The Latter Day (Assyrian) Confederacy :



Jer. 30:8--"For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him."

“To break one's yoke and bonds means to make one free. It is from the Assyrian yoke that Jacob is going to be made free.” (13 SC #1, 2 p11

(Tr. #14. 1943)

“Nahum 1:12, 13. "Thus saith the Lord; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more. For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder."

“This person ("thee") whom the Lord has already chastened, obviously cannot be the Assyrian king or nation aforementioned, because the Lord is delivering this one, while He is beating the Assyrians to their knees at the hands of him "that dasheth in pieces." Just who this third character ("thee") here introduced may be, is immediately established by Isaiah in his correlative prophecy concerning this same Assyria:

"And it shall come to pass in that day," declares the prophet, "that his [Assyria's] burden shall be taken away from off thy [Judah's] shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing." Isa. 10:27.

“Immediately we see that in the revealing light of this scripture, the one ("thee") who, in both cases, is set free in the time of Assyria's fall, proves to be the church (Judah) liberated from Gentile (Assyrian) rule. Conclusively, therefore, Isaiah clarifies Nahum's prophecy as referring to the church's liberation from the last-day Assyrian yoke. The fact, though, that the church, as Nahum says, is not only to be relieved from affliction and freed from bondage but is also to be sentenced to death (Nah. 1:14), creates a paradox! Inspiration, however, quickly clears it, again through Isaiah. Speaking of the church, he declares:

"And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto My chosen: for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call His servants by another name." Isa. 65:15.

“Plainly, therefore, in the time when Assyria crumbles, the Lord is to perform a dual work among His professed people, some of whom will be made free because of their faithfulness, and some of whom will be slain because of their wickedness. The delivered ones will then be called by another name.

“The time of this "work" is termed "harvest." Matt. 13:30. Therefore, up to this separation, the tares (those who are to be slain) and the wheat (those who are to be delivered) together comprise the membership of Laodicea (the last of the seven churches -- Rev. 3:14-18), the church just before the "tares" are forever separated from the "wheat" (Matt. 13:30). Very obviously, then, the penitent Laodiceans are separated from the impenitent ones during Assyria's fall, and then are liberated from her rule.

”It is at this time that Assyria falls, the reason being:

Nah. 2:2. "For the Lord hath turned away the excellency of Jacob as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches."

”Having already (through the emptiers) chastened His people, the Lord will chasten them no more, but will now free them.

”Sharing with the nations the guilt for marring the branches of His vineyard (His Kingdom), this modern Assyria must now share in the divine retribution while God is taking His people back to their own land. Inferentially, with the fall of the "Assyrians" (the Gentiles in possession of the Promised Land), "the time of the Gentiles" is fulfilled (Luke 21:24).” (Tr. #14 pp 17-19, 24-25)

“Nahum makes clear that in this conflict God interposes against Assyria, and that as a result she is unable to withstand him who "dasheth in pieces." Having set Himself to humble her, He therefore strengthens the arms of her enemy. Accordingly,Assyria falls, not because she is weak and small nor because she is out-numbered and out-matched, but because God's purpose determines her downfall. In other words, the coalition which may have the greater resources and man-power, and which from the human point of view may seem sure to win, is in this case sure to lose.” (14 Tr. pp26, 27)

(1TG #24. 1947)

“So it is that while Nahum predicts liberation and peace for God's faithful people, he predicts disaster and humiliation for antitypical Assyria (the power which they serve) and for the wicked in the church.

“Three verses of chapter two will suffice to show the fate of Assyria:

Nah. 2:6, 10, 13 -- "The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved.... She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness.... Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions: and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard."

“Here the prophet predicts that Assyria's capital city will be emptied, and her palace dissolved. Clearly, then, thekingdom of Judah is (set up) in time of war and turmoil.” (Which war? See 1 TG 20 p12, 13, 1 TG 19 p3, 4. 2 TG. 10 p30 #9)

"Assyria" here in prophecy, therefore, is not ancient Assyria, but another widespread power that exists "in the time of the end" (Dan. 12:9, 10) the time in which its yoke is removed from God's people.” (1TG #24 pp.12, 13)

Please note, Jer. 30:8, Nahum 1: 13, and Isa. 10:27 all speak of the same power, having a yoke upon God’s people. The unpublished code states that “It is from the Assyrian yoke that Jacob is going to be made free.”

