Test Administrator Manuals

TEA only provides districts with limited supplies of pre-printed Test Administration manuals for STAAR and TELPAS Online testing. If schools wish to have printed copies of all other Manuals, they must be print them themselves at the campus. 

Link to All TEA Manuals

TELPAS Training- Cambium for Multilingual Specialists 

Need TELPAS Help?

Call Cambium helpline:  833-601-8821

Jo-Kate Collier

Monica Espinoza

2024-2025 Irregularity and Incident Report Links

2024-2025 Irregularity Report Form (all assessments)

2024-2025 Testing Irregularity form 

Signature Page (original doc title says 22-23 but it has not changed)

TELPAS/TELPAS ALT Resources 2024-2025

Archived: TELPAS/TELPAS ALT Resources 2023-2024

Testhound is not used for TELPAS/TELPAS ALT - schools should use google sheets/skyward for rostering and can use the blank seating charts linked below or create their own. 

General Testing Resources for DoMEs

Example Checklists:

Example Campus Testing Plans:


Accessibility Features

Accessibility features are procedures and materials available to any student who benefits regularly from their use during instruction. A student cannot be required to use them during testing, and there is no need to document their use in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) for test administrations. These accessibility features are available for use on TELPAS.

■ Language Supports

●Signing Test Directions

●Translating Test Directions

■ Assistive Technology: Learning and Cognition Supports

●Blank Scratch Paper

●Sticky Notes


■ Assistive Technology: Hearing Supports

●Amplification Devices

■ Assistive Technology: Visual Supports

●Color Settings

●Line Reader

●Zoom Feature

●Highlighters and Colored Pencils

●Large Mouse Pointer

●Projection Devices

■ Assistive Technology: Focus and Attention Supports

●Tools to Minimize Distractions or Maintain Focus

■ Assistive Technology: Applications ●Permissive Mode

●Use of an Electronic Device to Monitor a Health Condition

■ Setting Supports

● Individual Test Administration

●Small Group Administration

■ Timing Supports

●Reminding Students to Stay on Task

The following designated supports (assigned and approved by special populations committees in an official meeting) are available on TELPAS:

The following designated supports require TEA approval:

The following procedures are not permitted on TELPAS, as they may invalidate the test.

■ Students may not receive reading assistance.

■Dictionaries, thesauruses, glossaries, or any other reference materials may not be used.

■ Test questions, answer choices, listening selections, reading selections, and constructed response items may not be translated.

■ Test questions, answer choices, and selections may not be rephrased, clarified, or read to students.