
Tournament Schedule

This schedule is tentative and subject to change.  We will try to be as flexible as possible for those teams who are traveling Saturday morning and schedule their interview/inspection times later in the day.  

Our goal is to have nine qualifying matches per team.  

Saturday June 29, 2019

9:45 am Team Check In

10:15 am Field Inspection opens

10:30 am Scheduled Hardware Inspections and Judge Interviews

Teams work their lunch break around their Inspection/Judging schedule

1:00 pm Drivers Meeting

1:20 pm Opening Ceremonies 

1:45 pm Qualifying Matches begin

6:00 pm Qualifying Matches end for the day

6:30 pm pits close

Sunday June 30, 2019

7:30 am Pits Open

8:00 am Qualifying Matches resume

12:00 pm Qualifying matches end

Lunch Break

1:00 pm Alliance Selection

1:30 pm Drivers Meeting for Semi-finalist Alliance Teams

2:00 pm Semi-final Matches begin

3:00 pm Finals

3:30 pm Award Ceremonies

4:30 pm Pits Close