Ongoing Service

Ongoing service consists of activities members do on their own time. Because these activities are not coordinated by AED and members are coordinating these activities to fit their own schedules, ongoing service is awarded 1 point per 3 hours.


Hours must be submitted via email/letterhead from the volunteer coordinator/ company.  *Email address must be an official organization/company domain.*

Emails must be received by 11:59 pm on December 3, 2023. The letterhead or email must include all of the following: your name, number of service hours, dates the service was performed (must be during the current semester), your supervisor’s/coordinator’s name. If the letter/email does not contain all of this information, it will not be accepted.

The only Ongoing Service Opportunities that AED will accept are the ones listed below or if you receive approval from Lauren or Hannah prior to them receiving the email from your coordinator or you turning in the letterhead. Email with any questions.

Ongoing Service Opportunities

For ongoing service opportunities, see the Current Service Doc.