
Go on an adventure every day.

The human brain craves novelty and new experiences.

Take a different route to or from work.

Try a new restaurant for lunch or dinner.

Explore a new part of town.

Explore a new part of your mind.

When you decide what you want to do, live where you recreate (enjoy recreation and go on adventures) and commute to work.

All other things being equal, choose the plan with the best parking.

Stuck? Need unstuck? Use Creativity + Relationships + Strategy

Commitment creates Courage. Courage creates Capability. Capabilities create Confidence.

Neil de Grasse Tyson states three truths:

    1. Objective Truth = something that is true whether or not you believe in it. The method and tools of science and invoking the Scientific Method are uniquely conceived to seek out and establish Objective Truths. No one scientific research result is true until it is verified by other people's scientific research results. Generally the same results emerging is a newly found Objective Truth about the world. Objective Truths are not later shown to be false.

    2. Personal Truth = Truths that you hold closely to. Jesus is my Savior. There's a Heaven you are going to and no one can take it from you. Problem here is that you cannot convince someone else of your Personal Truth without some act of persuasion. You cannot require someone else to share your personal truth. Constitution is a God-free document, so it protects your religious freedoms.

    3. Political Truth = Something that is true because it has been incessantly repeated. And then you just believe. If you keep saying that the New York Times is fake news...eventually people believe it. It becomes a political truth because the politicians keep saying it.