One of the major concepts discussed in General Physics 2 would be work. This refers to the energy that is transferred from one object to another, in a particular system. Going into further detail, one can say that work has been done when a force acts upon an object, and the said force proceeds to move the object or displace such. To add to these, the amount of work that can be done is dependent on mainly three variables, particularly the displacement experienced by the object, amount of force present, as well as the angle between force and displacement.

Going through the various materials on this topic was quite eye-opening for me, as I was reminded of how work is something that can be observed in most of my daily tasks. One example of this would be when I am moving the furniture in my house around when I am cleaning or sweeping. This is because I will be moving the said furniture from rest to another position, due to a force provided by me.

Another example of how work is present in real-life situations for me would also be when I am exercising for either my physical education (PE) class, or personal benefit. Going into further detail, work is done when I am lifting dumbbells, as I am exerting a force to move such equipment from one position to another.

Along with work, another concept from this course would be the moment of force or torque. This specific concept refers to the tendency of a force to cause an object to rotate in a certain manner. Moments can be calculated through multiplying force applied to an object, by the perpendicular distance of such from the pivot point. Having said this, moments are dependent on two variables, which are the force itself, and on the position at which the said force acts.

Similar to my experiences regarding the concept of work, going through the module on moments allowed me to see how such a concept is actually applied throughout our daily lives more often than we think. One example of such would be when I am sharpening pencils or colored pencils when I would want to draw or color art in my free time. Going into further detail, this is because when I would put my pencils in the sharpener, I would have to hold it at a certain point, and rotate such or apply a force, in order for the pencils to be successfully sharpened for use, later on.

Along with that, as cooking is one of my hobbies, studying moments or torque helped me realize that such is present when I am turning on the knobs of stoves, or opening jars of ingredients. For the turning on of the gas in stoves or other kitchen appliances, torque is applied, as I have to hold the knob at a certain point, and I will be exerting a force on such that can allow it to rotate. With regards to opening jars, such as jars of kimchi, the concept of torque is applied when I am holding the lid and applying a force in order for it to rotate and loosen, so that I can access the contents of the jar.