The removal of the yoke from God’s people, and Jacob’s time of trouble, are two different events, and for two different purpose, one at the time of the purification of the church, and the other after the purification, and during the time of the setting up of the Mark of the Beast.

Pages 10, 11 of the same unpublished Code says, “We have learned that in that great time of trouble those represented by Jacob will be delivered. Daniel calls it a time of trouble such as never was and he also foretells that Michael shall stand up and deliver everyone whose name is written in the book.” (13 SC #1, 2 pp. 10, 11)

The great time of trouble (same as JTT) occur after the fall of Assyria, and during the time of the Mark of the Beast.

God permits the yoke upon His people as a means for them to come to a realization of their true condition, and for them to cast away all their idols and fully turn to Him, which will results in the purification of the church, the fall of Assyria, and the setting up of the Kingdom.

At the time of Assyria’s fall, God’s saints will no longer be ruled by the forces of the gentiles, they will be liberated from their yoke, (no more taxes, etc) and from the sinners in their midst, they will then be under true Theocracy. God and God alone will be their provider and protector. (See EW. pp. 56, 282 - 285)

“So while we do not as yet see the way in which the prophecy will fulfill itself, we are, however plainly told that at the time "Assyria" falls, the Lord will free His people not only from the sinners in their midst but also from the Gentile rule.” (5 Ans. p.32)

“Sharing with the nations the guilt for marring the branches of His vineyard (His Kingdom), this modern Assyria must now share in the divine retribution while God is taking His people back to their own land. Inferentially, with the fall of the "Assyrians" (the Gentiles in possession of the Promised Land), "the time of the Gentiles" is fulfilled (Luke 21:24).

“Looking forward to this time of deliverance the angel explained to Daniel:

"And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." Dan. 12:1.

(Tract 14 pp.17-19, 24, 25)

The purification of the church, the fall of Assyria, the (setting up) of God’s kingdom, (1Tg #24 p13) the Mark of the Beast, and Michael standing up, (Deliverance of the Jacobites to the kingdom) all takes place in their respective order.Assyria’s fall does not mean that she no longer exists. Her existence continues until she is transform from the Assyrian period to the Babylonian period. Put it another way, the Assyrian period is liken to the time of the Beast in its lamb like stage, before it spoke like a dragon.

(1TG #24. 1947)

“What is the over-all purpose of Nahum's prophecy? It is to enlighten God's people of the signs of the times, to make them aware that "the great and dreadful day of the Lord" is at hand, that the purification of the church, the "Judgment in the house of God" (1 Pet. 4:17) is soon to take place, that the wicked shall not much longer be in their midst, that the redemption of the righteous is at hand, that they must not fail to perform their God-given duties. Indeed, Nahum's prophecy clearly identifies God's people of today under the Assyrian yoke, and points to their liberation.

“Most important of all, though, the prophet Nahum plainly tells that all these things take place in our day, and that the fall of Assyria takes place while God's people are turning to Him, while revival and reformation are successfully carried by him who "publisheth peace" (Nah. 1:15). If we, therefore, fail to take hold of the message, and if we fail to reform as it recommends, then it is not possible to survive the day of the Lord.” (1TG # 24 pp.17, 18, 19)

For more information on how Davidians have failed to take hold of the message, especially on reformation, see (GOD’S GOVERNMENT)


(14 Tr.1943)


(Subject: Nahum's War Prophecy)

”Time and chance are still the most trustworthy witnesses, as well as the best disclosers of mysteries. They now give the answers to the questions: Which one of the nations is "Assyria" of today? Who is "he that dasheth in pieces"? When does the clash of these two mortal enemies take place (p.47.)?

”Inspiration makes clear that Nahum's war is fought in the time the chariots rage in the streets, while they justle one against another in the broad ways, while they seem like torches and run like the lightnings, in our day (Nah. 2:4).

”The prophet, moreover, states that after the one that "dasheth in pieces" (Nah. 2:1) comes up before Assyria's face, then it is that Assyria makes her "loins strong," fortifies her "power mightily" (Nah. 2:1) -- which, as the whole world knows, is just what took place when Hitler came against the allies: The allies, being unprepared to fight Hitler when he started dashing in pieces, they necessarily fortified their power mightily after the war began. All these facts prove that World War II is the war prophesied by Nahum, and that Hitler is the one that "dasheth in pieces."

