Archived Resources
The resources linked below are archived and may no longer be up to date or accurate. Please use with caution.
Archived Resources
Training Slide Decks and Recordings
2023-2024 CTC Role and Responsibilities and Introduction to Testhound Pre-work
2023-2024 CTC Role and Responsibilities and Introduction to Testhound Slide deck
Training Recordings: September 20, 2023 - Returners; September 21, 2023- New CTCs
2023-2024 Training Recordings and Slide Decks
Best Practices Document Exemplars can be submitted HERE
2022-2023 KTX Electronics Policy (updates coming soon)
Parent Testing Letter Example- must make copy and edit for test admin and school
Training Sign in Template for CTCs - You must make a copy before editing
2023-2024 Test Security Training, Testing Oath, and Cambium Account Access
The Texas Education Agency requires test security training for all staff who will actively involved and/or physically present on a KIPP Texas Campus during STAAR, STAAR ALT2, TELPAS, TELPAS ALT, and official Cambium IAs regardless of whether or not the employee directly interacts with testing. In addition, any KIPP Texas Public Schools employee who needs to access secure test data must also be trained in test security measures.
For the 2023-2024 school year, the process for completing test security training, oaths of test security, and signing up for a Cambium account (access to the centralized reporting system, TFAR, DEI, etc.) will be different from years past. This training will consist of two required parts and one optional part. Test administrator training on test security procedures is required at least once a year. At KIPP Texas we highlight and remind staff about test security at every training.
Cornerstone (Required) - All staff will be required to complete the 2023-2024 KTX Test Security Training Module via cornerstone, prior to testing. This will be available on or before November 2, 2023
Oath (Required) - All staff will be required to complete the 2023-2024 Test Security Oath via cornerstone (link at end of training), prior to testing. This will be available on or before November 2, 2023
Cambium Account Sign Up (Optional) - There will be a link at the end of the Cornerstone training for staff members who wish to sign up for a Cambium Account. For more information about access levels please click here. Accounts will only be created once you have completed the test security training, oath and sign up sheet.
Links for CTCs to Monitor Training and Oath Completion:
CTCs will monitor training and oath completion for their school and for any additional volunteers who will be on campus during testing.
Link to Eng Training (must be signed into Cornerstone before clicking on link):
Link to Spanish Version of Training (must be signed into Cornerstone before clicking on link):
Link to Oath Google Form (use to complete oath):
Link to oath folders (rollup):
Cambium account sign up: (rollup); (Google Form Sign Up)
Link to the Cornerstone Training Completion Roll Up for CTCs:
What do I do if the training is not assigned to me in Cornerstone?
Log into Cornerstone.
Click on the search bar in the top right corner.
Search for "Test Security"
Click on the training.
Click the blue register button.
The training will not appear in your transcripts and you may complete the training.
What do you do if a staff member does not have access to Cornerstone?
Submit a Zen Desk Ticket to applications and HR requesting an account
If the above does not work, please reach out to Skye Raschke for an alternative training. The CTC will be responsible for documenting and monitoring this completion.
What to do during the Cambium Blackout if you need access to student data or assessment content:
All released tests from 2023 are now available in the Cambium Practice Test site. You do not need a cambium account to access it.
2023 Released Tests
Are available to anyone on the practice test sites
You can still access STAAR, TELPAS, STAAR Alt 2, and TELPAS Alt results from last year in various places
STAAR Data is also available on the KAT Website
Student Test Histories can be looked up using the family portal.
Additional guidance will be sent once the Cambium rollover has been completed
Clarification on Testing Oath - How Certified Staff will Sign for Non-Certified Staff.
Non-certified staff confirms name, role, and email address of the certified staff who will sign for them on the oath
Non-certified staff fills out the oath. When it asks for the name, role, and email address of the certified staff who will sign for them, they will fill it in with the info they obtained in step 1.
Before the testing window, any staff member listed as a certified staff supervisor will receive an email from me with the list of all non-certified staff who put their name on their oath.
Certified staff will print, sign, scan and return the signed email to the CTC. This document must be included in your testing documentation folder.
Certified staff do not need to "sign" each individual oath.
New- If certified staff is no longer employed by KTX and/or able to supervise - it will default to SL. If SL is not certified - SLM. If not, then State RS.
General Test Security Reminders:
Keep in mind that we are held accountable by the Texas Education Agency to maintain Test Security for all STAAR & Cambium assessments. This is not an option but required.
Violations of TEA test security policies and procedures can lead to serious irregularity reports filed with TEA, educator certification sanctions, and/or termination of employment
Test Security is everyone’s responsibility
Downloading reports with student results and sharing the with KIPP Staff is allowed but must be used and shared within FERPA Guidelines
Anyone with access to Cambium CRS can still access specific test questions and answer choices; however, they should not make any digital copies or snippets
For EDD or School Staff development
Presenters can still include results in their presentations but should not include any images/snippets of any test content (questions & answer choices)
Presenters can direct attendees to log into Cambium and access the individual questions & answer choices via the portal
Please reach out to your Regional Assessment Coordinator.
Cambium Missing/Withdrawn Students
CTCs - please use this form to add missing students to Cambium, and to report students who need to be removed from Cambium. Student information should be verified in Skyward or from the Testhound Student Demographics page (click on student list, click on demographics at the top). We are unable to add students with incomplete information.
Missing students - Students who need to be added will be added within 48 hours if all information is provided
Withdrawn students - students will not be withdrawn until the end of the testing window to clean up your data. Districts are able to transfer students to their new school in Cambium so leaving them there makes it easier for new districts to add them.
To track the progress of your request, please bookmark the Tracker.
Requests that are complete will be marked green.
Requests that require more information will be marked orange and CTCs will be tagged in a comment.
Requests that are not updated with missing information 48 hours after the request will be marked red and CTCs will need to resubmit.
Thank you! Please allow up to 48 hours to process your request. Please note - processing may be delayed during active testing windows.
Please reach out to your RAC if you have any questions.
Form -
Accommodation Meetings Between CTC and Spec. Pops Leads
An important part of the accommodations process is the meeting between CTCs and Special Pops leads that takes place before every major assessment. The purpose of these meeting is to verify that the accommodations loaded into testhound are correct and accurate, to fix any discrepancies (in TH and in ESPED/Ellevation), confirm that accommodations are being routinely and independently used in class, and to gather/organize any additional accommodations materials needed for the assessment including supplemental aids, math manipulatives, colored overlays, etc.. At the end of the meeting all participants should sign off on the Master Accommodation Spreadsheet. Changes to accommodations will not be accepted after the deadline.
For more information on accommodation meetings and the verification process - CLICK HERE.
When it comes to accommodations, CTCs are responsible for:
Facilitating the use of accommodations on state and local assessments
Interim Assessments
Other* (see slide notes)
Training Test Administrators on how to implement testing accommodations during the assessment
Meeting with special populations teams before assessments to review and confirm accommodations
Documenting the use of accommodations on assessments with TH reports
Loading accommodations into Cambium
Ensuring that all accommodations materials are in testing bins (includes headphones)
When it comes to accommodations, CTCs are not responsible for:
CTCs are not responsible for creating accommodations materials or purchasing accommodations
CTCs do not create supplemental aids (by law, these must be created by the classroom teacher)
CTCs are not owners of accommodations materials like manipulatives, clear overlays, etc.
These must be used routinely and independently in the classroom!
CTCs are not responsible for teaching teachers or students how to use accommodations in classroom.
CTCs are not responsible for teaching students how to use accommodations on assessment days.
CTCs are not the decision makers* on accommodations
Decisions must be made during formal and documented special populations meetings.
If you serve a dual role, you may be a member of these committees.
