MTI STEM Exposition

The MTI 2022 STEM Expo will take place at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physis Laboratory on Friday June 24 at 3:30 pm.   

The topic of this year's Expo will be NASA's

NASA's Europa Clipper will be the first space mission dedicated to conducting a detailed study of an ocean world — a world that likely harbors a salty ocean with twice as much water as Earth beneath its icy crust. Targeting Jupiter’s icy moon Europa, the mission aims to study this world’s atmosphere, surface and interior to understand whether its water, chemistry and energy could support life.

There will be additional enrichment activites available following the presentation.  They include a Hololens walk through of the Europa Clipper space craft, a 1/2 scale model of the Dragonfly rotorcraft lander and an AR experience of the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft.

Here are some resources about the mission you can download:

The STEM Expo is for the students, mentors, volunteers and supporters of the MTI.  Many thanks to JHU Applied Physics Laboratory for their continued support and for providing this exciting program. 

Pre-registraton is required.  Register by filling out these forms:

Team STEM Expo Registration

Volunteer STEM Expo Registration


Check out the past STEM programs:

2020 MTI STEM Exposition - DART

2019 MTI STEM Exposition Parker Solar Probe and DART

2018 Bonus Friday STEM Event New Horizons and Dragonfly

2017 Bonus Friday STEM Event Parker Solar Probe

Note: The MTI STEM Exposition is subject to change.