said that there is a possibility for the winds - trouble (Mark of the Beast) to start blowing between those same times, (if there is any intervening time.)

Sis. Houteff commented, “Since Revelation 11 has more recently been unfolded before us we should be able to see that it is not just a possibility, but rather both a fact and approaching reality that trouble is coming to the church before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. None therefore need be ignorant concerning what we must now be doing about it.”

This understanding is derived because of her false prophetic revelation on the forty two months prophecy. The Code said “IF.”

According to both Codes, the blowing of the winds, (trouble) and the confederacy, (church and state) could take place between the sealing and the slaughter. What confusion! Isn’t the blowing of the winds the same as the church and state confederacy which is during the Babylonian period?

Let us agree for argument sake that it was Bro. Houteff’s sermons that Sis. Houteff published in the Codes. Who authorized her, why the Prophet himself didn’t publish it while he was alive? If those were His sermons, then obviously they were revised and the correct understanding is in the published materials!

The unauthorized Codes are creating some false prophetic events to occur between the sealing and the slaughter, c/s confederacy, and Rev. 7:1.

The first question we need to ask is will there be any intervening time between the sealing and the slaughter and the slaughter and the blowing of the winds? In other words, after the sealing is completed, will the destroying angels follow immediately to slay those who do not have the seal, and when will the winds blow, before or after Ezek. 9.Also, will the church be persecuted before Ezek 9.

(1S.R 1930)


“The men with the slaughter weapons must immediately follow the one with the writer's inkhorn. The men with the slaughter weapons were already slaying before the man with the writer's inkhorn returned to report the matter that he had done as he was commanded. See Ezekiel 9:8, 11.

“We read in Testimonies to Ministers, page 445: "This sealing of the servants of God [the 144,000: Rev. 7] is the same that was shown to Ezekiel in vision." Then the sealing of the 144,000 is the same as Ezekiel 9, and the marking by the man with the writer's inkhorn is the seal. As soon as the marking is done, "the five men with the slaughter weapons go after him and slay both old and young, both maids and little children, and women. And they began at the ancient men which were before the house." (1 SR pp37, 38, 46, 47)

(2 TG #10 1947)

# 5. “That immediately thereafter,” (thereafter what?) (# 4) “The destruction of the tares from among the first fruits of the living,”) the angels let loose the four winds, where upon ensues,–(To come after in time or as a result. Webster) the time of trouble and Michael standing up.” (2 TG #10 p29)


“The angels' holding back the winds at the four corners of the earth denotes that they are holding back some world-wide trouble which, should it break out while the church is in her Laodicean condition, would block the sealing. And from this fact,it follows that immediately after the 144,000 are sealed, the trouble will begin, signalizing the angels' loosing the winds. With this trouble "such as never was since there was a nation" (Dan. 12:1), the great multitude is to be brought face to face while being called out of Babylon (Rev. 18:4) into the kingdom.” (9 Tr. p58) (See also 8Tr. pp22-25, 15 Tr. pp59, 60.)