Important Documents
Accommodation Meeting Digital Assurance Form - Please make a copy of this google from before sharing with your special pops team
Not sure what an accommodation meeting should look like or sound like? Please click below for accommodations meetings video examples.
Discussing Assessment Accommodation Logistics
Improving Assessment Accommodations
Implementing Testing Accommodations
Implementing Testing Accommodations
IEP vs. 504 Plan: What Is the Difference Between IEP and 504 Plan?
2023-2024 Testing Oath
We will use one oath this year for all assessments.
You only need to sign the oath one time
Non-certified staff must provide the name, role, and email address of the certified staff member who will be supervising them during testing.
Clarification on Testing Oath - How Certified Staff will Sign for Non-Certified Staff.
Non-certified staff confirms name, role, and email address of the certified staff who will sign for them on the oath
Non-certified staff fills out the oath. When it asks for the name, role, and email address of the certified staff who will sign for them, they will fill it in with the info they obtained in step 1.
Before the testing window, any staff member listed as a certified staff supervisor will receive an email from me with the list of all non-certified staff who put their name on their oath.
Certified staff will print, sign, scan and return the signed email to the CTC. This document must be included in your testing documentation folder.
Certified staff do not need to "sign" each individual oath.
New- If certified staff is no longer employed by KTX and/or able to supervise - it will default to SL. If SL is not certified - SLM. If not, then State RS.
Assessment Owner
Eric Barnes
KIPP Texas 2023-2024 ACT strategy
Training Slide Decks and Recordings
BOY ACT Training 8/22 Recording ; 8/23 Recording
Turn Key Training:
ACT Checklist:
Important Links and Documents
Standard ACT Roster, Test Room Report, Seating Chart Diagram, & Timing Report
Accom. ACT Roster, Test Room Report, Seating Chart Diagram, & Timing Report
Printable Instructions:
ACT School Day Info
To: School Test Coordinator
CC: District Test Coordinator
Test Mode: Online and Paper
Role responsible for receiving test materials: School Test Coordinator
Eric Barnes,
Your ACT State test materials are arriving soon! As we approach the material receipt week you chose in PearsonAccessnext during test date selection, tracking information will become available. Closely monitor and ensure that staff are able to receive them. See the View Status and Shipment Information section of the PearsonAccessnext User Guide for more information.
As soon as your testing material package arrives, follow the steps below to make sure you have everything you need—and have time to address any missing materials—before test day.
Note: If you selected to test on paper for Test Window 2 during Test Date Selection, you will receive two shipments of materials. Your initial shipment will include all non-secure test information. The second shipment, sent the week prior to the test, will include your secure test booklets including accommodated test materials. If you are testing on paper in Test Window 3 only, you will need to order secure materials in the March 26-29 order window for Test Window 3.
To Do
Check in materials by comparing them to the packing list to make sure you have everything.
Note: Some accommodations materials may arrive in subsequent shipments. From the State testing web page, print the applicable ACT-authorized translated directions for students testing online.
For paper testing: check the test date flyer to make sure you have received the correct materials for your test date.
Note: Materials are valid only for the date indicated on the test date flyer.
If you are missing materials, or materials are damaged, contact ACT immediately.
If you have students who enrolled after January 19, 2024, order additional materials in PearsonAccessnext no later than February 16, 2024.
Make sure any students who you ordered additional materials for are loaded into PearsonAccessnext.
Plan your non-test session in MyACT.
REMINDER: Students must complete the non-test information in their MyACT accounts no later than two days after the completion of their test. The personalized Non-Test Instructions for Students will arrive in the non-secure shipment. You can track which examinees have completed their non-test information in in PearsonAccessnext by selecting the Student Code Usage Report located in the Reports/Published Reports section. Students who complete their account get four free college reporting selections.
ACT Webpage Resources
Reference the following step on your State testing webpage for additional information and resources:
Advanced Academics - Daniel Gonzalez
Archived Training Links 2023-2024 SY
CTC ROLE/Test Hound/Accommodations
Training Slide Decks and Recordings
2023-2024 CTC Role and Responsibilities and Introduction to Testhound Pre-work
2023-2024 CTC Role and Responsibilities and Introduction to Testhound Slide deck
Training Recordings: September 20, 2023 - Returners; September 21, 2023- New CTCs
2023-2024 CTC Accommodations Training Pre-Work
2023-2024 KTX CTC Accommodations and Testhound Training Slide Deck
2023-2024 Accommodations Training Turnkey Slide deck for Training Campus Staff
Training Recordings: 9.27.2023 Returning CTCs; 9.28.2023 New CTCs
2023-2024 Fall MAP 101 & 102 CTC Training Pre-work
2023-2024 Fall MAP 101 & 102 CTC Training Slide Deck
2023-2024 Fall MAP Mastery Content Sessions Slide Deck
MAP Training Question Tracker (CTC Questions & Answers)
Training Recordings:
8/1/2023 Returning CTCs 1:00-2:30PM
8/2/2023 New CTCs 9:00-10:30AM
8/7/2023 Returning CTCs 1:00-2:30PM
8/8/2023 New CTCs 9:00-10:30AM
Mastery Content Sessions
New MAP CTCS (required)- please ensure that you attend each of the MAP Master Content Trainings listed below. These trainings are optional for Returning CTCs (2 plus years).
8/16 - 1:00 - 2:30 - How to set up a Test Session in NWEA, How to assign accommodations in NWEA, Troubleshooting; Tech set up. Video
8/17 - 1:00 - 2:30 - Creating a testing master schedule & Checklists; Accommodations. Video
8/18 - 1:00 - 2:30. - Operational reports; growth reports; room/bin set up. Video
Training Slide Decks and Recordings
BOY ACT Training 8/22 Recording ; 8/23 Recording
ACT School Day Training Videos - 2/12/24, 2/13/24
Turn Key Training:
ACT Checklist:
Training Materials
2023.KTX. December STAAR EOC CTC Training Slide Deck
2023.KTX. December STAAR EOC Campus Based Staff Turnkey Training Slide Deck
11/1/2023 - Returning CTCs; 11/2/2023- New CTCs
Spring STAAR 2024 Training
2023-2024.KTX Annual CTC STAAR Training - Spring Admin
2023-2024.KTX Campus Based STAAR Training Turnkey Slide deck (live 2.20.2024)
Recordings: 2/14/2024; 2/15/2024
Spring STAAR and STAAR ALT 2 Closing Out Testing Training
2023-2024.KTX.STAAR Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Closing out Testing Directions - Step by Step
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
2023-2024 STAAR ALT 2 Materials Return and Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
Test Status Code Report Master Copy - STAAR ALT 2 - DTC Updates
Recordings: 4/12/2024; 4/15/2024
STAAR ALT 2 2024 Training
TXCAN STAAR Online Training (Required for ALT 2 TAs)
KIPP Texas Test Administrator Training for STAAR ALT 2 - SPED Led on 3/8/2024
Passcode: 25kh1ap^
Recordings: 2/14/2024; 2/15/2024
Spring STAAR and STAAR ALT 2 Closing Out Testing Training
2023-2024.KTX.STAAR Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Closing out Testing Directions - Step by Step
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
2023-2024 STAAR ALT 2 Materials Return and Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
Test Status Code Report Master Copy - STAAR ALT 2 - DTC Updates
Recordings: 4/12/2024; 4/15/2024
Interim Assessments
Training Materials
