

Double Astroid Redirection Test is NASA's first planetary defense mission.  DART is the first-ever space mission to demonstrate asteroid deflection by kinetic impactor.   It's going to punch an astroid and change its direction.  The data gathered by DART will be used to protect our planet from catastrophe.

See the program recording: STEM EXPO 2020

Extreme Space - Design, Build, Test, Operate

Date: Friday June 19, 2020

Time: 3:00 - 4:30 pm EDT

Provided by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel MD

The MTI STEM Exposition is a bonus enrichment program for the students, mentors and volunteers of the MTI.   

Be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn first hand from the engineers of the DART mission currently underway in the Civil Space Sector at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.  

The specialists who work on extreme space missions face similar challenges as FTC teams with higher stakes.  You will learn about the obstacles and how they were overcome during the Design, Build, Test and Operation phases from the engineers who make these missions successful.