
Your Spiritual Pillar of Life can be supported by Mindfulness, Meditation, Prayer, Community Worship, and/or Karma.

Mindfulness is simply being aware and conscious in the present moment. That's it.

Meditation Practice = 2 to 20 minutes 1-2 times each day. Ideally, you can meditate before breakfast as you are waking up, and meditate again about 8 hours later before dinner to relieve you of the stress from the day to recharge.

2-minute Emergency Calm can drastically alter your mood and mindset, especially after upsetting, frustrating, or disappointing news or conversations.

Add a ritual to Ignite Your Intuition.

What positive habits can you stack? I pray three Hail Marys and a Glory Be every morning when I make my bed. Making the bed and morning prayers are two keystone habits that I stacked together.

Pray for love, gratitude, abundance, good health, perseverance, and grit.

Prayer Rituals will vary based on your religious faith.

When faced with self-doubt, remind yourself that "God loves me, and so do I."

Karma = What you put out into the Universe (positivity, kindness, love, abundance or negativity, jealous, envy, scarcity) is what you get back

What you think about, you bring about.

5 Minute Favor = If you can help someone in 5 minutes or less, just do it. Give them your time, assistance, connections, or recommendations. Don't ask for anything in return. The Universe will work it out later, usually through a very different channel or person who helps you in the future.

The more good karma you have stored up, the "luckier" you tend to be in life. This comes in handy when other Pillars of Life come crashing down on you.

Believe in a Force or Higher Power much greater than yourself.

GPS = God Placement System

My annual goal is to attend mass 26/52 weeks. Life happens, and God understands.

I was raised in an Irish Catholic home and attended Catholic school from 2nd grade to Archbishop Spalding High School to Boston College undergrad to Georgetown grad school to teaching social entrepreneurship at Georgetown. I love the Jesuits, and I love men and women who go set the world aflame.

If God is for you, who could be against you?


  • "Good morning God! What have you got in store for me today? I want to be a part of it! Amen."

  • "Lord, help me to forgive those who sin differently than I. Amen."

  • "Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Amen."

  • "Lord, I ask not for more blessings, but for more wisdom with which to make better use of the blessings you gave to me at birth – the privilege of controlling and directing my own mind to the purposes of my choice. Amen."