2023-2024.KTX.IA#1 CTC Training Slide Deck
2023-2024. KTX.IA#1.Campus Based Staff Turnkey Training
10/11/2023 - Returning CTCs; 10/12/2023- New CTCs
Content Mastery Session Recordings:
Session #1 - Testhound 10.24.2023
Session #2 - Accommodations and STAAR ALT 2 IA Logistics
Session #3- Illuminate Test Set Up
2023-2024.KTX IA#2 Field Test Cambium CTC Training
2024 STAAR SAFT & IA#2 Turnkey Campus Staff Training Slide Deck
Archived Training Links - 2022-2023 SY
MAP 2022-2023
8.18.22 - Fall MAP Check In - Video of Training
2022-2023 Annual MAP CTC Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Campus Based MAP Training Turnkey Slide Deck
2022-2023 Campus Based MAP Additional Materials/Supplemental Slides
2022 Fall MAP Check In Slide Deck
MAP Reports Training Slide Deck
Pre-work Alternate training links:
Spring MAP CTC Refresher Training and Google Form Quiz (Required for CTCs)
Spring MAP CTC Refresher Training Video
Spring MAP Turnkey Campus Based Staff Training
Interim Assessments 2022-2023
2022-2023 KTX IA#1 CTC Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Test Security Slide Deck (Pre-Work)
2022-2023 KTX IA#1 Campus Staff Turnkey Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Training Thought and Question Tracker
IA Training Day 1 - Returning CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
IA Training Day 2 - New CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
Cambium Online Practice Test Slide Deck Directions for Test Administrators and Students
IA2 CTC Refresher Training Slide Deck
IA2 Turnkey Campus Based Staff IA2 Refresher Training
IA2 Training Day 1 - Returning CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
IA2 Training Day 2 - New CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
STAAR/STAAR ALT 2 2022-2023
2022.KTX December EOC CTC Training Slide Deck
Training Videos: Returning CTCs ; New CTCs
2022.KTX December EOC Turnkey Staff Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 TEA Oath of Test Security (official for STAAR/TELPAS)
2023 STAAR ALT 2 CTC Training Part 1 - How the STAAR ALT 2 Test Works
2023 STAAR ALT 2 CTC Training Part 2 - STAAR ALT 2 CTC Logistics and Requirements
TXCAN STAAR Online Training (Required for ALT 2 Test Administrators; Optional for CTCs)
STAAR ALT 2 Training Requirements for Test Administrators Communication (Joint comm. from SPED and Assessments)
Training Videos: ALT 2 Video
KIPP-specific test administrator training - Practice administration & Utilizing Preview Window effectively
March 3rd 2:30-4:00 (from Shine) Recording
23.KTX.STAAR CTC Annual Training Slide Deck
23.KTX.STAAR Annual Training Turnkey Slide Deck
Training Videos: Returning CTCs ; New CTCs
Closing Out STAAR Training
Training Video ; Test Code Status Report Annotation How To Video (and score code appeals)
CTC Training - Recording
June EOC Test Administrator Training
Other 2022-2023
CTC Role and Intro to Cambium Training Slide Deck
CTC Training Day 1 Video Returning CTCs
CTC Training Day 2 Video New CTCs
Sample Student Tracker - please make a copy before editing!
2022-2023 Accommodations Training Pre-Work
2022-2023 Accommodations Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Accommodations Notes Page
2022-2023 Training Thought and Question Tracker
Accommodations Day 1 Training Video - Returning CTCs Part I and II
Accommodations Day 2 Training Video - New CTCs Part I; Accommodations Day 2 Training Video - New CTCs Part II
Cambium Online Practice Test Slide Deck Directions for Test Administrators and Students
Centralized Reporting System User Guide for Interim Assessments
CRS Roster Update Request Template
CRS LMS Module Training (found on under “after testing activities”)
2023-2024 Newsletter Archives
2022-2023 Archived Progress Monitoring Links
IA#1 Fall 2022
IA#2 Winter 2023
IA#1 Fall 2022
IA#2 Winter 2023
IA#1 Fall 2022
IA#2 Winter 2023
San Antonio
IA#1 Fall 2022
2022-23 HS IA 1 Tracker - San Antonio (Illuminate)
2033-23 MS IA 1 Tracker - San Antonio (Illuminate)
Cambium - HS, MS, PS
IA#2 Winter 2023
Links to Spring MAP Progress Monitoring Trackers
Links to Winter MAP Progress Monitoring Trackers
K-2 Math is required. All other GLs and Subjects are optional and at School Leader discretion for Winter MAP.
Links to MOY Progress Monitoring Trackers
MOY: 11/28-12/15 (analysis on 12.15 and 12.16)
Links to BOY Progress Monitoring Trackers
BOY: 9/15 (analysis on 9.15 and 9.16)
Links to Fall MAP Progress Monitoring Trackers
Links to MOY Progress Monitoring Trackers
MOY: 11/28-12/15 (analysis on 12.15 and 12.16)
Links to BOY Progress Monitoring Trackers
BOY: 9/15 (analysis on 9.15 and 9.16)
2024-2025 Archived Progress Monitoring Links
Assessment Owner
KTX Academic Achievement - Assessments
Sam Lopez, Eric Barnes, Dina Cruz, Skye Raschke
Fall MAP 2023 Trackers
Winter MAP 2023-2024 Trackers
Spring MAP 2023-2024 Trackers
Assessment Owner
KTX Academic Achievement - Assessments
Sam Lopez, Eric Barnes, Dina Cruz, Skye Raschke
Cambium Progress Monitoring Reports How To
Links to Progress Monitoring Trackers
2023-2024 KTX IA#2 Completion Trackers
Assessment Owner
Roxanne Rangel
Shandra Johnson
Dorothy Asim
Links to Progress Monitoring Trackers
Assessment Owner
Madeline Gilliard
Maria Rivera
Links to Progress Monitoring Trackers
Assessment Owner
Advanced Academics
Links to Progress Monitoring Trackers
Report shows all schools please scroll to find your campus specifics
Archived SAFT Resources
2023-2024.KTX IA#2 Field Test Cambium CTC Training
2024 STAAR SAFT & IA#2 Turnkey Campus Staff Training Slide Deck
What is SAFT?
A stand-alone field test is necessary to develop future state assessments with writing components. Field-test data from a sample of students who are representative of the state are critical to the state’s ability to build high-quality assessments.
English and Spanish - online test only
No data received
Number of Questions:
English version: 13 questions with max of 1 extended constructed-response questions
Spanish version: 20-24 questions with max of 1 extended constructed-response and 1 short constructed-response question
The remainder of each field-test form may vary in the type of test questions presented (e.g., multipart, multiple choice, multiselect, hot text, inline choice).
Testing should take 2-3 hours; however, students will have a maximum 7 hours to complete the test. Time is not stopped for lunch/breaks. Testing beyond the instructional day is not allowed.
Who Tests and Testing Dates
Selected Campuses, Tests, and Campus Test Date(s)
Campuses will select a date in the week of February 5-8, 2024
One session per day, to be started in the morning
Schedule 2-3 hours
Students must complete the field test in one school day (7 hours max)
No makeup sessions
All students at the selected campus who are scheduled to take the assigned STAAR reading language arts (RLA) assessment during the 2023–2024 school year should participate in the stand-alone field test. This includes students receiving off-campus instruction (e.g., virtual, homebound, disciplinary setting). Emergent bilingual (EB) students and students with disabilities, with the exception of students who require an accommodation that is not available in the online field test, should participate.
Eligibility (English)
Grades 3-8
students who are scheduled to take the assigned grade level STAAR RLA assessment in spring 2024 test
students who are scheduled to take the assigned course EOC in spring 2024 and are enrolled in and completing the assigned course (i.e., English I, English II) during the 2023–2024 school year test
students who have already passed the EOC but are sitting in the course (earning credit) are not eligible to test
students who have already passed the course but not the EOC (retesters) are not eligible to test
Eligibility (Spanish Grades 3-5)
Due to the limited number of students who take Spanish assessments, the Spanish RLA field test will be a census field test.
