How Service Points Work


6 service points are required to become an associate member and to maintain active status as an associate member. See the membership tab for more details on membership requirements.

All service points must be turned in by May 5th, 2023. This is a hard deadline, so please submit your hours as you complete them!


1) Sign-Up and attend AEDs upcoming service events which can be found on our Current Service Doc. Make sure to sign-in for the event using the Google form linked here

2) Participate in ongoing volunteer opportunities listed on the Current Service Doc. Submit these hours by having the volunteer coordinator email, or you can email a screenshot of an official online volunteer log (VIPs, OLOL, and other organizations use them to track points). 


Excused Absences

You may cancel within 48 hours prior to the event and receive no point penalty. Email with the event and shift you would like to cancel. There are point penalties* if you cancel after 48 hours or if you don’t show up to the event. If you get someone to replace you, there is no point penalty; however, you will not get the points.

*If you test positive for COVID-19, proof of a positive test is required for no-point penalties

Unexcused Absences

Canceling for an event 48 hours prior or not showing up for a confirmed event for any reason.