
What is ecology?

Life on earth is wonderfully diverse and communities are complex. Why and how is biodiversity maintained or changing is the central topic in ecology.

### needed to be written ### 

・ Scale of subjects

Molecular ecology

Population ecology

Community ecology

Ecosystem ecology

・ Objects

Evolutionary ecology > Trait 

Functional ecology > Functional groups


Species distribution 

They study the presence and population dynamics of species. 

Ecologists have well-documented various phenomena and processes. They tend to discuss each phenomenon and process separately. Therefore, it is still unclear which process is important to species coexistence and distribution. Also, when there are multiple processes simultaneously, it is hard to discuss which process is relatively important. Then, we should synthesize many processes and construct a theoretical framework. To my knowledge, there are two synthesis on community dynamics. 

Example 1: Modern coexistence theory by Chesson (2000)

This theory enables us to discuss which is relatively important in three processes by using statistical models. 

Example 2: A theory on ecological communities by Vellend (2016)


Big question


a. Intraspecific competition

b. Movement

c. Demographic stochasicity / Environmental fluctuation

d. Phenology

e. Metapopulation

a. Evolutionary rescue

b. Increasing genetic variation does not always promote coexistence 

c. Evolutionary suicide

d. Changing periods of a limit cycle

a. Competition

b. Predator-prey interaction

c. Mutualism

a. The mechanism of weakening competitive exclusion

< Column 3: Niche theory & Neutral theory >

a. Tilmann model

b. Unified neutral theory

a. Three competitors

b. One-predator-two-prey system

c. One-prey-two-predator system 

d. One-resource-two-competitor system (apparent competition)

e. Rock-scissor-paper system

< Column 4: Chaos >

a. Rarity of chaos & examples

a. May's paradigm

b. Are Specis-rich communities robust to abrupt enviromental changes?: "Catastrophic shifts"

c. Metacommunity

< Column 5: Community assembly >

< Column 6: Invasion ecology >

a. Trade-offs