All students in grades 3, 4, and 5 who are scheduled to take the STAAR Spanish RLA assessments in spring 2024 are required to participate in the stand-alone field test, and all LEAs who have those students enrolled must administer the field test.
If a campus does not have any students who will be taking the STAAR Spanish RLA assessments in spring 2024, then that campus is not required to participate in the Spanish RLA field test.
What if the LPAC hasn’t documented the test language for the student yet?
The LPAC doesn’t have to have the language currently documented as LPACs often are held much closer to STAAR testing. However, if it looks like the student is projected to take STAAR in Spanish, the student will take the Spanish SAFT.
Note: These students must have Presentation set to “Spanish” under the RLA column in the Test Attributes panel of TIDE.
Resources and Documents
2021-2023 STAAR Archived Links
Blank Seating chart (for campuses who cannot print TH for consolidation)
STAAR Redesign Resources
STAAR Redesign Video Series from Region XIII
STAAR Redesign - Calendar Changes (Video)
Lead4ward Accountability Resources
STAAR Redesign Near and Long-term Implications (2/2022)
TEA STAAR Redesign Updated Resources (9/2022)
2021 Links
December EOC Links 2021
21 STAAR EOC December CTC training slide deck
21 STAAR EOC December training video
21.KTX.STAAR EOC - December Campus Staff Training Turnkey Final
Paper Materials
December EOC Testing Return Checklist
Decemebr EOC Materials Return Training Slide Deck
December EOC Materials Checkout Slide Deck
Closing out online testing in cambium
closing out online testing in cambium office hours
Spring STAAR Links 2022
STAAR Training 2022 CTC Slide Deck
STAAR Training 2022 CTC video of training
STAAR Training 2022 - Turnkey staff training
Paper Materials
Returning Paper Materials - Video from Cambium
SAFT 2022
TEA - Stand Alone Field Test Manual/Script
Field Test Parent Letter Option #2
Field Test - Practice Test Student Facing Slide Deck
Stand-Alone Field Test CTC Playlist- optional
Test Hound Test Configuration Cheat Sheet
STAAR Proctor Test Directions for Student Log in (optional)
Required additional module trainings.
22.Stand Alone Field Test CTC Slide Deck
2022- IA#2 and SAFT Training Recording
December EOC 2022
2022.KTX December EOC CTC Training Slide Deck
Training Videos: Returning CTCs ; New CTCs
2022.KTX December EOC Turnkey Staff Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 TEA Oath of Test Security (official for STAAR/TELPAS)
STAAR ALT 2 2023
2023 STAAR ALT 2 CTC Training Part 1 - How the STAAR ALT 2 Test Works
2023 STAAR ALT 2 CTC Training Part 2 - STAAR ALT 2 CTC Logistics and Requirements
TXCAN STAAR Online Training (Required for ALT 2 Test Administrators; Optional for CTCs)
STAAR ALT 2 Training Requirements for Test Administrators Communication (Joint comm. from SPED and Assessments)
Training Videos: ALT 2 Video
Spring STAAR 2023
23.KTX.STAAR CTC Annual Training Slide Deck
23.KTX.STAAR Annual Training Turnkey Slide Deck
Training Videos: Returning CTCs ; New CTCs
Cambium Online Practice Test Slide Deck Directions for Test Administrators and Students
Closing out Testing 2023
Training Video ; Test Code Status Report Annotation How To Video (and score code appeals)
June EOC
CTC Training - Recording
June EOC Test Administrator Training
Important Links
Spring STAAR Training Links
Test Setup Spring STAAR
Math Reference Charts for printing
Science Reference Charts for printing
Test Security Training and Google Form (affidavit, oath upload, and account request)
Google form roll up (so you can track who had completed the test security training and oath for your campus).
Locally Determined Disciplinary Action Form (must be filled out for student cheating)
23 STAAR KTX - Oral & Signed Administration Campus Staff Training Slide Deck
Monitoring Test Progress, etc. Spring STAAR
Locally Determined Disciplinary Action Form (must be filled out for student cheating)
Entering Student Responses into DEI DirectionsHomebound/Alt School Procedures
22.23.KTX - STAAR Tracker/Homebound/Alternative Schools/medical exception
December EOC Links
Training Links December EOC
2022.KTX December EOC CTC Training Slide Deck
Test Set Up December EOC
Monitoring Test Progress, etc. December EOC
Archived STAAR Resources SY 2023-2024
June EOC Logistics, Important Links, and Resources
KTX Summer School Overview '24 - HS & Secondary - Communication Responsibilities is Part III
Important Links
24.KTX.STAAR CTC June EOC Training | Recording
24.KTX.JUNE STAAR EOC Turnkey Staff Training
24.KTX.June STAAR EOC CTC Checklist
Closing out June EOC STAAR Testing Training
Test Status Code Report Template for June EOC - CTC make a copy for your campus
2023-2024 Test Security Training Rollup from Cornerstone | 2023-2024 Oath Rollup | Link to complete oath
TEA Calendar of Events (AKA when do we get scores)
Closing Out Testing - Quick Access
Spring STAAR and STAAR ALT 2 Closing Out Testing Training
2023-2024.KTX.STAAR Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Closing out Testing Directions - Step by Step
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
2023-2024 STAAR ALT 2 Materials Return and Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
Test Status Code Report Master Copy - STAAR ALT 2 - DTC Updates
Recordings: 4/12/2024; 4/15/2024
Video - How to pull test status code report and copy to template
2023-2024 Irregularity and Incident Report Links
KIPP Texas 23-24 Irregularity and Incident Report for ALL Assessments
Supporting Documentation:
Guidance on Collecting Statements from Educators and Students:
Statements from educators involved in testing irregularities
Obtain separate, typed, signed, and dated statements from all individuals who were involved in or may have information about the incident.
Verify that each KTX Irregularity Report Form statement includes:
name, title, contact information, and role during testing;
how individual was responsible for or involved in incident;
description of incident from individual’s perspective;
individual’s signature; and
date the statement was signed.
Individuals implicated in a serious violation should be informed of the allegations being made and asked to respond directly to all accusations.
Statements from students involved in testing irregularities
Obtain statements from any students who were involved in or may have information about the incident.
Students' statements may be handwritten or recorded and transcribed.
If the district records a student’s statement (video or audio), written consent from the student’s parent must be obtained as required under the TEC §26.009.
Contact information for each student should be maintained at the local level in case TEA requests it for a hearing.
December EOC 2023
Training Materials
2023.KTX. December STAAR EOC CTC Training Slide Deck
2023.KTX. December STAAR EOC Campus Based Staff Turnkey Training Slide Deck
Cambium Online Practice Test Slide Deck Directions for Test Administrators and Students
Closing out STAAR Training 12.6-12.7 (Video)
11/1/2023 - Returning CTCs; 11/2/2023- New CTCs
Content Mastery Session Recordings:
Test Attributes Report and Upload
STAAR ALT 2 2024 Training
TXCAN STAAR Online Training (Required for ALT 2 TAs)
Recordings: 2/14/2024; 2/15/2024
Spring STAAR 2024 Training
2023-2024.KTX Annual CTC STAAR Training - Spring Admin
2023-2024.KTX Campus Based STAAR Training Turnkey Slide deck (live 2.20.2024)
Recordings: 2/14/2024; 2/15/2024
Spring STAAR and STAAR ALT 2 Closing Out Testing Training
2023-2024.KTX.STAAR Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Closing out Testing Directions - Step by Step
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
2023-2024 STAAR ALT 2 Materials Return and Closing Out Testing Slide Deck
Test Status Code Report - CTC Template - Please make a copy before editing
Test Status Code Report Master Copy - STAAR ALT 2 - DTC Updates
Recordings: 4/12/2024; 4/15/2024
December EOC 2023
General Links:
2023-2024 KTX Paper Test Request Application for SPED, 504, JJAEP
Snap & ReadInstructional Accommodations & STAAR Online Accessibility Features
Directions for Testhound - Cambium Test Attributes Upload for STAAR/TELPAS (2023-2024)
Dec EOC:
2023-2024 Student Electronic Device Policy Sign - TAs read this before testing
Training Sign in Template for CTCs - You must make a copy before editing
Testhound Roster Upload Template (make one per test. Local student IDs only)
testing do not disturb signs, break needed, nurse needed, question, emergency signs to bins.
