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はじめに – Introduction
Latest update on 2023/9/21
What is ecology?
Theoretical studies
- One species' system
- Metapopulation
- Two species' system
- Three species' system
- Communities of more than three species
- Metacommunity
Empirical studies
- How to measure species interactions
What is evolutionary biology?
Population genetics
- Fundamental theories
Evolution of quantitative traits
- Quantitative genetics
- Adaptive dynamics
- Oligomorphic dynamics
- Sexual selection
Game theory
Evolution driven by species interaction
- Competition
- Predator & prey
- Mutualism & parasitism
Mathematical tools in mathematical biology
Causal inference
Information theory
Network science
Theoretical biology on molecular & cellular dynamics
For beginners of mathematical biology
Levins, R. (1966). The strategy of model building in population biology. American scientist, 54(4), 421-431.
Roberts, P. A. (2024). Advice to a Young Mathematical Biologist. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86(5), 52.
Otto, S. P., & Day, T. (2011). A biologist's guide to mathematical modeling in ecology and evolution. In A Biologist's guide to mathematical modeling in ecology and evolution. Princeton University Press.
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