”Though Nahum predicts the "fall of Assyria" in connection with "he that dasheth in pieces," it does not say that he that dashes in pieces is himself to finish off Assyria, as one would naturally be inclined to conclude. It is now seen, though, that he that dasheth in pieces, himself was only to break or cause to be broken in pieces not only the allied nations, but his own nation, too. In fact, the prophecy says that "his worthies" (the worthies of the one that dasheth in pieces), were not to win, but that they were to "stumble in their walk," stumble while on their march to victory (Nah. 2:5). And what happened in Hitler's armies? -- They stumbled while endeavoring to defeat Russia.” (14 Tr. pp51-53)

(5Ans. 1944)


Question No. 113:

"He that dasheth in pieces," as I see it after reading Tract No. 14, "War News Forecast," is Hitler. But how can this be, when he is now getting the worst of it, and the allies are winning the war?


”The tract does not by name identify the one who "dasheth in pieces”. Any conclusions, therefore, that may be deduced from one's analysis of its contents, can be only inferential and therefore tentative.

”From current developments in the European theater of war, it does look as though Hitler is doomed. Despite this appearance, however Nahum's prophecy analytically fits him, although it is possible that someone else may yet come forth to carry the prediction to fulfillment. And if during this war the prophecy does not meet its entire fulfillment, then it must be that the sealing of the saints is yet incomplete the work of the message unfinished, the first fruits not ready to stand with the Lamb on Mt. Zion. This seems to be the only hindrance.” (Answerer Book 5 pp 31, 32) (See 1 TG. #3 pp 13, 14)

The roll of another he that dasheth in pieces will be realized according to Tr. #14, and 5 Ans. This been the case, there must be also a modern Assyria in order to carry out the complete fulfillment of Nahum’s prophecy. This been said, World War Two is not over, therefore, the principles that applied to the war then, must apply now. Consider the following statements made by the Prophet.



“Yes, that is just what we understand it to teach. Very evidently, then, Nahum's prophecy forewarns that World War II is not as yet completed. The world itself knows that it is not, and that the Allies, save Russia, won nothing, that they would have been better off to have given to Hitler part of Poland than to fight the war and then to lose out to Russia not only a part but whole of Poland and with it whole Eastern Europe. Moreover, Russia has now become their greater enemy than was Hitler. They did away with Hitler, but the hot war never completely ceased, and the cold war was soon added to it. Everyone knows that the war is not settled, and that peace has not come, that the war may break out red hot any day.” (1 TG #3 p17)

“Moreover, there has been no official declaration as yet that the war is over. No complete settlement with the powers which fought in the war has as yet been reached. Anyone can see that the world is fast getting ready to resume the war with a mightier and final blow if possible. Anyone can see, too, that the war was not won for the good of Great Britain, but for Russia, and that following the cessation of hostilities conditions have caused the world to consolidate into two great and hostile blocks, -- the Western and the Eastern blocks, -- not to mention the wars and rumors of wars all around us. This happened because Great Britain allied with atheistic Russia, a government that is against God and His church. Thus Great Britain put greater trust in God's enemy than in God Himself, and that is why the war is yet to be fought.

“Just how this is to come about, I do not know; but I do know that the greatest of all wars is to be fought aboutthe holy land; "Behold," says the Lord, "the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city." Zechariah 14:1, 2. (2 TG. #41 pp 15-17) (See 1 TG. #3 p17)

It is during the war of Zech. 14:1, 2 that Assyria falls.

“If the present World War is the one predicted by Nahum, and if the sealing or marking of the "servants of God" is to be completed without the angels' having again to tighten their hold on the winds (Rev. 7:1, Early Writings, p. 38), then the time to restore the excellency of Jacob and of Israel is at hand. At long last has come the hour for Zion's deliverance from Gentile bondage, and for her children to return to the land of their fathers (Ezek. 36:23-38), the vineyard of the Lord of hosts. So let her stand ready and eager, awaiting her Lord's order to start marching thither ward.”(14 TR. p 24)