Site Visits - Check-list paper version; google form version
Link to Test Security Training Roll Up: coming soon
Blank Materials Control Form
Set up test session IDs ; Session ID form for Bin; Creating Test Sessions in TA (Video)
Pulling up student lists and editing student profiles in Cambium
One Pager - Creating UNproctored Test Session IDs
Video – How to set up Test Sessions
Handout – Test Session ID secure material handout
Handout – Progress monitoring in Cambium
Cambium Student Log in directions
Cambium Roster Set up this video; this document
The District and Campus Coordinator Resources (DCCR), a collection of webpages, are published at the beginning of each school year and provide the information necessary for district and campus testing coordinators to prepare, administer, and complete the assessments within the Texas Assessment Program. Test administrator manuals explain the responsibilities of test administrators. Test administration information documents supplement the manuals for specific test administrations.
The following test administrator manuals and test administration information documents may be found on the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Student Assessment website:
Educator guides are documents designed to familiarize Texas educators with a specific testing program or process.
STAAR Accessibility Educator Guide
TELPAS Educator Guide
TELPAS Alternate Educator Guide
STAAR Interim Assessments Educator Guide
Texas Formative Assessment Resource Educator Guide
The link below open the Student Assessment testing calendars.
For other key dates in each administration, refer to the Calendar of Events.
Archived STAAR ALT 2 Resources 2023-2024
Testing Reminders:
Friday, April 19, 2023 is the last day to administer any STAAR Alt 2 exams.
The deadline to enter STAAR ALT 2 Exams into DEI is Friday, April 19, 2023 by 4:00pm.
Tests entered after this deadline will not be processed and will not count.
If you need additional guidance on the following:
2024 STAAR ALT 2 Links and Resources
STAAR ALT 2 2024 Training
TXCAN STAAR Online Training (Required for ALT 2 TAs)
KIPP Texas Test Administrator Training for STAAR ALT 2 - SPED Led on 3/8/2024
Passcode: 25kh1ap^
Recordings: 2/14/2024; 2/15/2024
STAAR ALT 2 Materials Return Checklist
Important Documents and Links
2022-2023 IA Archived Resources
Please note - these resources have not been updated for the current school year and may contain outdated or incorrect information for this year's Interim Assessment program. Use with Caution!
Testing Day Pump Up Slide Deck
Cambium Online Practice Test Slide Deck Directions for Test Administrators and Students
Interim Assessment #1 Important Links
2022-2023 KTX IA#1 CTC Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Test Security Slide Deck (Pre-Work)
2022-2023 KTX IA#1 Campus Staff Turnkey Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Training Thought and Question Tracker
IA Training Day 1 - Returning CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
IA Training Day 2 - New CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
Cambium Online Practice Test Slide Deck Directions for Test Administrators and Students
General Resources
Turnkey IA Campus Training Slide Deck
Testhound Log In; Cambium Log In; Illuminate Log In
Cambium Practice Tests Student Facing Slide Deck
LMS - STAAR Interim Assessment Overview Training
IA Parent Letter - make a copy before updating
Updates for 2022-2023
Cambium IA Video; LMS Training
EB IA Accommodations Spreadsheet
EB IA Accommodations Slide Deck (from EB Dept)
KTX Testing Dates Tracker (Due 10/17)
2022-2023 KTX IA Testing Script
Updated KTX Electronics Policy (Strong Draft)
Logistics, Procedures, Guardrails
Testhound Log In; Cambium Log In; Illuminate Log In
Cambium Practice Tests Student Facing Slide Deck
IA Parent Letter - make a copy before updating
Testhound Set Up
Test Hound Test Configuration Cheat Sheet
Testhound Roster Upload Template (make one per test. Local student IDs only)
Manual Entry of Accommodations into TH
<NEW> Directions for Testhound - Cambium Test Attributes Upload for IA#1
Cambium Set Up
Quick Guide to CTC Tasks in Cambium TIDE
Creating Test Sessions in TA (Video)
Test Session ID Form for Testing Bins
Monitoring Test Status in Cambium
STAAR Proctor Instruction Slides
STAAR Interim Assessments FAQ Video
Centralized Reporting System User Guide for Interim Assessments
Teacher of Record Rosters Template
<NEW> Directions for Testhound - Cambium Test Attributes Upload for IA#1
<New> How to pull cambium test status reports and completion reports for makeup testing
Illuminate Set Up
Online testing in Illuminate Step by Step Guide for Illuminate Test Set Up
Illuminate IA#1 Organization Tool
<New> Illuminate Set Up for IA#1 - Quick Video
<NEW> Illuminate Quick Guide IA#1 quick code set up
Interim Assessment #2 Important Links
Training Links
IA2 CTC Refresher Training Slide Deck
IA2 Training Day 1 - Returning CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
IA2 Training Day 2 - New CTCs Video PART 1; PART 2
IA2 Turnkey Campus Based Staff IA2 Refresher Training
2022-2023 Test Security Training
2022-2023 KTX Electronics Policy
2022-2023 KTX Dictionary Policy
2022-2023 KTX Calculator Policy
2022-2023 Active Monitoring Help Chart
General IA2 Links
Testhound Log In; Cambium Log In; Illuminate Log In
Cambium Practice Tests Student Facing Slide Deck
IA Parent Letter - make a copy before updating
KTX Paper Test Request Application
KTX IA Irregularity Report Google Form - REQUIRED
Locally Determined Disciplinary Action Form (must be filled out for student cheating)
Refusal to Test Paperwork 2023
Adjustments to Preparing Supplemental Aids
Guidance on testing in large spaces
Testhound Resources
Test Hound Test Configuration Cheat Sheet
Testhound Roster Upload Template (make one per test. Local student IDs only)
Manual Entry of Accommodations into TH
EB Accommodations Spreadsheet for IA 2
Cambium Resources
Creating Test Sessions in TA (Video)
Test Session ID Materials Control Form
Progress Monitoring Reports How To
Cambium Additional User Account Sign Up - Temporarily paused
Cambium Roster Update Template
Printing Cambium Student Tickets How To
Closing Out Testing in Cambium
Click Sheet - How to Access Scores in Cambium.
Illuminate Resources
<New> Illuminate Set Up for IA - Quick Video
<NEW> Illuminate Quick Guide IA#1-2 quick code set up
Illuminate test ticket examples - One page mail merge template; Excel mail merge template
STAAR ALT 2 Resources
All students identified as participating in STAAR Alt 2 for Spring 2023
have completed the Assurance Form or it will be completed by 3/27
List of students - Tab 3
Each student should take on STAAR Alt 2 2019 Release test at their grade level in one priority content area (Reading or Math)
Each campus will determine which content area to prioritize for IAs#2
Within Testing Window: 1/30 - 2/9
Testing Materials - on paper
Either CTC or Special pops should print out
Test Administrator Book Manual
Student Test Booklet
Will need to set it up on TestHound - Materials Control Form
take 3-4 minutes to review plan
Scoring Directions
All student results will be documented by GAIN/Sped teacher and uploaded to the google folder below
Google Folder- IA2- STAAR ALT 2 Data Spreadsheets - All Campuses
2023-2024 IA Archived Resources
Test Security Training and Testing Oath Reminder Due 2.2.2024
The 2023-2024 KTX Test Security Training Module and Oath of Test Security will be released to all KTX staff by 11/2/2023 via Cornerstone. This training is required for all BIG KIPPsters who will be on campus during District and State testing this year, who will be directly assisting/participating in District/State testing this year, and/or if you will need access to secure test results and data.
