Business Plan Review Meetings

Alan Mullally, CEO of Ford, taught me the value of Business Plan Review meetings at John Maxwell's Exchange Leadership Conference.

Red, Yellow, or Green.

0 or 1.

90 days historical BPR, this week's BPR, and 90 days forecast BPR.

Create BPRs that tell stories.

Create example BPR Google Sheet.

First week at Ford, Alan Mullaly asked his senior leadership teams to create BPRs. They will all green. The company was losing more than $1B each quarter. How on Earth could all the status updates be green?!?

A new colleague at Ford asked Alan how he would be able to learn and remember all the parts in Ford cards. Alan responded by saying "there are 10,000 parts in cars, and there were 4,000,000 parts in the planes where I worked before Ford."

John Maxwell's Intentional Leadership also taught me this lesson (and so many lessons)....

Archer + Friend with Apple on her head to shoot off.

Archer feels pressure because in control.

Friend feels stress because out of control.

Pressure > Stress