10 Pillars of Life

35+ years of experience have led me to believe in a few theories about life.

My fundamental theory is that our life is comprised of 10 Pillars of Life.

Each Pillar of Life is interconnected and supported by several other columns.

Each day, we have the opportunity to strengthen and build up each Pillar of Life...or to crack, chisel, and tear down each Pillar of Life.

When one Pillar of Life starts to crumble, it can create a negative ripple effect across other Pillars of Life.

Beware of Upper Limit Problems (read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks) when you experience too much success in one Pillar of Life. You may subconsciously self-sabotage in another Pillar of Life (i.e., getting sick, speeding ticket, argue with family) because you literally are not used to being so happy or successful in one or more Pillars of Life.

Life is a series of doors and windows. Opening and closing is not the hard part - it's the hallways that suck. Learn to persevere through the hallways.

You can create Daily Practices or keystone habits in each Pillar of Life, and then receive exponential benefits by habit stacking multiple positive habits together.

You can navigate next to one of the Pillars of Life that you hope to strengthen today:

Daily Practice

1) Physical

2) Emotional

3) Mental

4) Spiritual

5) Family

6) Relationships

7) Business

8) Financial

9) Creativity

10) Environment