Cornerstone - All staff will be required to complete the 2023-2024 KTX Test Security Training Module via cornerstone, prior to testing. This will be available on or before November 2, 2023
Oath - All staff will be required to complete the 2023-2024 Test Security Oath via cornerstone (link at end of training), prior to testing. This will be available on or before November 2, 2023
Optional: Cambium Account - There will be a link at the end of the Cornerstone training for staff members who wish to sign up for a Cambium Account. For more information about access levels please click here. Accounts will only be made if the training and oath are completed.
CTCs will monitor training and oath completion for their school and for any additional volunteers who will be on campus during testing. CTCs will receive access to the training rollup and the Oath folder once it has launched.
If you do not have access to Cornerstone, please put in a Zendesk Help Ticket to the Applications team.
If you are a parent volunteer or contracted employee, please reach out to the CTC of the campus you will be testing/volunteering/located at for more information on how to access this training.
Update on Content Language Supports for Illuminate IAs
Content Language Supports and Spanish Tests Updates
Content Language Supports will be a separate assessment in Illuminate with the .CLS at the end of it. There will be no paper content language supports for ANY assessment this year. CTCs will need to make separate quick codes for students needing CLS.
Spanish language tests for 3rd-5th grade will are labeled in Illuminate with .SPA at the end of the test. Separate quick codes are required for Spanish tests.
Please use the Illuminate Org Tool to help you keep track of your illuminate quick codes (access codes).
Scratch Paper Policy Change for Illuminate IAs only
Only for IAs- student/work scratch paper will be collected & scanned
SL must designate a member of SL Team to progress monitor the collection process by 11/17
CTC is not responsible for scanning student work & progress monitoring
CTC will separate used scratch paper into piles by test.
Teachers should pick up scratch paper by the end of their testing day
Teachers are responsible for scanning.
Teachers should return used scratch paper to the CTC once they are done scanning.
CTC should have a shred bucket for scratch paper once it has been returned.
Rationale and additional guidance/actions steps can be found here
No pictures or capturing of student test screens or of student work will be allowed
For STAAR assessments scanning, taking pictures, capturing a digital image of any STAAR screen, test question, scratch paper, or any related item is not allowed.
IA#2 Overview
Testing Window: 2/26/24- 3/6/24
Mandatory Testing Dates for each GL/Subject
All campus testing dates must be updated on the 2023-2024 Testing Date Tracker no later than 2/2/2023
The last two days of the window should be reserved for makeup testing only
Testing outside the designated window is not allowed
Platform: Illuminate Online Tests
Time Limits: 7 hours max
Students have up to 7 hours in the same day to complete the test
Only students with the Extra Day TEA approved designated support may test over two days
The clock starts after the test directions are read
Clock does not stop for Lunch/Breaks
Clock is only paused for medical breaks (nurse) or school wide emergencies
Schools should consolidate testers after 3-4 hours into late testing groups
Students may not test beyond the end of the instructional day (dismissal)
Subjects/Grades/Courses Tested:
3-7 Math
Algebra 1 EOC
Retesters who did not pass the December EOC administration should remain in an intervention group and prepare for the spring administration. These students should take the IA#2 for EOCs they still need to pass.
Reading Language Arts
3-8 RLA
English I EOC
Retesters who did not pass the December EOC administration should remain in an intervention group and prepare for the spring administration. These students should take the IA#2 for EOCs they still need to pass.
English II EOC
Retesters who did not pass the December EOC administration should remain in an intervention group and prepare for the spring administration. These students should take the IA#2 for EOCs they still need to pass.
5th Science
8th Science
Biology EOC
AP Bio students the IA2 is required
Retesters who did not pass the December EOC administration should remain in an intervention group and prepare for the spring administration. These students should take the IA#2 for EOCs they still need to pass.
Social Studies
8th Social Studies
US History EOC
APUSH students the IA2 is required.
Retesters who did not pass the December EOC administration should remain in an intervention group and prepare for the spring administration. These students should take the IA#2 for EOCs they still need to pass.
To provide students and teachers with the opportunity to practice taking and administering STAAR Alt 2 and identify necessary accommodations to be most successful
To target critical need Essence States based on student data
Yes, students will participate in either (focused area)
Math 2023 STAAR Alt Released test
Reading 2023 STAAR Alt 2 Released test
For IA#2 - Each student should take one STAAR Alt 2 2023 Released test at their grade level in one priority content area (Reading or Math). Students who took Reading for IA#1 should take Math for IA#2 and vice versa.
What happens if I already used one or both of those tests?
Select the subject in which the student struggled the most or alternate subject tested for that grade level (ie Writing, Social Studies, and Science
Window for Alt 2: 2/19-3/7
Longer than regular IA due to test design & allow time to administer
Administering the test:
Students with paper/pencil skills
Students who need one to one
Where can I find the assessments?
Click on this link
Answer documents: STAAR ALT 2 Test Administrator Manual - RLA pg. 30, M/S/SS pg. 31
You will need to print the student book, the teacher guide, and the answer document
Campuses are responsible for printing STAAR ALT 2 IA#1 materials
Hand score as you go along
Teacher Guide Booklet has the answers
Directions for reporting scores- Here
IA#2 Important Links
Training Materials
2023-2024.KTX IA#2 Field Test Cambium CTC Training
2024 STAAR SAFT & IA#2 Turnkey Campus Staff Training Slide Deck
1/17/2024 - Returning CTCs; 1/18/2024- New CTCs
Important Links
Interim Assessment:
New Testing Script (updated for IA#2)
IA#2 Illuminate Quick Code Organization Tool (Coming 2/5/2024)
Training Sign in Template for CTCs - You must make a copy before editing
Testhound Roster Upload Template (make one per test. Local student IDs only)
Illuminate Quick Guide for IA quick code set up - Updated 23-24
Illuminate test ticket examples - One page mail merge template; Excel mail merge template
testing do not disturb signs, break needed, nurse needed, question, emergency signs to bins.
Reference Materials (For Printing)
General Links:
STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate NAAR Eligibility Requirements
STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements
IA#1 Overview
Testing Window: 12/11 - 12/20
Schools may choose testing dates within the window
All campus testing dates must be updated on the 2023-2024 Testing Date Tracker no later than 11/3/2023
The last two days of the window should be reserved for makeup testing only
Testing outside the designated window is not allowed
Platform: Illuminate Online Tests
Time Limits: 7 hours max
Students have up to 7 hours in the same day to complete the test
Only students with the Extra Day TEA approved designated support may test over two days
The clock starts after the test directions are read
Clock does not stop for Lunch/Breaks
Clock is only paused for medical breaks (nurse) or school wide emergencies
Schools should consolidate testers after 3-4 hours into late testing groups
Students may not test beyond the end of the instructional day (dismissal)
Subjects/Grades/Courses Tested:
3-7 Math
Algebra 1 EOC
Retesters will not take IA#1 because they will be taking the December EOC administration
Reading Language Arts
3-8 RLA
English I EOC
Retesters will not take IA#1 because they will be taking the December EOC administration
English II EOC
Retesters will not take IA#1 because they will be taking the December EOC administration
5th Science
8th Science
Biology EOC
For AP Bio students IA1 is optional; the IA2 is required
Retesters will not take IA#1 because they will be taking the December EOC administration
Social Studies
8th Social Studies
US History EOC
For APUSH students IA1 is optional; the IA2 is required.
Retesters will not take IA#1 because they will be taking the December EOC administration
To provide students and teachers with the opportunity to practice taking and administering STAAR Alt 2 and identify necessary accommodations to be most successful
To target critical need Essence States based on student data
Yes, students will participate in either (focused area)
Math 2023 STAAR Alt Released test
Reading 2023 STAAR Alt 2 Released test
What happens if I already used one or both of those tests?
Select the subject in which the student struggled the most or alternate subject tested for that grade level (ie Writing, Social Studies, and Science
Window for Alt 2: 11/29-12/21
Longer than regular IA due to test design & allow time to administer
Administering the test:
Students with paper/pencil skills
Students who need one to one
Where can I find the assessments?
Click on this link
Answer documents: STAAR ALT 2 Test Administrator Manual - RLA pg. 30, M/S/SS pg. 31
You will need to print the student book, the teacher guide, and the answer document
Campuses are responsible for printing STAAR ALT 2 IA#1 materials
Hand score as you go along
Teacher Guide Booklet has the answers
Directions for reporting scores- Here
IA#1 Important Links
Training Materials
2023-2024.KTX.IA#1 CTC Training Slide Deck
2023-2024. KTX.IA#1.Campus Based Staff Turnkey Training
10/11/2023 - Returning CTCs; 10/12/2023- New CTCs
Content Mastery Session Recordings:
Session #1 - Testhound 10.24.2023
Session #2 - Accommodations and STAAR ALT 2 IA Logistics
Session #3- Illuminate Test Set Up
Important Links
Interim Assessment:
Training Sign in Template for CTCs - You must make a copy before editing
Testhound Roster Upload Template (make one per test. Local student IDs only)
Illuminate Set Up for IA - Quick Video (from last year- not yet updated)
Illuminate Quick Guide for IA quick code set up - Updated 23-24
Illuminate test ticket examples - One page mail merge template; Excel mail merge template
General Proctoring & Monitoring Progress on Online Assessments
testing do not disturb signs, break needed, nurse needed, question, emergency signs for bins.
General Links:
Accommodations (for more accommodations resources visit the Accommodations Page):
2023-2024 KTX Paper Test Request Application for SPED, 504, JJAEP
Snap & Read Instructional Accommodations & STAAR Online Accessibility Features
23-24 KTX STAAR ALT 2 Preliminary Student List (please refer to the directions on the first tab)
STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate NAAR Eligibility Requirements
STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS Alternate Medical Exception Eligibility Requirements
2022-2023 MAP Archived Documents and Links
These links are provided for your reference. Please make sure you are using the 2023-2024 version of all documents!
2022-2023 Annual MAP CTC Training Slide Deck
2022-2023 Campus Based MAP Training Turnkey Slide Deck
2022-2023 Campus Based MAP Additional Materials/Supplemental Slides
MAP Reports Training Slide Deck
Pre-work Alternate training links:
Additional Resource Links
NWEA Website (Growth MAP)
NWEA Professional Learning Site (requires an additional account, please use your KIPP Email when registering)
MAP Test Directions (2-8)
MAP Parent Letter (updated 7.19)
2020 NWEA MAP Growth Norm Charts (percentile and GL correlation starts on page 21)
Screen Resolution issues try CTRL SHIFT 0 (Zero) and restarting the Chromebook
How to Pull an operational Report to make makeup testing lists - Quick Video
Calculator Policy and how to clear memory on shared calculator
NWEA phone number: 866-654-3246
Tech Contract for Test Administrators who do not turn in electronics (optional)
Winter MAP to Do (please refer to the CTC MAP Checklist for more details):
Fill out the participation survey if you have not already done so:
Add your dates to the testing date tracker:
Complete your Winter Refresher Training (CTC) by 11.18.2022
Please complete the Google Quiz Exit Ticket to let us know you have completed your training.
We will send additional invites for office hours.
Set up test sessions in NWEA (you can use Fall 2022 saved sessions, search for them and just edit them for Winter 2022 or you can set up new sessions)
Set up Testhound – Test admin is KTX Winter MAP 2022-2023
You are required to use testhound for Winter and Spring MAP testing
You are required to provide accommodations and a way to track that test administrators sign off on them
Meet with special populations to finalize accommodations.
Hold your meeting.
You must print and sign the master accommodation
Accommodation Meeting Digital Assurance Form - Please make a copy of this google from before sharing with your special pops team
STAAR Accommodations meeting agenda and help chart - use this one -Updated 9/23/2022
Train your staff before testing begins (quick updates < 30mins)
Use the refresher slide deck or the Turnkey Slide Deck from Fall 2022.
Mark things off on the checklist as you go.
2020 NWEA MAP Growth Norm Charts (percentile and GL correlation starts on page 21)
Spring MAP CTC Refresher Training and Google Form Quiz (Required for CTCs)
Spring MAP CTC Refresher Training Video
Spring MAP Turnkey Campus Based Staff Training
[Action Require] – Please update your enrolment numbers (purple column) on your region’s MAP completion tracker (linked below). The KAT dashboard was last updated on 4/11/2023 and cannot be updated at this time.
Past Due Please review this quick training slide deck and complete the Google Form at the end.
Spring MAP CTC Refresher Self-Paced Training (Required Google form linked at the end)
If you prefer a video copy of the Spring MAP Refresher with RAC narration, I made a video you can watch.
Thank you to those schools who completed this training by the 4/28 deadline!
Pas Due Testing Window: May 8-May 26th.
All campuses must meet the 90% completion goal by COB on 5/26/2023.
All campuses must add their testing dates to the Testing Dates Tracker by EOD 4/28
Please do not wait until the end of the window to test!
Please leave adequate time for makeup testing
Tests Required (Same as Fall MAP)
K-2 Math and Reading.
3-8 Math, Reading, Science, Language (language is required for TCP if you have stand-alone writing teachers in 3rd-8th grade).
You must test any GL/Subjects that you tested for Fall MAP in order to close the data loop.
EX. -If you had a writing teacher in august but no longer have that teacher, you still must complete language test because you tested them in the fall.
Student who qualified for accommodations on Spring 2023 STAAR should receive their accommodations for Spring MAP
Applies to grades 3 -8
Students in Kinder- 2nd Grade with SPED or 504 IEPs/IAPs will receive the accommodations on their IEP.
Must be officially documented by the committee in ESPED.
Each room must have two big KIPPsters!
Schools must have room proctors (teachers responsible for actively monitoring the assessment in the classroom)
Lead proctors – teachers responsible for running the grade level test session on the computer. Lead proctors usually sit in the hallway outside the testing rooms and help solve tech issues
The proctor in the room CANNOT run the test session. You cannot actively monitor when you are focused on the computer the whole time!
You can reuse saved sessions from Fall/Winter MAP (you must choose the fall/Winter map window from the drop down under saved sessions. Once you edit/update the session, it will be automatically saved under winter MAP.
All terminations and retest requests must be recorded and approved on the Retest/Termination Request form.
Students should have the same accommodations they used for Spring STAAR 2023.
Schools must send home MAP Score Reports to families by the last day of school (you can print/send student progress report, family report, or send home copy of the student’s MAP tracker).
Additional Resource Links
NWEA Website (Growth MAP)
NWEA Professional Learning Site (requires an additional account, please use your KIPP Email when registering)
MAP Test Directions (2-8)
MAP Parent Letter (updated 7.19)
2020 NWEA MAP Growth Norm Charts (percentile and GL correlation starts on page 21)
Screen Resolution issues try CTRL SHIFT 0 (Zero) and restarting the Chromebook
How to Pull an operational Report to make makeup testing lists - Quick Video
Calculator Policy and how to clear memory on shared calculator
NWEA phone number: 866-654-3246
Tech Contract for Test Administrators who do not turn in electronics (optional)
2023-2024 MAP Archived
2023- 2024 KIPP Texas MAP Retest/Termination Links
23-24 MAP Retest/Termination Request Form
23-24 MAP Retest/Termination Tracker
A student is considered "tested" by NWEA when one or more of the following criteria are met:
- Student has a valid test (Default)
- Student has a test that is inside of the test window (Default)
- Student has a test that is not excluded from reports (Default)
- Student has a test that did not reach the rapid-guessing threshold (Default)
- Student has a test that was terminated (Default)
Spring MAP CTC Refresher Self-Paced Training (Required Google form linked at the end)
Tests Required (Same as Fall MAP)
K-2 Math and Reading.
3-8 Math, Reading, Science, Language (language is required for TCP if you have stand-alone writing teachers in 3rd-8th grade).
You must test any GL/Subjects that you tested for Fall MAP in order to close the data loop.
EX. -If you had a writing teacher in August but no longer have that teacher, you still must complete language test because you tested them in the fall.
If your campus tested 2nd grade language in the Fall, you must test 2nd grade language in the Spring.
As you know, the Spring MAP window is swiftly approaching. Please read on for some important Spring MAP reminders and deadlines. The window is from April 29th- May 17th. All campuses must meet the 95% completion goal in all subjects by close of business on 5/17/2024. Due to the end of the school year, there will be no window extensions. Reach out if you have any questions.
If you are no longer, you school’s MAP coordinator, please forward this onto the correct staff member and let me know who the new coordinator is, ASAP!
Spring MAP to Do (please refer to the CTC MAP Checklist for more details):
Please review this quick training slide deck and complete the Google Form at the end.
Testing Window: April 29th - May 17th
All campuses must meet the 95% completion goal by COB on 5/17/2024.
All campuses must add their testing dates to the Testing Dates Tracker by EOD 4/26
Please do not wait until the end of the window to test!
Waiting to the last minute puts your teacher's TCP/TIA data and payouts at risk 🙁
Please leave adequate time for makeup testing
Tests Required (Same as Fall MAP)
K-2 Math and Reading.
3-8 Math, Reading, Science, Language (language is required for TCP if you have stand-alone writing teachers in 3rd-8th grade).
You must test any GL/Subjects that you tested for Fall MAP in order to close the data loop.
EX. -If you had a writing teacher in August but no longer have that teacher, you still must complete language test because you tested them in the fall.
If your campus tested 2nd grade language in the Fall, you must test 2nd grade language in the Spring.
Student who qualified for accommodations on Spring 2024 STAAR should receive their accommodations for Spring MAP
Applies to grades 3 -8
Students in Kinder- 2nd Grade with SPED, 504, or MTSS IEPs/IAPs will receive the accommodations on their IEP (instructional or testing as appropriate. Only allowable testing accommodations are allowed).
Must be officially documented by the committee in ESPED.
PS CTCs you should meet and make sure your accommodation list for K-2 is up to date
keep in mind- these accommodations will not be in testhound (unless you have manually added them) because K-2 does not have testing accommodations in their IEP.
Each room must have two big KIPPsters!
Schools must have room proctors (teachers responsible for actively monitoring the assessment in the classroom)
Lead proctors – teachers responsible for running the grade level test session on the computer. Lead proctors usually sit in the hallway outside the testing rooms and help solve tech issues
The proctor in the room CANNOT run the test session. You cannot actively monitor when you are focused on the computer the whole time!
You can reuse saved sessions from Fall/Winter MAP (you must choose the fall/Winter map window from the drop down under saved sessions. Once you edit/update the session, it will be automatically saved under winter MAP.
All terminations and retest requests must be recorded and approved on the Retest/Termination Request form.
Students should have the same accommodations they used for Spring STAAR 2023.
Schools must send home MAP Score Reports to families by the last day of school- 5/23/2024 (you can print/send student progress report, family report, or send home copy of the student’s MAP tracker).
Set up Testhound – Test admin is KTX Spring MAP 2024 or create a google doc with your testing schedule and groups
You are not required to use testhound for Winter and Spring MAP testing
If you do use Testhound you should print the Room Accommodations report and Materials Control Report for your bins
MAP CTCs if you do not have access to Testhound and would like access, please email your RAC directly. You will need to complete some TH training on your own time.
You are required to provide accommodations and a way to track that test administrators sign off on them. These signed forms must be included in your testing documentation folder.
If you do not use Testhound - you must provide TAs with a blank seating chart to fill out for each session.
Meet with special populations to finalize accommodations.
Hold your meetings - for K-2nd campuses you will need to meet to review accommodations for K-2 students in MTSS, 504, or SPED.
For 3rd-8th grade, the accommodations they received on Spring STAAR 2024 are the same accommodations they will receive on Spring MAP
Please reach out to your RAC if you have any questions!
Additional Resources:
How to create test sessions in NWEA
Proctoring 1 pager for Lead Proctors
Troubleshooting NWEA Common Issues
Required Additional Materials and Allowable Dictionaries Policy for MAP
How to Pull an operational Report to make makeup testing lists - Quick Video
How to Pull a Growth Report - Quick Video
As always, the Assessment Team is here for you to answer any questions, please just reach out! 🙂
2023-2024 Fall MAP 101 & 102 CTC Training Pre-work
Pre-work Completion list (updates MWF)
2023-2024 Fall MAP 101 & 102 CTC Training Slide Deck
2023-2024 Fall MAP Mastery Content Sessions Slide Deck
MAP Training Question Tracker (CTC Questions & Answers)
Training Recordings:
8/1/2023 Returning CTCs 1:00-2:30PM
8/2/2023 New CTCs 9:00-10:30AM
8/7/2023 Returning CTCs 1:00-2:30PM
8/8/2023 New CTCs 9:00-10:30AM
Mastery Content Sessions
New MAP CTCS (required)- please ensure that you attend each of the MAP Master Content Trainings listed below. These trainings are optional for Returning CTCs (2 plus years).
8/16 - 1:00 - 2:30 - How to set up a Test Session in NWEA, How to assign accommodations in NWEA, Troubleshooting; Tech set up. Video
8/17 - 1:00 - 2:30 - Creating a testing master schedule & Checklists; Accommodations. Video
8/18 - 1:00 - 2:30. - Operational reports; growth reports; room/bin set up. Video
Important Links
Retest & Termination Request Form
Retest & Termination Request Status Tracker
Transition Guide MARC to new Start Page layout
2023-2024 MAP Turnkey Campus Training Slide Deck
Site Visit Checklist (print version)
Site Visit Checklist (Google Form Version)
Quicksheet CTC Role & Responsibilities
2023-2024 KTX Testing Handbook (coming soon)
2023-2024 KTX Assessment Strategy and Testing Calendar
2023-2024 Accommodations Deadlines
2023-2024 Testing Oath (will be live on Hub next week)
2023-2024 Test Security Training for ALL Staff - (coming soon in Cornerstone)
How to create test sessions in NWEA
Proctoring 1 pager for Lead Proctors
Troubleshooting NWEA Common Issues
Required Additional Materials and Allowable Dictionaries Policy for MAP
How to Pull an operational Report to make makeup testing lists - Quick Video
How to Pull a Growth Report - Quick Video
Seating Chart/Roster Examples for BOY Assessments (non-testhound)
You can also create your own seating chart using google sheets, or using Skyward rosters.